The prosecutor released to the teens lawyers 2,000 pages of investigative documents containing a treasure trove of new information.
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He's "painfully depressed" ….No your son knew what he was doing…let Italy keep em and do what they will.
Sorry but if you can’t identify yourself as an officer, have no weapons or uniform, and trying to apprehend me in a foreign country…I sure as hell would not go willingly either. I don’t agree with stabbing but I wouldn’t have just said “okay, cool!â€ÂÂÂÂ
Apparently, people are forgetting one key element regarding Italy and the drugs.
Where did those drugs come from? Did they come from the United States or from Italy?
they should be punished. period.
Entitled punks
They are still headed to jail.
A person was stabbed and killed. Nothing justifies what they did unless if it was in self defense which clearly isn’t the case.
Travel so far to get drugs? Sure they may be depressed, with withdrawal symptoms. That doesn't justify their criminal actions.
Little info short report not good
Drug deal, armed with a knife….. murder!
So what do you think of this TRUMP??
Stupid kids
If you love America, you don’t fight to get them back. Fight to keep them in foreign jail
rich kids should get what they deserve! life in an Italian prison.
Who cares if he wasn't in police uniform… Doesn't make it okay to kill people
please rot them in jail!!!!
ABC, is this the information you provide to Americans?
I'm not surprised that half of them still think that Amanda Knox was just the wrong person in the wrong place.
You just have to listen at the Italian news and translate. It's not difficult at all. Don't do on your own, you are not CNN.
The two teenagers are possessed by fallen angels that are Narcissists and Murders.
These are the facts and the Truth.
The reporter's eyebrows are like a scarecrow
give em death by rape … move on lol
Shorten those eyebrows a bit, lady
Fucking Terrorists. Exactly what are.
Let’s just say, the teens were blacks….
Facts so unfairly represented….um he stabs and kills a cop, pretty straight forward.