Nearly half of America prepares for reopenings

Nearly half of America prepares for reopenings

There are mixed opinions on what approach to take in order to reopen the nation.


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47 thoughts on “Nearly half of America prepares for reopenings

  1. What’s confusing me is that people know the death tolls are getting higher and higher everyday, yet some governors are still opening states. Why? So cases can continue to climb? I understand people are getting restless but you can’t expect people maintain social distancing or even keep their masks on.

  2. It’s snowing in Minnesota lmao… we’re in lockdown no matter what…..but anyways why do I feel like this is gonna be a civil war soon

  3. Are this people respectful???They dont follow and they abuse person who manages the rules…😡😡

  4. Good, look closely these are MAGA people. Hopefully this helps this election. I mean they practice their religion of Trumpism and beneficial for those who don't agree this election time.

  5. First of all, these trump protesters are really hooked on stupid like their grand wizard in the oval office. If we reopen the economy again, while this virus is killing people, it's going to wipe out the population. Not just that but your health comes first what do these hillbilly fools dont understand, because without good health you cant work, and definitely cant work if you have this virus. We need the human population, because without humans then their goes the economy. Use common sense, wake upppp

  6. The Rich can all stay home for two years . The middle class and poor got to get tested and go to work. The landlords are going broke too and all the working poor and middle class will be homeless. We will all be doing high risk jobs to eat..and pay rent. Jobs are lively hood no money no life no food no housing most will be homeless

  7. Instead of blaming the cops, how about blaming the people for not complying and resisting 🤷🏻‍♂️

  8. If they re-opened the lion’s den Daniel wouldn’t have to go back inside!!! You don’t either!!

  9. People dies every day even before the Pandemic. People will continue to die after America reopens so why not just face the truth that everyone's die no matter what. Coronavirus will stay with us for a very long time.

  10. All lockdowns must be lifted worldwide. Any death is a tragedy, but must the whole world's population die because of starvation as they won't have money to buy food ( if there will still be food freely available). The world leaders have gone crazy over something that has a death rate less than many other illnesses

  11. Kids this is why you shouldn’t drop out of high school. So you can make SMART decisions.

  12. New Zealand is so lucky that they have a strict leader so they can stay safe! I hope the world can get over this and we can get back to normal. America is being really stupid and we might as well lift all restrictions so everyone get get what they wanted! Coronavirus! (And they could get an extra surprise, death.)

  13. When people lose their homes, cant buy food, pay rent and utilities it's going to get ugly. In a free country you cant lockdown forever. There is no consistency when every state is different.

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