New COVID-19 variant discovered in South Africa | GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

Some European countries are reentering lockdowns, tightening vaccination restrictions and reintroducing mask mandates.

#COVID19 #Variant #Pandemic


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “New COVID-19 variant discovered in South Africa | GMA”
  1. do not be vaccinated is the devil's plan, Revelation 19:20, 13: 15-18. God saves us not three doses of vaccine. Jesus Christ is the Son of God

  2. It has all ready come up through the Southern Boarders. Thanks to Biden and his midnight flights.He has then spread it all over America. Thanks Biden!

  3. Cómo es que Bangladesh, con 154 millones de habitantes y la cuarta parte de territorio que España esté en cero casos y en Europa con la dosis completa se está disparando el problema?
    No deberíamos estar inmunizados? O será lo contrario?..

  4. South African flight band to United States of America no problem just go to South America and swim the Reo Grand river no Pass port required no vaccine required, UN paying you $800 to help make the trip

  5. I blame it on the turkey dinner lol. Get in your house lock down oh my god it's the end of the world lmao anything to put fear into you. The fake news media at it again what will they bring to the table today. Stop sitting around and listening to these scumbags stand and fight these people. I call these people crooks and liars and work for the bs school of the illuminati. And as for panic nobody is panicking just the fake news media wants you to panic and be afraid it's what they do. They lie they make up bs to put fear into everyone to create and control us and to give you disinformation and distract you from the real issues going on in the real world behind the scenes. The Ghislaine Maxwell trial is underway today opening statements start today Monday 29, 2021. And you don't here the media talking about the trial now do you. No you don't why you ask cause they are part of the deep state illuminati cabal. The fake news controls the narative always have. Ghislaine is about to take down hundreds of people if not thousands. This trial will be a domino effect on the elite the wealthy and the highier power people who actually been running not just America but the world elite. Rothchilds Rockefellers The royal families and more. Get ready people December is about to get real. The exposer of human and child trafficking and Adrenochrome and satanic worship and human sacrifice. The world is about to change and change for the good and it is time to get rid of all the evil off this planet. There will be dark times ahead for the people who slept thru the last few years and missed the show (Boat). THE GREAT AWAKING IS UPON US AND IT WILL GET DARK AND UGLY BUT THERE WILL BE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL FOLKS. GET YOUR POPCORN SIT BACK AND GET READY FOR THE SHOW. WWG1WGA!!!!!!

  6. I cannot believe how stupid the west and Europe are… The variant was discovered by South Africa it did not originate here, South African scientists were able to detect this new variant which most likely comes from Europe or some other place. The variant did not originate in South Africa it was discovered by South Africa. Countries with high daily infections most likely already have this variant

  7. What is the aim of the travel ban 🤔 they have it already infact they are the ones who brought this new variant in our country and now making it seem as if it started here yet it was first discovered at Belguim

    Yall funny but who's laughing

  8. Thanks GMA, we absolutely love how you tell us the truth, keep facts in order, don’t exaggerate stories and most of all, continue to have fizer support this channeling of needed shots when this happens every few months. I know now the world is a safer place thanks to everyone who also believes this 💩

  9. Anything to keep the fear going. I'm sure the sheep will eat this up.
    "Fear always works to influence the population, when the population is uneducated"-unk

  10. Never give into fear. It is their means of controlling us, infact, tell me fear hasn’t controlled your entire existence?

  11. I think that we no longer give reflections to these news, without comments, without sharing them, without likes, without reproductions, the curtain falls, it was already good of confinements, clicl liek to spread more people please!

  12. The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law, it is control by the psychological manipulation of human consensus through which reality is defined so those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison, they do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist.

  13. Who cares? Wake up clueless masses. Either live your life or live in a constant state of fear everytime a profit-driven media says something to sell adds and scare you.

  14. DO NOT FEAR TRUST GOD!!! Joy is the best medicine God has the keys to life and death amen 🙏🏼 he knows our birth date and our death date..Jesus is the only way to salvation there’s no other name for which we must be saved repent now before it’s too late Jesus is coming soon and is knocking on the tablet of everyone’s heart!!! Draw near to him and he will draw near to you it’s time to surrender!!! John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 2 Chronicles 7:14
    14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. *HAVE FAITH.

  15. If humans didn't spend their time segregating themselves into countries and hoarding wealth, so they can make weapons to kill each other so they can keep that hoarded wealth, and instead spend those resources trying to protect and develop the entirety of humanity, then we'd be a lot further along in our evolution and certainly this pandemic.

    But nOoOoOoO what would rich people do without their yacht money?

  16. I wonder if the European councils are doimg this…
    .lying about the new variant of covid 19…just trying to break and collapse south Africa economic they control the resources…because there is no more place left in the world.

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