Nephew of slain woman claims she pointed gun at window: Affidavit

Nephew of slain woman claims she pointed gun at window: Affidavit

Investigators said the police officer who shot Atatiana Jefferson, and has since been charged with murder, never identified himself that night in Fort Worth, Texas.



#ABCNews #WorldNewsTonight #AtatianaJefferson #Nephew #AaronDean


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34 thoughts on “Nephew of slain woman claims she pointed gun at window: Affidavit

  1. Now everyone knows this officer dud not see a gun. But watch until after about a year, when they come up with there Lying Dsfense again, with no evedence ti prove it. The officer already said he never seen a weapon. But just WATCH!!!. when they finally claim they finished there investigation after about 20yrs. lol😁

  2. Listen at what they said the eight-year-old said I don't even know why he was questioned without a grown-up they should have told him to keep his mouth shut and to a grown up somebody in his family is that the boy was scared look what they keep saying in this is what's going to get this cop off and Court you got to understand what they doing an attack is that they use home nephew said how I pointed the gun at this officer watch out he put it

  3. Murder charges a re not enough this whole dept. Needs to be overhauled or this will continue to happen. My heart goes out to this family and all the families suffering loss at the hands of armed thugs.

  4. Of all the welfare checks from police I personally witnessed, my own check included, the officer or officers, always knocked on the door and identified themselves

  5. Now you heard what they said why would they question a 8 year old boys by his self so happen and she pointed it at the window with a cop was coming at you see how they fix the narrative it up the favor the police she pointed at the window so he's seen in his shadow this is what they want to claim now coming from my eight year old with no adult the question is young man I bet you by itself why is Aunt laying there dead and he scared half to death

  6. So ABC news in the tank with police. Jefferson had a right to point.that gun at her window. She was definitely standing her ground white nationalists understand that language.

  7. And that means what? Murder a young woman after prowling in her back yard like a burglar. Well kkk 👮 was a thief he stole her life.

  8. Why interview a minor without an adult or attorney? See how rigged the system is!!!??? He’s 8!!!!!!!! They’re looking for justification for the shooting. Watch the officer say he feared for his life.

  9. To whom did that 8 year old boy say this? Was it to the police??? Was it to a family member?? Was a family legal representative present when he said this? Who questioned him?

  10. Unspoken possibilities……..

    What if……….. her door was open,
    and her lights were on,
    because she was waiting on someone?

    With that gun.

    she was murdered.

  11. Damn this so common now that the family says they might get the child therapy this week, SMH 😥

  12. If she did point her gun at anything she had more right to do so than that cop had the right to shoot her All he had to do was to call out identify himself as a cop and tell her why he was there But NO he resorted to the tried and true cop behavior SHOOT FIRST AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER !!! If cops are that scared or unsure of themselves they should not be on the streets or have a gun the trigger – happy slugs or BE A COP!!!

  13. If the body camera was not worn at the time of this murder the investigative report would conclude as follows, "We believe the officer was justified in the use of deadly force and therefore no charges will be filed." Thank God for the body camera. Today it is much harder, because of body worn cameras of course, for police investigators to twist the truth into a falsification and present it to the Courts. Why do I say this, because I have seen 30 years of how law enforcement agency process falsifications to sit in place of the truth which the Courts accepts as the TRUTH!

    How Atatian Jefferson’s MURDER could have been PREVENTED.


    1. HOW TO PREVENT Atatiana's MURDER: The Police Dispatcher continue to make multiple
    attempts to contact Atatiana Jefferson's residential phone line inside the home.
    2. HOW TO PREVENT Atatiana's MURDER: The Police Dispatcher remains on the phone with the reporting person to collect what the Reporting Person is observing as police are on the way to the murder scene (Atatiana Jefferson not dead yet but will be soon).
    • Reporting person's observations are being dispatched by police dispatchers to police officers responding to the murder scene (Atatiana Jefferson not dead yet but will be soon).
    o Perhaps the Responding Police Officers would have thought to themselves after receiving that additional information, "Okay this is likely a service call involving no potential for violence or harm to police officers" resulting in Atatiana being alive today.
    • If on the phone line with the Police Dispatcher the full length of this police welfare transaction, the Reporting person may have had the opportunity to tell the Police Dispatcher, "Oh, I see Atatiana Jefferson walking around in the home everything appears to be Okay" resulting in Atatiana being alive today.

    • HOW TO PREVENT Atatiana's MURDER: Police Dispatcher radios Reporting Person's observations to responding Police Officers about seeing Atatiana Jefferson walking around inside the home appearing to be okay resulting in Atatiana being alive today.


