U.S. officials confirmed no one was aware the woman, whose identity is not publicly known, was among the hostages until she was rescued by French forces.
12 thoughts on “New details of American woman freed in West Africa”
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U.S. officials confirmed no one was aware the woman, whose identity is not publicly known, was among the hostages until she was rescued by French forces.
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moral of the story. don't go to africa
Islam – the religion of peace.
Why this nigga have makeup all over his face?
World press freedom index 2019
Ghana – West Africa – (27)
The United Kingdom – Europe ( 33)
The United States of America – America (48)
Nobodys business leave her alone Viva le France
She was part of Naked and Afraid. They thought she tapped out and went home.
With all of the horrendous things happening in South Africa why would anyone even think about going?!? Stupid is as stupid does.
Thankyou very much France â¤🇺🇸🇫🇷🇪🇺â¤
The media is like a dog with a bone. They just can understand why somebody wants to remain out of their teeth. What, she doesn't want to be on Good Morning America and sell her story to Hollywood?
My admiration increases for these French Special Forces and others who are willing to give up their lives for strangers.
Africa looked more developed decades ago when the white man colonized them
Since the white man left they turn back to the stone ages