New Covid Superspreader Fears After Super Bowl Celebrations | NBC Nightly News

New Covid Superspreader Fears After Super Bowl Celebrations | NBC Nightly News

With new Covid-19 variants of the virus being found in a growing number of states, health officials are concerned that efforts to fight the spread could face a setback due to large gatherings.
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#Covid #Superspreader #NBCNews

New Covid Superspreader Fears After Super Bowl Celebrations | NBC Nightly News


39 thoughts on “New Covid Superspreader Fears After Super Bowl Celebrations | NBC Nightly News

  1. COVID: Party, Party, Party. 😏👾

  2. So you can allow this kind of b***** but we still can't have live f**** concerts government really needs to stop their fear mongering b***** f*** your vaccine f*** you're fake made up f**** virus you people need to wake the f*** up

  3. If you're crazy enough (and I mean crazy) to be afraid of a virus with a 99% survival rate, then stay home. You won't be missed. You're likely an awful person to be around to begin with.

  4. What “fears” exactly?

  5. Being one of the few able to actually go in person in the stadium to watch the game looked way safer than all these idiots partying in packed in groups.. 🤦🏽‍♀️

  6. They could have cancelled The Super Bowl if it’s so dangerous yet they didn’t.

  7. why vaccines are controversial … because… some people believe the premise is wrong… a virus exists through pollution… get rid of the pollution… and you get rid of the virus… not… the other way round…

  8. THEIR REAL Plannnedemic is “DIVIDE & conquer” THE REAL VIRUS= the DEMONRATIC party !!!!!!!!

  9. Biden is a fool, and the CCP crawls on the heads of Americans and spills urine. The United States dare not say anything. The United States will be hooked up. India has blocked hundreds of software on the mainland. What about the United States? Don't dare to do anything, because the top Americans are linked to the money of the technology giants. The United States will be swallowed by cannibals.

  10. What we've got here is failure to communicate.

    Some men, you just can't reach.

    So you get what we had here last week — which is the way he wants it.

    Well, he gets it.

    And I don't like it anymore than you men.

  11. In Asian countries, Covid 19 hits 8 to 10 times fewer people per million than in Western countries. Asians living in the United States still show a decrease in the impact of this disease, but less because they are gradually losing their habits. Thus it would seem that the association chilli + ginger + coriander + garlic protects against Covid 19. However, this has yet to be proven.

  12. Gtfoh. Event 201. Too many sheep believe this bull$hit. Sell fear .. Sell demand. Wake up time. Every year will be a new variant. Too much control to let go… Hoax vid 20. Hoax vid 21 hoax 22 hoax 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (33) I stop at 33 for a reason.

  13. New Zealand applauds the US for rejoining the WHO along with the 100 days of masks initiative.

    In 20 seconds another American family will lose a family member thanks to Traitor Trump and his MAGATs!

    Covid deaths USA 476,405 UK 112,798 Canada 20,835 China 4,636 Australia 909 NZ 25 Taiwan 9.

    Taiwan and NZ are proof that social distancing, hand washing and mask wearing saves lives.

  14. After 5 months without a Covid fatality in New Zealand, watching US news is like stepping back in time..

    Traitor Trump and Azra lied and only ordered 20M (2 doses for 10M) for a 330M population.

    US J&J has finally caught up with Belgium, China, Russia, UK and India. 6th to market – Warp speed ?

    Why does 2021 warp speed have slower distribution than the 1947 US Small Pox vaccine roll out ?

  15. I’m glad I can work remotely away from all this crap

  16. This is F'n ridiculous!! We're never gonna get out of this s*** with all this idiotic behavior. 🤬

  17. January 6th will be the whopper of the Covid-19 era. It will not have happened to a seedier bunch. Too bad they won't keep it to themselves.

  18. How many of the 466,000 deaths is really caused by COVID and not some pre-existing condition? Hmm… SIX BLOODY PERCENT. That's it! 94% of the reported "COVID deaths" is really caused by something else, like being hit by a car, old age, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc etc etc. I'm not making this up. The CDC says so.

  19. 99.98% survivable, 90% who have died are 80+ with pre existing conditions. You all can live in fear if you want, but I will not nor will I wear a mask or take a vaccine. You can shove those masks and vaccines up ur a*** for all I care. Or stay home 💁‍♂️ and no I didn't vote for Trunq

  20. "New Covid Superspreader Fears After Super Bowl Celebrations" motivate us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica (per #LincolnProject). Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the #UKvariant strain(s) mutations and others like the South African, Brazilian, Californian & #Cluster5Mink mutations rendering current vaccines no longer effective.

  21. This is why I don’t feel sorry for Americans

  22. Let them reap what they sow. We’ll be seeing them in ICU soon.

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