    • HOW TO PREVENT Atatiana's MURDER: Police Supervisor should have had all police officers responding to the scene meet a block away from Atatiana's residence and for 5 minutes discuss the best way to approach the Welfare Check. Side bar " Last time I opened at 2:00 A.M. in the morning all my windows, opened all the doors, and turned on all the lights in my home was to let out the smoke after burning food on the stove"

    • HOW TO PREVENT Atatiana's MURDER: Police Supervisor can take several options that will not lead to a police involved shooting.

    o Options: Since police were responding to a Welfare Check of a Residence (in which the tax payer decided to legally open her doors, windows, and turn on lights; Also there was no evidence of Atatiana's home being burglarized, no evidence of a hostage situation, no home invasion, no armed robbery, no kidnapping or attempted kidnapping, no child abuse, no dangerous possession, distribution or sales of illegal narcotics, no search warrant, and no evidence of any other crimes or exigent circumstances that would lead police to conclude criminal activity was occurring, about to occur, or had occurred.

    • HOW TO PREVENT Atatiana's MURDER: Police Supervisor simply sends a police officer to meet the Reporting Person face to face to gather more details about why he made the call to police dispatch in the first place. Find out who lives in the home and gather a little information about their background (This information is relayed to the Police Supervisor).
    • HOW TO PREVENT Atatiana's MURDER: Police Supervisor place police units in strategic location well away from Atatiana’s home to observe activity inside and around the home while still communicating with the Reporting Person.
    • HOW TO PREVENT Atatiana's MURDER: Police Supervisor or other police officer use BINOCULARS to observe from a distance activity inside and around the home.
    • HOW TO PREVENT Atatiana's MURDER: Police Supervisor has gathered enough information from Reporting Person and probably will decide to simply knock on Atatiana’s residential door and inform Atatiana the reason for police presence at the home and ask her if there are any issues in which she may need the services of law enforcement " resulting in Atatiana being alive today.

    o Since police were responding to a Welfare Check of a Residence (in which the tax payer decided to legally open her doors, windows, and turn on lights; Also there was no evidence of Atatiana's home being burglarized, no evidence of a hostage situation, no home invasion, no armed robbery, no kidnapping or attempted kidnapping, no child abuse, no dangerous possession, distribution or sales of illegal narcotics, no search warrant, and no evidence of any other crimes or exigent circumstances that would lead police to conclude criminal activity was occurring, about to occur, or had occurred or a need to enter Atatiana’s home.

    It has been said that law enforcement officers KILL Black Americans with a firearm quicker than any other race of people. Black Americans and White Americans and All Americans let’s stand together and stop this legalized get away with murdering innocent and soft sentencing from the courts police abuse before we return to openly lynching Black Americans in the streets.

  14. Imagine it’s night time, you see a man wondering around your house outside by your window who has not identified himself as law enforcement wouldn’t you pull out something to protect yourself ?

  15. Here we are again, a police officer killing someone in their own home! I don’t understand why the 2 officers didn’t just knock on the front door. She would be alive and he wouldn’t be facing a prison sentence. I wonder what was going through his mind when he killed her. I know that he wasn’t afraid, because he didn’t take cover or announce that he was a police officer! His police training wasn’t going through his mind. He just shot at her, killing her instantly. The fact that she had a gun, doesn’t justify him killing her, she was protecting her nephew and herself. He never identified himself as a police officer. I think that if he had identified himself as a police officer, she would’ve put her gun down and then ask the officer why he was in her backyard. He just shot her as he said, “put your hands up!” If he was using his police training, he would’ve said, “police, put your hands up!” He knows he screwed up, that’s why he quit, before he could be fired. I’m glad that he was arrested for murder, instead of the police department sweeping it under the rug. I’m so glad that it didn’t take long, before he was arrested. The last officer who killed a young man in his own home, the police tried to sweep her murdering a man under the rug. Her excuse was she thought that she was in her apartment. Problem is that her police training, taught her that you don’t enter a home/house/apartment, if you suspect that someone has broken into your home/house/apartment. You’re supposed to call for backup/police! After she shoots the young man, she call her partner/lover, not 911. After talking with her partner/lover, she calls 911. She didn’t even try helping the young man she shot, she is pacing back and forth in front of the apartment talking to her partner/lover and trying to get her story straight. Her partner/lover had killed someone years before and he got off, the police swept it under the rug! Now he was helping her to get away with murder! That’s where her story came from!!

    Now one of the witnesses has been murdered himself. He the the neighbor that lived directly across the hallway. He was going to be a witness for the family of the young man, in their lawsuit against the city and police department. There are some people who think that the police had something to do with the murder of the neighbor. Dallas FortWorth, Police cannot or shouldn’t be the ones investigating the murder of the neighbor. The FBI should be investigating the entire Dallas FortWorth police department. I think that there is something fishy going on in that police department!

    My nephew is an Assistant Chief of Police, in the city he lives in, in California. That’s how I know of the police training.

  16. Cops enter property with no warrant, no warning what so ever, not even showed their badge or ,announced their presence what so ever, she had every right to pull a gun at a crooked cop.

  17. AHAHAHA! Do not let one officers actions define another 1700…in other words, please let us keep our bloated salaries and pampering from taxpayers so we can fail to do our job and fail to train properly, and fail to abide by the own system we are failing to uphold

  18. The cop was a church going man nearing the end of his shift and was preparing to go see his sick grandmother. Unfortunately this out of control African American woman pulls a gun on a UNIFORMED Police officer. Fearing for his life he unfortunately shot her while trying to protect himself and his fellow officers.

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