Nearly 50K workers strike against General Motors

Nearly 50K workers strike against General Motors

The strike by United Auto Workers has shut down 55 plants across the U.S. as workers fight for better wages and benefits and their share of profits.

#ABCNews #GMStrike #GM #GeneralMotors #UAW


34 thoughts on “Nearly 50K workers strike against General Motors

  1. Let this bunch of fat lazy overpaid union employees have a raise as soon as they crank out a car that can go 100k without any problems and 300k without any major problems. Toyota and Honda are doing that now. Meanwhile back at the Chevy plant Quanisha talking on her cellphone and leaving out your gasket.

  2. But the thing is if they increase the wages of workers then the companies will pass on that increased expense to the customers. If by increasing wages the things are getting more expensive in the process then what's the point?

  3. Im a uaw worker and pretty soon all our demands will be met and we will get that huge signing bonus check and we owe it all to you wonderful taxpayers who bailed us out and kept us going….thank you so much

  4. Meanwhile 50k people need a job & wouldn’t mind working at general motors

  5. Sign in and go on strike with a good cushy paid leave 😂😂😂 eat SHIT CEO'S…

  6. This is fucked. People actually need money right now. And if they keep striking, jobs are gonna be lost. It will affect family’s, and most likely change nothing. Contract is probably ridiculous.

  7. Fire all the cry babies and bring in new people. Let’s see if they can say do you want fries with that…

  8. I once heard a union guy from one of the big 3 bragging about how they "worked" on Sunday and received double pay. All he did was napping in a fenced area with the curtain down. True story but was from years ago. Not sure about the situation now.

  9. So they average 1200 a week and pay only 4 percent of their healthcare costs while the rest of blue collar America is getting paid about 16 dollars an hour for the same skill level with shitty healthcare and unaffordable premiums. Get back to work fools. You've already driven up the price of a jo shmo truck to 50 grand.

  10. 20 year teamster locol 769 and proud of it!! unions are here in America for a reason for the hard blue collar middle class work Republican business have it there way thay will pay there employees 8 dollars and you have to pay for health and a 401k it is a big gamble for a company to put your money in stock market look what happened in 2008 the big fall out a pension plan is the goldin egg for retirement also Republican party love this law right to work to hurt the middle-class and make the company owner pokits get fat and the American work pokits get thine it is called corporate greed American needs more labor unions

  11. American cars are of poor quality and reliability and are going to be more expensive because of this. GM will shut down. Inflation will go up even more. Lazy union leaders benefited, autoworkers suffers.

  12. Everyone of those fat UAW bastards needs to loose 75 lbs and increase their IQ by 50 points . Or better yet fired and sent to a fat camp

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