New details on gunman who shot 2 NYPD officers

New details on gunman who shot 2 NYPD officers

New York City Mayor Eric Adams revealed the suspect allegedly had multiple weapons on Friday night as police responded to a domestic violence call. One officer was killed and another was hurt.



#WorldNewsTonight #NewYorkCity #MayorEricAdams #DomesticViolence #OfficersKilled


30 thoughts on “New details on gunman who shot 2 NYPD officers

  1. Rivera and Mora forever 😇

  2. How about we stop pandering to blm and all these stupid ass democrats that love bail reform. Revoke that bail reform, bring back stop and frisk, bring back the anti crime unit, and take these progressive DAs out and put in someone who is going to be tough on criminals.

  3. This is the job they signed up for. Imagine being a cop or military and expecting not to get shot. Lol you signed up for this. Now cops are scared about time they feel how the public has felt from there unlawfulness

  4. Wait a minute here, It's terrible that those officers lost their lives here. The department and the news want to give another narrative exploiting those officers death. The fact that that Mayor and former officer called that rifle semi automatic rifle an "automatic assault weapon" just shows me all I need to know. The problem here is felons with firearms not the firearms themselves. How many law abiding residents of NYC conceal carry? It's crazy to me that state and city violate the Second Amendment.

  5. All of these left wing politician who enacted soft on crime policies are responsible for this, especially BLM, antifa and the Manhattan DA, he has blood on his hands. This whole attitude of supporting criminals & demonizing our law enforcement is not making our cities safer, more innocent people are being hurt or murdered, America will never be safe again unless we elect politicians who take law & order seriously for a safe peaceful environment

  6. I heard the cops were resisting and not taking directives…

  7. Of Coarse No mention about Open Boarders where anyone can buy multiple weapons from not only adults but from teens & some of these arms dealers are dropped off in the early a.m. hours in every small town america.

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