NBC Nightly News Full Broadcast – August 30th, 2021 – Car Mod Pros Portal

Search and rescue mission underway in Louisiana after Hurricane Ida’s impact and America’s longest war ends as the final flight leaves Kabul.
Watch “NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt” at 6:30 p.m. ET / 5:30 p.m. CT (or check your local listings).

00:00 Intro
02:40 Catastrophic Damage: Hurricane Ida
08:19 Urgent Rescue Mission In Louisiana
13:01 Afghanistan: America’s Longest War Ends
17:29 New Travel Restrictions
19:33 Inspiring America: Quiet Heroes Of Hurricane Ida

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#NBCNews #Afghanistan #HurricaneIda


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “NBC Nightly News Full Broadcast – August 30th, 2021”
  1. The disasters all over the world especially this pandemic to remind us there’s a true God. The unmeasurable power of our Almighty Father the creator of heaven and earth is eternal. We must remember during the time of Noah the sinner people were punished by God through the great flood entire world but give us another chance to live on earth to know where is the right place for us either eternal punishment or the Eternal life. Jesus promised us the Eternal Life. We humans do not know about Jesus who he really is. Before God Almighty Father created the earth, Jesus already exists. Jesus is already a Holy spirit before God created all the things on earth. Jesus is with His Almighty Father during God created the world. Genesis 1:26 "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and overall the creatures that move along the ground.” The Almighty God loves the people so much, He sacrificed His begotten Son Jesus Christ to save us. God gives us another chance to be forgiven through His beloved Son Jesus Christ. Before Jesus came to earth, the Almighty God is preparing a human body for Jesus to enter and that is in the womb of Mary. The words of his Father God are in Jesus Christ, John 1:14 "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." Jesus was sent down to earth to preach and to save the sinners. John 6:38 "For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me." We must accept we are all sinners and we must repent. Accept Jesus Christ with all our hearts. Accept Jesus as our savior, our King, and our loving God. Jesus said in John 14:6 "“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." We have no right to see the Almighty Father. Only Jesus has the right and sits at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus said to His God Father in John 17:24"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world." Jesus is our hope to be forgiven, He is the way and the truth and the LIFE. 1 John 2:25" And this is what he promised us—ETERNAL LIFE." and let's talk about the eternal punishment the final judgment and the end of the world. So at the bottom of the world satan was imprisoned and God cast down the fallen angels will be punished by fire along with the unforgiveness of the wicked. We are all repeatedly violating the ten commandments of God and We have sinned in thought, word, and deed. We must repent of our sins. God loves us very much. God wants us to be part of His gift the Eternal Life.


    in other words folks, our own gov ern ment has been doing this to us for years. This is why I only listen to Da ne Wing ing ton 😁👍

  3. This hurts my heart so much. I've had a love for all of Louisiana, and specifically for New Orleans, and Baton Rouge. You all are in my thoughts and prayers 🙏💕. Stay as safe as you can, and pray🙏🙏🙏

  4. How tom llamas in nbc nightly news because he's not abc world news tonight?😯😮😦😧😕❓❔?

  5. I lived most of my life in Houma and moved to TX in 2013, the year after getting a direct hit from hurricane Isaac. This footage was hard to watch. I also have many fond memories of summers in Grand Isle during the 70's. Storms have slowly shrunk the island through the years since. Prayers for all back home. 💔

  6. Louisiana in my prayers of God's mercy n Providence n Thank you to everyone helping in any n every way praying for Burmuda in path of Larry as well n the whole U.S. new York,,jersey the west coast. The Whole World🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️💔💔❣️😔

  7. Thank you for Our Service man and woman every a sacrifice for their country my way to repair, beautiful nurse in the ER taking care of this newborn so much love you're an angel

