New concerns about election security as voters head to the polls

New concerns about election security as voters head to the polls

FBI and Homeland security officials recently warned that domestic extremist and homegrown Islamic radicals might see the time around the election as a moment to sow fear.


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28 thoughts on “New concerns about election security as voters head to the polls

  1. Leaving the back door open
    for both sabotage and doubt,
    so either one can be a tool
    for keeping the will of the people, out,

    Mitch McConnell is directly responsible
    for betrayal of American peace,
    knowing what could sustain it,
    but refusing to let its antithesis cease.

    Troubadour Risen
    June 18, 2019

  2. People voting is not going to help America it's to late we became a shithole to the world Trumps base proves America's full of retarded racist people with Muslim bans and walls on borders plus locking kids in Nazi camps maybe in the future when people like Trumps clan become the minority in America we will see real change

  3. "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help."

    "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes."

    (KJV Psalm 146:3;118:8)

  4. Today, Americans cast two votes, one, a political one, the other, based on vanity, both involved a lot of hair dye. The political one, for the candidate that was able to cut the more pleasing youthful appearance, an over sixty-year-old, appearing, a lot like a twenty-year-old, that same classification can be applied to the vote explainers, that are viewed on our television sets at home. So, if your political candidate did not, does not meet with (your) expectations or aspirations, can you then fault their choice of hair dye tint, or blame their deficiency on your very narrow political judgement? The phoney reporting on the phoney…

  5. If someone threw a ballot away here and there would they still call it miniscule and make light of it. Here's a thought…every illegal vote equals one Americans vote voided. That's an american denied thier right to a vote.

  6. Democrats creating their early narrative once they lose. Let the law enforcement and officials do their job when it comes to security we sure don't need talking heads worrying about something they are unqualified to speak on.

  7. I just can't wait for tonight: videos and images of potheads wife beaters, people who support higher taxes, people who love illegal immigration….Crying! Can you cry just a little extra more for me because it will really make for a fun night for all the winners of this midterm election.
    p.s. you do know Ted Cruz crushes that beto by more than five points right?😂😘😀😂😘😀

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