New details in arrest of 2 Americans accused in stabbing death of Italian policeman | ABC News

New details in arrest of 2 Americans accused in stabbing death of Italian policeman | ABC News

The prosecutor released to the teens lawyers 2,000 pages of investigative documents containing a treasure trove of new information.


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24 thoughts on “New details in arrest of 2 Americans accused in stabbing death of Italian policeman | ABC News

  1. Sorry but if you can’t identify yourself as an officer, have no weapons or uniform, and trying to apprehend me in a foreign country…I sure as hell would not go willingly either. I don’t agree with stabbing but I wouldn’t have just said “okay, cool!”

  2. A person was stabbed and killed. Nothing justifies what they did unless if it was in self defense which clearly isn’t the case.

  3. If you love America, you don’t fight to get them back. Fight to keep them in foreign jail

  4. ABC, is this the information you provide to Americans?
    I'm not surprised that half of them still think that Amanda Knox was just the wrong person in the wrong place.
    You just have to listen at the Italian news and translate. It's not difficult at all. Don't do on your own, you are not CNN.

  5. Let’s just say, the teens were blacks….

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