New coronavirus spikes in California, Arizona, Utah l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

At least 16 states have reported an increase in COVID-19 and more than 21,000 new cases and 1,000 new deaths have been reported in the past 24 hours across the U.S. as new hot spots emerge.

#ABCNews #COVID19 #GeorgeFloydProtests #ContactTracing


By carmodpros


28 thoughts on “New coronavirus spikes in California, Arizona, Utah l ABC News”
  1. As a person living in Taiwan through out this pandemic, up until today, 95% of the the population is wearing a mask, even outside! Life is completely normal in all our cities. All children are going to school. Pubs and restaurant is operation in at their normal hours. Up until today, we have 609 cases, 90% came from abroad. 7 people had died from COVID.
    So yes, mask works, wear one. It will save lives.

  2. When people find out the virus is not real, they are going to lose thier minds. For some it will take FEMA pulling out the gilloutines before they chose to wake up to the truth. People love lies as there is no truth in them. End of this world… nothing new.

  3. Very alarming. Perhaps best to obey all safeguards…and pray. "O Lord, protect us from what lieth in front of us and behind us, above our heads, on our right, on our left, below our feet and every other side to which we are exposed. Verily, Thy protection over all things is unfailing." ~ Baha'i Prayer

  4. That's what happens when you increase testing, you find more virus. It's useless because we aren't even CLOSE to herd immunity. You cannot eradicate a virus with a lock down. You pay now or you pay later. There hasn't been increasing death rates or hospitalization and that's the important tracker, not infection rates. Half these people didn't even realize they'd had it. NOT a health emergency.

  5. Bob Dylan, updated: "Oh, it WOULD NOT be, a lonely TASK, if EVERYBODY gotta WEAR A MASK ! & ya don't want DISEASE ? No need to ask…EVERYBODY, Come on, WEAR your Mask !"

  6. I'm 33. I have Covid-19, period started 5 days early… huge blood clots… i thought could this be a miscarriages? , but no way….but wtf !?.
    Same day, all heavy period symptoms… then my sharp pain on the inside of elbow… i had to rub it and swing it around a bit..that was weird. Im super tired..heaby coughing. Just feel stuck and tired

  7. Of course there are increase creep. They are testing by the boat loads, so yeah cases are rising. The rioters are helping to gain herd immunity.

  8. Hard working Americans have to stay home and Suffer while liberal and Democrat terrorist get to run rampant in our streets and catch and spread coronavirus!!!The fake news like CNN, ABC and MS NBC say that they have a right to protest they have a right to infect all of us !!! The fake news also says that we are not allowed to defend ourselves against these terrorists that are taking over our country while they are walking around armed and ready to shoot anybody who has a different Opinion then them!!!! Meanwhile there are Republicans and conservatives that are speaking the truth as of their opinions and they are being fired from their jobs and discredited for everything they have done and achieved over having a different opinion than someone else!!!This is crazy what country do we live in we have the first amendment and second amendment for a reason and we are going to start using them!!!!If there are any law abiding citizens that have been screwed over by the Democrats by staying home and they catch coronavirus they should sue their state leaders for letting certain people come out and protest and spread the diseaseWhile others lose Everything!!!! Democrats do not want to say all lives matter and they have made that perfectly clear when they are only chanting for black lives matter and saying white people should not sit in certain places white people should not say certain things white people need to just shut up and listen and watchTheir families die right in front of them!!! Think about it all of the cops that have died and injured and other white protesters had family’s and they were just out there to help their fellow black community and they get spit on ,punched ,kicked, shot etc.The Democrats do not care about all lives the Democrats only care about immigrants and minorities because they can take advantage of them and get what they want which is votes!!!!We as America cannot let this happen they are terrorists and need to be treated as such!!!!! Vote Freedom vote Trump 2020 MAGA!!!

  9. 1:17 – California 1 of at least 16 states where the # of new cases is increasing.
    1:35 – in UT cases have doubled since early May n contact tracers there now linking outbreaks to Mother's Day n Memorisl Day celebrations.

  10. Y’all still worried about Covid-19? I’m prepping for Covid-20, stock up on TP y’all!!!

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