The NCAA is changing the rules for transgender athletes, shining a new spotlight on one swimmer who is breaking records. ABC News’ Andrea Fujii reports.


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “NCAA transgender policy”
  1. Women’s sports is now officially irrelevant. Congrats ladies.
    And if you utter one word of dissent or protest, then you are transphobic.
    Just remember, you wanted this and did it to yourselves.

  2. I dont understand how being a male or female has to do with playing a sport.

    No true athlete worries about their gender or sex during a event. You play with your class, bracket, weight etc same field of competition. You can still play any dport you want, whats going on is, these men are purposely attacking women from theyre success and dreams. Why are there no trans women going with male sports??? Because they will not win thats why

  3. It's mind blowing that during this time where everyone is complaining about "EQUALITY" that part of our society could care less about "WOMEN'S EQUALITY"!
    In absolutely no way is a biological man competing against biological women "EQUAL".
    Especially when it comes to higher levels of competition such as college/ professional sports.

  4. First off, you have to love that the NCAA passed the buck on this.

    There is a commercial for HIV drugs, and cautioned that it is only for those assigned male at birth. Why not make sports based upon what you were assigned at birth too? It shouldn't be acceptable that a person who competed for 3 years at university level, as a man, should then be allowed to switch over to women's. Didn't we enact rules to protect women sports? Biological women are being punished. Can you name any one trans-to-male athlete who has competed successfully against men? Everyone doesn't need a trophy, and you aren't a victim if you aren't allowed to compete against obviously physically different people. When even Bruce/Kaitlin Jenner admits to a difference, you have to take a grab at a ring of reality.

  5. Well , you would think that this might remove some of the self induced confusion for those who completely lack
    the ability of defining what a "Woman" is , but yet somehow relate as one?

  6. If you're a woman who is into Sports and your competing with a trans let them go first and finish their race and on your terms start your race with real women competing along side you.

  7. The reason I switch to Republicans…
    The stupidity of so called “progressive”,
    Woke, cancel culture… first time in my life I voted for Republicans, Trump… I will continue to vote for Republicans!!!

  8. This is BS. Why is this even a problem? Whatever gender you were born as should be the gender team or sport you play on. This isn't rocket science people

  9. This is going to far . I'm all for people transitioning to what the feel is their authentic self , however being a former athlete and coach , having a male that transitioned to female make it an uneven playing field . It doesnt matte how you identify or what feline hormones you may be taking , the fact of the matter is that they are still bigger stronger and faster due to their gender at birth . Its unfair to female athletes , especially those at a collegiate level that have worked and performed beyond the average female athlete only to play at the college level to lose to man . A line has to be drawn somewhere . This isn't discriminatory they're just facts and common sense

  10. I also notice that female news anchors are often used to present transgender-related news.
    I assume this is done because women who actually identify as women are usually NOT asked to give their opinions about transgender issues. Having a female news reader gives the illusion of balance and subtly suggest to viewers that the female newsreader supports the transgender side.

  11. This clip is a perfect example of how unbalanced the mainstream media is when presenting this issue:
    – 2 of the 3 people making comments think it is okay for biological men to compete on female teams.
    – 2 of the 3 people making comments are biological males and 1 is a biological female who identifies as a man.
    – Could they not have included the opinion of 1 biological woman who actually identifies as a woman?

  12. REPSOL currently has a big problem in Peru. This "company" has a large oil spill off the coast of my country. Ever since the public found out what was happening… REPSOL has been lying to us. This company is downplaying the problem, and other than that… this DAMN company… DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. For my part, I will do everything possible, and whatever is within the reach of my hands so that this DAMN "COMPANY"… takes charge of the disaster that it is causing in the sea of ​​my country Peru.

  13. The argument is about “fairness” yet this is UNFAIR for women! This loser needs to compete with those with similar muscle mass, cardio capacity, arm length – aka biological men. Stop confusing gender and sex!

  14. She's a dude with long hair and a pecker. Who's worried about the women that got robbed of their dreams for a man living in dream land? I support trans lifestyle but sports are sacred. The key thing that makes a sport is a fair playing field. Male and female are terms that exist for a reason. If we don't care about those terms all males should be allowed to compete against all females. Is that fair???

  15. I'm sorry but I dont support transgender athletes in the womens competition. There is a clear advantage. Men arent worried about transgender males entering their competition because they know they cant compete because of how they are biologically.

  16. Timothy 4:3-4
    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

  17. This transgender stuff really has no real policy except it seems to say to hell with women's rights. A trans woman athlete can compete on a women's team, but get this, a trans man athlete can also compete on a women's team. So, if you are a man and you identify as a woman, you can compete on the women's team, but, if you are a woman and identify as a man, you also can compete on the women's team. You would think that the trans man would have to compete on the men's team, but, nope, they still get to compete on the women's team. So basically, in either scenario, both of them realizes that their only chance of winning, is by competing against women.

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