  8. NBCNewsGOLDHeavenWorldOlympicsAngelBeautifulAlwaysAdmireUrBeautyGospelsGodSpellsBibleReadAsYouSpeakAngelStandsInTheMistOfUsEspoAllDimensions24:36LUKE24:31_32VanishedDidItBurnAsOpenTheScripturesWordBecameFlesh1:14JOHN20:22HolySpiritCherubELOHIMtavKillFallenAngelsMeteorsSwordsJediDestroyingWeaponInHand9:1Ezekiel18:4HiHRUWhatsUpGOD105mgZincMutationSurvivalAnimalsInHeaven11:Isaiah8:20UrMindsTooPowerFullLifesLovesMemoriesMiraclesLearnsArtsSciencesMusiciansVoicesSingsFeelsItsReverences1:7Prov31:12AngelsBeautifulDances16:8EZE44:23HeavenAngelsGuardians18:10Mat19:26ALLLove2:15:1JOHN4:8_18LovethNotKnowthNotGodForGodIsLoveKeyOfDavid3:7_8Rev11:19ArkVoicesAngels68:17PSalm120_134SongOfDegreesMusicRead51:10_12PS144_War6:16:2Sam22:SelahStopPauseMeditateSongOfDegreesDanceReadSingPromiseOffSpringGivesLife15YearsToHaveKidsAhazSunDailSolarSystemISAIAH38DAVIDWeapon2Kings20_9ApexTecBiologicalSpiritaulEngineeringLostDayCalendarsHaveExtraDayStoodAllStillMoreDieByeHailStoneThenAnyFightOfMan10:11_14JOSHUA2:11HeartsMeltExpatooLiesWhoresLiveItUp17:REV10:7_11StoicheioLittleBookSeraphimsIAMThatIAmHebEveryISayEhyehAsherEhyehHereIAmSendMe6:2_8ISA29:6_18_24BookEatItMysteryRollBitterToSweat3:1_3EZE9:1ELOHIMOccurs2700TimesLearnSacredNamesEveryGodELOHIMYellEveryLordHelpHimMovedThemUseTheForce18:31_2CHRON3:2DomeOfTheRockAntiChirstWillSitTempleMountJerusalem4000YearsYerushalayimSpiritaulHomeLandOfYehhovawPeopleAbrahmicRelgionsForeFatherJudaismIsaacTorahChristianityIshamaelQaranIslamAllahMuslimGetThereDay37Psalms51:10_12MusicSingReadCreateinMeACleanHeartReadFindElijah8Miracles1_2_Kings17:1_18:45_1:10_2:8Elishas16Miracles2Kings2:14_6:17_13:21MiraclesProphetsAvenged18:20Rev11:5ElijahMoses2OliveWitnessesProphecyShutHeavenFireDevourethEvacStayDontBurnHousesLeaveNWOWill!BeSafeAllCoronaHivCantEnterWomb89SarahBabytime21:7GEN4TribesJacobConsimateMarriage16:8EZE37_38:22AsteroidsRacesKillUrRapistWorldWideShophetumHebSetThingsRightRule19:20:JUDGES7:6SpiritualStrenghALMightGod300ELShaddaiEnsampleExampleSeeAWayThrough10:11_13Cor11:ChirstInHeadCoverNephilimCainHalfAngelsWillExpatooUnlearnedFuturePastFiresCalculatedFloods19:24GEN6:_9:14RainbowFloodsNephilimVoidTOHUW4:22_28JER51:25_29DestroyingMountainVolcanoesAngels24:36LUKE9:48RecieveInMyNameRecievedMe!WickedNeverGetAhead37:7_20_34PSALMS40:ThoughtsPatientlyMagnifiedAllLauguagesSayWeWillGoWithYouForWeHaveHeardGodIsWithYou8:23ZECH13:RemnantBloodAllProphetGeneration's11