New details have emerged about the deadly stage surge during Travis Scott’s Astroworld Music Festival.

Plus, the U.S. reopened borders to vaccinated travelers on Monday after 20 months of being closed to many countries.

#ABCNews #OnLocation #BreakingNews


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “New details emerged about deadly stage surge during Astroworld Music Festival | ABC News”
    there were people in vip who had been helped out, kylie can not say that she did not know it and that Travis did not see it! they are to blame, that concert should have stopped when people broke in over the fence as there was no room for so many people.
    several times you hear help, (stop the show) from the audience, and there is even someone calling 911, from the pile of people.
    they must be sued, even the police for not having intervened.

  2. this rapper should be in a prison and getting the death sentence. Instead he is a free and a rich millionaire. your country is done

  3. Its literally a portal stage and a portal on the screen behind him. All the merch had “see you on the other side” motifs

  4. There were multiple footages showing that Travis never stopped the concert even after the ambulances were on site. Travis' so called family (Kardashians, particularly Kendall) were at the VIP experience platform and right in front did most of the stampede happen, speaking of which, Kendall even posted a video on a social media handle of her smiling while the tragedy took place. How come she and the rest of the family or even the crew members at the concert not stop the concert? Travis, the Kardashian family along with the crew and security should be charged redundantly and should be held responsible for letting this devastating incident take place right in front of their eyes. Another footage shows some concert attendants trying to tell the cameraman about the incident but he couldn't care less. My thoughts and prayers with all those who suffered.

  5. " later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared.." 1 Timothy 4:1-2 Trust in Jesus Christ. The worst times in history are coming. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

  6. Texas needs to hold Travis Scott accountable:

    Section 6.03(d) of the Texas Penal Code states that “a person acts with criminal negligence, or is criminally negligent, with respect to circumstances surrounding his conduct or the result of his conduct when he ought to be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the circumstances exist or the result will occur. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that the failure to perceive it constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that an ordinary person would exercise under all the circumstances as viewed from the actor’s standpoint.”

    Texas Penal Code – 19.05. Criminally Negligent Homicide A person commits an offense if he causes the death of an individual by criminal negligence.

    "However, the fatal situation has raised eyebrows over footage showing multiple incidents of crowds stampeding towards Scott at prior performances at Lollapalooza in Chicago in 2015 and at an outdoor venue in Arkansas in 2017. Both incidents resulted in misdemeanor convictions for Scott". In February 2018, he pled guilty to another misdemeanor charge – this one for disorderly conduct – after he encouraged his fans to rush the stage and bypass security at a May 2017 concert at the Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion in the city of Rogers."

    " In Arkansas, a charge of inciting a riot becomes a felony if someone is injured. As part of the deal, Scott pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct instead and paid a $7,465.31 fine"

    oh and what do you know further evidence Travis was fully aware what might occur and was warned to proceed with extreme caution. It is called Negligence and it is Criminal.

    "Police Chief Troy Finner was worried about how the crowd would act at Scott's show, and so he met with the rapper in his trailer earlier on Friday, according to a statement from the Houston Police Department released on Twitter Monday.

    "I met with Travis Scott and his head of security for a few moments last Friday prior to the main event," Finner confirmed Friday.

  7. He was making sure at least 8 people are dead. That’s why he couldn’t stop his own show.

  8. Bottlerock napa was way better than this. Concerts don't have to be like this. He didn't invest in security and actively sabotaged security measures. It's a death cult. Bottlerock had multiple water stations, a first aid tent, and security keeping fans from rushing the stage and to not push on the barricades. Travis Scott wanted it to be like this. On video saying "they know what they came [for/to do]". Audio is muffled but either way, he said the fans "knew what they" were in for …

  9. Travis Scott’s apology was fake. This man knew what was up and what was happening. He saw everything in the crowd and those that needed help and kept singing. He does not care about you. 🚩🚩🚩

    Jesus will always love you.

  10. Look the fan's are the true killer's straight up! Blaming TS is like Blaming the gun manufacturer for making the gun that people use to kill each other!💯 Simple

  11. Seems like the alternative to suicide is to just go to a Travis Scott concert. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  12. I've been involved in first aid management for these sorts of events for years & no surprises here at all. This wasn't the crowd's fault, it was management, pure & simple! Where were security, pulling people out as this began & getting the concert stopped when they were unable to get everyone clear in a timely manner? Seems to be more evidence of security shooting up & getting themselves high than there is for them doing their job & rescuing those in need. Security, management & the talent having no interest in crowd safety is a recipe for disaster – one that sadly got baked this time round, instead of ingredients being removed before that was possible, as should have happened

  13. I feel so bad for the girl who was being carried out by cops and security and getting dropped on her head. That video was so disturbing. I hope she wasn’t the girl who passed away. People need to see that and the people carrying her should be heals accountable

  14. This concert should have been Canceled immediately after people overran the gates that afternoon. Those responsible for the venue chose not to Call Off the concert due to their inability to crowd control at that point. The fact that the barricades and fencing was totally inadequate given the size of the audience. The number of fans in standing room areas must be limited by the Fire Marshall? Tickets must be sold and marked as standing room area, reserved: strict crowd control techniques and well trained seasoned crews utilizing safe takedown practices on duty. Inform fans of rules of conduct, security crews why and how anyone could require action by crew members imprinted on all tickets sold.

    Friends worked at the 1973 Beverly Hill Supper Club Fire in Northern Kentucky their descriptions of the event were disturbing, distressing and grief provoking. Their stories about that experience affected my behavior—check for Fire exits and alternate routes out of spaces, composition of materials in the seating, wall hangings, drapes….

    All who were injured or died prayer 🙏🙏 for healing ❤️‍🩹 love, acceptance, compassion for all of you. May you heal in your own time this lose will take time and gentle care of yourselves to recover as much as possible from grief and pain.

  15. If you pack too many people, they can get crushed or die of heat stroke. Seats keep people from converging into areas they are not assigned to. They rather spend the money on a giant Travis Scott statue instead of getting a seated venue. They also hired poorly trained staff – probably Travis' illiterate posy yes men. Maximizing profits always don't end well.

  16. given what happened at the concert, they should take additional security measures for any future concerts. by the way, while they're lending out offers of vaccines, please get them.

  17. Just imagine how priceless life is, Even if the cebritiies pay 1$ BILLION DOLLARS, it won't bring them back. I can't imagine what the family is going through in this senseless act, they would have had a chance if TRAVIS stopped the show!

  18. The Huston police shouls of just cut all power to stage and flip all the ground lights on. Stage go dark and quiet flood lights kick on that will get everyone attention.

  19. There is footage of Travis Scott looking at an unconscious person being carried in the crowd right in front of him and his response was singing “yeahhhhh”. Show that footage. Travis Scott should serve time for this and be punished to the full extent of the law. He did nothing to help the fans that were being harmed and dying right in front of him.

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