Nearly 133,000 customers still without power after derecho swept through Iowa – Car Mod Pros Portal

Residents were left with spoiled food, no cellphone service and no air conditioning in the summer heat.


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Nearly 133,000 customers still without power after derecho swept through Iowa”
  1. These days I vote for the Democratic Party, and I couldn't care less if Iowa is a red state or blue state – both sides in the federal government need to sit down and come up with a plan to help Iowa after that big storm. It's the way we should be doing things in the United States. We've done it before we'll do it again.

  2. notes: 100 mph winds, not hurricane, >700 miles and ~ 40 miles wide, 10 million acres of crops, in the billions of dollars lost, not to mention property damage, uprooting trees, etc. destruction

  3. What took so long to get coverage on this story? It's only considered breaking news when people have been out of power for a week? Sad that people can get more news from TikTok than mainstream media. This is a real problem. The state needs help! They need federal aid fast!

  4. 3 weeks without electricity lol. Back before there was electricity people used fire. Deal with it and stop crying. It's life

  5. Has all the power been restored in NY, NJ, and parts of the east from Isaias? People please understand that things are changing and we can't depend upon services like electricity being restored in hours or days. Hurricanes, tornados, fires, etc. are taking their toll on the grid and infrastructure. Make sure that you can cook without electricity. Perhaps get a generator or keep a supply of the foods you eat often in dried or canned form. Planning now may save you a lot of problems if something happens. Stay healthy!

  6. What is really frustrating is that so many people's houses have been deemed unliveable but tonight is the first night there is an overnight shelter! 6 Days After the Derecho! 😡

  7. The disaster response in Iowa has been a complete failure. Took 7 days to get the national guard involved. After 24 hours there should have been trucks with free food, water, and gas. The entire CR metro over 200,000 people lost 100% electricity. No phone service. No gas stations. Nothing. And it took a week for them to decide there was an emergency!?!?

  8. These are the same people who have been saying climate change is a hoax. Now enjoy. "It is what it is"

  9. I hope trumpers got it good. They are sociopaths that care nothing for others about to be evicted and starving because Republican Senators refused to care to do their job and these bastards watch FOX lies. Good I hope lose your farms since you care about no one else.

  10. Thank you for finally covering this! The damage here in Cedar Rapids is beyond description.

  11. ABC News… PLEASE come back and cover the fact that now there are families living in tents in the parking lots of apartment complexes because the roof has been blown off their building and/or the windows are gone….and they have no where to go. The 80 to 112 mph winds lasted for 45 minutes. Every property in this city has been damaged in some way. There has been no coordinated effort to help people who don't have the means to spend hundred or thousands of dollars out of pocket to improve their situation and they are starting to get desperate.
    A complete lack of leadership from the local, state and federal level.

  12. that didnt take long to mobilize the national guard. WHY THE FK COULDNT THE FEDS DO THAT FOR PUERTO RICANS AFTER MARIA ??! Whyd they wait almost 3 weeks to roll through and toss paper towels at ppl with no fking water nor roof

  13. I live in Cedar Rapids. Glad to see this start to get attention. It’s a mess here, most of the city is still without power after 5 days. The couple pictures of downed trees and damaged homes don’t show the scale of this. It’s literally the entire city that looks like this. I’ve read that 1/2 of the trees here have been damaged. The wind was so strong that it ripped trees out of the ground and unto houses and power lines.

  14. You Tube, mrmbb333, Schulman rocked- land hurricane flatten 10,000,000 acres- more #2020 records (Prophecy Links Fulfilling, I woke its Aug 10/11, 2020, getting beef from neighbors over having a yard size Duracell battery in the yard, in other words, what made us the exception? Beware,

    JAN 3, (2020), Hearing Down Town Memphis, (downtown news paper bells ringing, Jan 12/13, 2018); WEATHER! Beta/Beto and GMT to GMA, beware, Apb

    Nearly 133,000 Still Without Power After Derecho Swept Through Iowa,

    (Presently, Aug 7, 2019, revisited its Aug 2020, there's a hand writing clumsily, Escape (US Midwest), Yellowstone! A Decade before Rev 10, Mighty Angel, Jan 22-29, 2018, (see Kobe Bryant fiery crash morning, Jan 22, 2020), Mighty Angel, standing the US map, said beware also the Midwest, the Eastern Seaboard, as the inundated with such forewarnings, US/Canada W. Pacific. 
    -First (2008), I'd heard an asteroid commanded to destroy Wisconsin; whereas spring (2019), I heard, destroy Wisconsin; and Jan 2020, I just got the single word, WEATHER! How many know a derecho weather event now several in the Midwest 2020, for the most part is only supposed to be like a once in a lifetime occurrence? 
    -Plainly Rev 14/18, Holy Elohim God is avenging martyred blood, targeting with disastrous events by Eze 9 reapers bearing slaying tools any form of going on like normal, celebrity to peasantry, blessed are hearers, doers and escapees. Apostle Paul said it, for when they, Trumpians, shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, like travail upon woman with child and they shall not escape!
    -Let's just say, if you ever considered owning a Winnebago, now is a good time, and say a Walmart to vacant church parking lot, around US/Canada's Georgia's southeast, Atlantic, coast" don't look, go back. Remarkably, the only other exodus God has blessed. We now know, besides those blessed, the Holy, land, stampeding into Jordan's Petra. 
    -We know, those The Trump/ Kushner/UAE peace agreement according to Dan 9:27/Mat 24/Rev 17:16-28, Jesus, evils that's to leave all men treasure desolated, especially lives and souls; even hell's molten enlargement by 101 Yellowstones, vomited itself up, upon the earth, 99 bowls of molten lava accordingly, beware of any seismic to volcanic activity near your planet home/heaven, Apb,

  15. Trump doesn't care about the Midwest especially Iowa. Have you heard from him if you have it's to tell you how well we are all doing and remember it will magically disappear

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