:50_51LUKE12:9_12BeReady!UNeverRead10:26_27!LUKE10:19SpiritualWeaponLove4:18.1JOHN2:18_29AntiChirstWhoresFigs11:13MARK13:23ToldAllThingsSurvival42:15JOB38:2EducatedIdiotsConfusion71:PSALMS119:99MoreUnderstandingMillennium20:REV12:15FloodLies1:2_1PETER4:17TeachersJudgeFirst!DestroyBodySoul10:28MAT19:26AllThingsArePossibleEnsampleExamples10:11!1COR!10:13AllCommonMakeWayEscapeAbleBearIt!Choosen2:9!1PET!3:12EyesOverRighteousEarsOpenThierPrayersLordAgainstDoEvilWarfare10:!2COR12:9GodIsAtHisStrongestWhenWeAreWeakestChirstFutureThatWeCanDoAllWeCanTurnItOverGodForHisStrengthUnlimitedRichInFaith2:5JAMES1:2_CountItAllJoyTestFaithDontLetChangeSpecailPersonProphecy2:AMOS8:11FamineSpiritWalkInTheSpirit5:25GAL6:1_7MockedSaltOfTheEarthGoodForNoThing5:13MAT11:7JesusConceringJohnWildernessPeopleOfTheWorldBlowOverLikeGrassBelieveThisWayThatWayReedInWindDecieved!Testified3:JOHN8:44UrFatherSatan!40:ISA30:30PestilencGreatHailStonesFireBrimstoneWorldWide38:22EZE22:SlagSilverTruthnMyFuryComsumeIt!4:JAME5:17_18PrayNotRainPrayedRainEarthWhiteHorse6:REV19:RealChirst11_20DecievedMarkForeheadWorkInHandTheMindNephilim6:7Gen3:3ShallNotEatTouchHebrewNawgahSexSerpentAdamEveMolestedHolyPregnantedMindsExpatto5:!2COR11:2_3BeguiledEveInfiltratorRedeemed10:ZECH13:9RefineSilverWorldJudasStartFireFightersOtherCountryArmysAreHereLawStatutes17:19DEU22:25ForceRapeAnybodyKnowledgeLayWithTouchShallDie!EmotionallyProgramedTvDeceptionAllOnlinePublicGroupsPimpsArmysSoldierRapiestChildMolested!zgrnLigt!lacs!PrtectTheresWickFlee28:1PROV8:SheWisdomMinEnterJailMilitaryGrlgtAnyChargeGetOutInCourt!GetListGrhLigtStackedPaperWorkOnMilitary!KidsPiontThemOutCastFirstStoneAllRapistSoldierDontComeHomeJudasDeathHadHelpCutThroatDownStomachMessingWrongPeople1:18ACTS18:9_28AquilaPriscillaKeyChoosen43:10ISA40MyPeopleDisobedience10:1_7LEV19:28ShalNotWorshipDeadCutTattoo16:6Jer8:14GallPoppyJuiceHeroinProphecyAntiChirstType9:8_57JUD20:end!ToSetThingsRightToRules(MeaningOfJudges!)JUDGES20:5RapeToDeath,allJudges21:needToDoThisPSALM84:2LongethCourtsofTheLordJesusSendRapistChildmoslerPublicDeathPeopleSeeLearnReadMinds11:20JER17:14HealThemKnowledge4:6Hosea6:6iDesiredMercyWhores17:REV10:7_11EventsButteryFlyEffectsMomentosGravitationalsPowersPlanetsRetrogrades3FullMoons30daysEvery50DayCrosticsSpringEquiox20th15DayCountChirstBecameArePassover5:7!1COR13:CharityApirl1FoolsHaveHoliday!Stephen7:ACTS2:Petecost50dayAfterChirstDefeatedDeath7:HEB2:14