New bug invasion

New bug invasion

The lanternfly may be pretty, but officials warn the pest is wreaking havoc on crops and trees. ABC News Will Reeve explains.


45 thoughts on “New bug invasion

  1. I’ve lost count of how many of these things I’ve killed.

  2. The worst I’ve seen it was in PA. They flying around everywhere

  3. Maybe it’s time to nuke Asia. Seems destructive diseases and bugs all root from there.

  4. Obviously, you do not have any idea just how quickly bugs multiply. You need something more than killing a bug or two here and there, come on! Boy, we are getting dumberestered by the day.

  5. Ever wonder why everything that is considered to be harmful to us and our country has come from ASIA?!? From the Lead paint found in toys a long time ago right up to this bug (+ the others in between… remember how stink bugs got here?) so now on top of the covid virus we’re getting invaded by their destructive pests (again)! My advice is to subscribe to an underground YouTube channel based in Asia… check it out once in a while & see what they’re saying is really going on that their government doesn’t want “known”. This will help give you a heads up on what new hell you should be preparing for because I for one was VERY curious as to why they never stopped wearing their masks after the whole bird flu thing was supposedly contained… just sayin because there’s a helluva lot of smog in parts of California but I don’t see the people living there having to wear masks just to be able to breathe(which was supposedly the reason. Turns out they were already experiencing covid but their government didn’t want them looking like there was anything more troublesome than the air quality… ). Guess with how clear the air has gotten in most places while everyone was on lockdown and not contributing to the pollution we’ll be seeing more faces in the news & not so many masked people, right?!? Again… just sayin 🤷🏻‍♀️ TTFN ✌🏼🙏🏼🧿🧼🖖🏼

  6. I’m not killing nothing! 🤨

  7. I’ve been seeing things that look like green and black cicadas

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