SummerSolsticeJune21TemporalPsychosis20thRelativityVisionsElectOfGod2:28Joel3:15PerfectDayNoPremeditatedAnything2:Acts9:15ChoosenVessalSayInFlesh5%Put2Words95%Trust2:4!1THES5:3SignOfTimesDiscernWorldsincreasinglySpiritualLaborPainsNoEscapeBellysTrvailingLimitsTimePlanetsEclipsingSolarSystemWorldWideEffectsEveryTimeForfulled!Notes2SisterCalledU66:4!ISA43:26JustifiedVengence21:22Luke10:18SatanLighting2Thessalonians2:4AgreeingMark13:14OughtNotRevelation13:13SnapFingerLightingHe'sThereEarthTrembleShake14:16ISAIAH66:4CalledNOAnswersDelusionsEnterPeacefully11:24Danial2:47AntiChirstTypeYouKillEverybodyAnyWayDoAnythingToHimButKillJobSatan1:_37:Job38:1_2BattleChariotLordsAnswersJobWhoIsThisDarkenethCounselWithoutKnowledgeSatanSent3Guys36ChaptersEducated!IdiotsEndLived210DoublePortionLifeDaughters2NoMenMentionedAshesFromWithinSatansDeath28:18_19Ezekiel13:HuntSoulsRaptureToSatanStayFight21:15LUKE9EjectedKnowledge4:7Hosea6:6LoveKnowledgeNotMoneyScamsMultiBillion4HiddenDynasties1thPolitical2thEconomic3thEducation4thReligionsHornsMeansPowers1:18Zechariah5:1_11SymbolicalRollSignsUnlearnedFlyAwayWhoresAntiChirstBrides6thTrumpAngelWarningRealChirst7trumpVirginsBridesOfChirstStandsAgainstSatanEphesians6:10_ShieldOfFaithAreNotUnfaithfulWithChildisBlessingHaveBabyOkItsSpiritaullyHolySeducedPregnantInMindSpiritualWithChildUnfaithDeceivedSatanMolostedLikeAdamSinFirstGayRepentedExpattooUnlearnedWhoringAfterDoingTheWorkAntiChirstRaptureToSatanAt6thTrumpThereAreWithChildWhenRealChirstComesHomeAllWhoringThereBedThinkingitsChirst95%worldItsAntiChirst13:17Mark15:38VeilTempleTopBottemChirstProphecyDestoryPerversion6:5Genesis3:3BeuiledTouchSexNawgahSpiritaulHolySeducesExapatooPeople2COR2:_15ChasesVirginsSatanDiguisedBeguiledEveAdamExpattooLuciferTraslationMorningStarMaleAtSunRiseFemaleAtSunSetPreverted14:12iSA65:4_9SwineSmokeHellAshesGoneElectIheritItIntercessionOperationAngelsHelpReadBibleStuffButteryFlyEffectsJustifieth8:26_33Romans7:18FleshDwellethNoGoodThingFamines8:11AMOS3:7SecretsDryGroundGodArkPower3:17Joshua4:18SolesFeetLiftedUpDryLandEventsChallenges18:!2KING2:7_8ComeBackRead!Elijah!Elisha!SmoteThe(Water)!TimeTravelGetThisDoneReadEZEKIELchapter1WholeThingGetInRiver(Water)River(Chebar)meansHebrew(LENGTHofTIME)WatchEveryBodyNextToYouForFullMoonsEntertainingAngels13:2Hebrew12:29ElohimConsumingFireHadNoPower3:27Daniel4:33_DanielWatchHim7YearsBabelonKingsLycanthropyWerewolvesWantsBackHisEmpireGenetenicMiracleWeaponsPlusVampiresMutationsGogsMagogsWorldsMutationCreaturesHelixCurve8:19_33Romans12:2TransformedFuBillGatesFuAllPossible9:23Mark10:27WithGodAllPossibleSpiritIntercession8:26Roman13:1OrdainAdvancedTodayCanExplainHybridsRibsHelixCurve2:21Genesis3:3ExapatooBeguilingTouchMeansSexSatanScreechOwlVampireLilith34::14Isaiah53ProphecyTransformedWorks12:2Romans12:20HeapcoalsFireForeheadsThey'llThinkGlobelWarmingSpeakingConscieneSearedHotIron4:2Timothy2:1_15SoldiersDevouringFlamingFireRoundAbout2:3Lamentations4:7NazaritesWar144Psalms68:17Gods20000Vehicles1000AngelStabAnyoneAnyWhereAnyPlaceAnyTime4:12Hebrews10:7VolumeOfGodScorpionStingEnemyBreakBackBonesWorldWideAllSouls18:4Ezekiel9:1InHandDestroyingWeaponElohimJediTavZealSealOfGodInForehead9:3_4Revelation9:11AngelOfDeathCursesMindChildBabyRuleOverThem3:2Isaiah54:16:17BloodOnTheWallNoDefencesMillionsReadingWorldWideEnemyIsDeadAreYouUnderWaterToo26:8Leviticus26:36SoundOfShakenLeafWillChaseYouAngelFollowToUrDeath4000CursesPlaugesWillFallEarthFormeditToBeInhabited45:18isaiah43:26JustifiedLetJesusKnowUKnowItClaimPromisesWordFromTheAngels10:12_Daniel3:29Mark9:23AllDoubleDestruction17:18Jer31:29_37PastSourGrapeFutureKidsTastaSourGrapeWhirlWind30:23_24JER7:23StudyHeart17:5JER20:12VengeanceOpenCauseDivineNamesTitlesNoJHebrewJesusYehowshuwaYahHoShooAhGreekIesousEnglishJehodhuaEEaysooceChristianChirstianosChristoOilOfArePeopleAnointedOneBeGottennSonYahovawSaviorElShaddaiGodAlimightElyonElMostHighGodYehovawElohimLordGodAdoniaYehovawMostHighElyonAlmightyShaddaiLORDAdominLordOwerAdonaiBlesserAdonOverLordTheLordJAHLordYehovawGodEloahGodELJehovahNoJYehhovawJirehProvidesYehovawRophekaHealTheeYehhovawMekaddishkemSanctifyYouYehhovawShalomPeaceYehhovawZebaothHostJehhovawZidenuOurRighteousnessYehhovawShammahLordIsThereYehhovawRoiMyShepherd1820TheIncredibleCoverUpHistoryOfRapture10$CompanionBibileBestMassoreticOldHebrewBullingerBest1830BibleOutOfPrintBuyOne100$FreeSHepherdCHapelUTubeStudyStopMutationsEveryone100mgZincStopCovidIsHIVIsCovidNowAirBornStopMutations105MGZincProtectFromEnteringTheWombTakeNewphew4ThBabyHeroImmuneNaturallyEverydayExampleFriendPregnantGotPoisonIvyBadBaby30YearsNowImmuneToPoisonIvyWorldWideAllWomenNeedToBeWithChildimmuneInWombZincProtectsReadSongDegreesEveryday15YearsPromiseToHaveKidsLoveGodsPromisesReadStudy'sWordToTheWiseMyThemeSongMyWayJesushttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn8vzTsnPps

  9. Around 1492, a people came over to the the 4th part of the world, the Americas. They brought death, destruction and chaos to the indigenous peoples already here; The Children of Israel.
    DONT BLAME CLIMATE CHANGE for the increasing calamaties, its The Most High turning the curses back on to all who have mistreated us. 2 Esdras 15:5-9
    [5]Behold, saith the Lord, I will bring plagues vpon the world; the sword, famine, death, and destruction.
    [6]For wickednesse hath exceedingly polluted the whole earth, and their hurtfull workes are fulfilled.
    [7]Therefore saith the Lord,
    [8]I will hold my tongue no more as touching their wickednesse, which they prophanely commit, neither wil I suffer them in those things, in which they wickedly exercise themselues: behold, the innocent & righteous blood cryeth vnto me, and the soules of the iust complaine continually.
    [9]And therefore saith the Lord, I wil surely auenge them, and receiue vnto me, all the innocent blood from among them.

  10. The US goverment send soldier to afganistan for nothing… the US only want the oil… not to help… feel sad for the soldiers…

  11. We have to call A SPADE A SPADE , and it is actually what is happening in the U.S.A.Only those blind by FAITH will deny these NATURAL CALAMITIES AND NATURAL CATASTROPH.A WORD TO THE WISE.

  12. WHY are home made out of wood and sheetrock in those hurricane states, that needs to be changed, Caribbean homes can stand for years and many many hurricanes!!

  13. Even if we had stayed in Afghanistan for another 20 years if would not have been any different. The Afghan government was too reliant on America to even want to fight to protect their own country.

  14. I was right about the grand Isles ahead of time for years maybe actually seven years ahead of time read the weather 100% it is called global warming on top of everything else even the pollution in the air I know what I am talking about but that ain't the only thing I have been dealing with I have been dealing with the wildfires out west and the evacuees evacuated and the people that still left in the fire zones just like the people it is left in the flood zones I am trying to get each and every person help and I am trying to get people to help each other more than anything I am glad I told them what to do no I am just trying to prepare for tornado season and winter time because I know this winter is going to be bad for United States this winter time for United States is going to be bad everywhere it will go down in history I even predicted the weather for each country also God be with everyone

  15. My heart just breaks I have family and friends in the area and their house is flooded they have no power either. I'm trying to find a way to come out there to help somehow.
    🙏🏼 God bless you all, you are in my prayers much love from Florida.

  16. My heartfelt condolences to the fallen heroes and families😔♥️

  17. I pray for everyone to return safely and for The Souls of all the soldiers lost in this god-forsaken battle. This all was started for a reason lives are being lost for an agenda…..political satire

  18. Biden pressured the then- Afghan president to create a “perception” that the Taliban hadn’t been advancing at such a rapid pace, “whether its true or not.” Good job Democrats!

  19. UPDATED Sep-1: Undefeated, Death-% in ~100-Infected-Nations stay, despite efforts by their Gov-Virus-Czars, (GVC).
    These Death-% rule billions today, thus, 100%-recovery is raised via new, shared, modified, PLAN-B.
    But total-recovery cant' start without emergency need of new, Science-Philosophy-Language, SPL.
    How, in short, total-recovery via SPL work? Post presenting 3-Tables by pre-SPL-D%, we explain.

    Age vs Death-% in ~100 Infected Nations
    0–34 0.004%
    35–44 0.068%
    45–54 0.23%
    55–64 0.75%
    65–74 2.5%
    75–84 8.5%
    85 + 28.3%
    GVC lockdowns, masks, vaccines, etc. keep these individual D% approximately invariant
    vs "preconditions" and/or life in crowded, infected-locations, under various National,
    GVC-Death-%-TRENDS presented next as PREFACE to total-recovery via new SPL.
    What, in short, total-recovery via SPL is? Post this SPL-PREFACE, we can explain.

    GVC-D%-Trend Nov-2, Dec-28, Jan-31, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Aug-26, cf Order

    GRMNY 1.97 1.84 2.56 2.65 2.49 2.45 2.43 2.42 2.37
    GREC 3.70 3.67 3.01 2.91 2.54 2.46 2.36
    BLGM 2.53 2.47 2.30 2.22 2.20 2.16
    AUSTRL 3.28 3.21 3.16 3.15 3.08 3.00 3.02 3.19 2.47 2.07
    UK 4.51 3.09 2.77 2.83 2.89 2.90 2.51 2.15 2.10 2.00
    CNDA 4.30 3.71 2.57 2.58 2.02 1.86 1.85 1.84 1.82
    SPN 2.89 2.66 2.06 2.10 2.23 2.20 2.06 1.79 1.76 1.74
    US 2.51 1.74 1.69 1.69 1.78 1.79 1.72 1.71 1.72
    FR 2.69 2.45 2.39 2.38 1.87 1.80 1.92 1.78 1.75 1.70
    SWS 1.80 1.62 1.55 1.55 1.49 1.43
    INDIA 1.11 1.15 1.11 1.32 1.34 1.34 1.34
    SWDN 4.78 2.09 2.04 2.06 1.46 1.34 1.32 1.30
    NL 2.11 1.44 1.43 1.44 1.16 1.10 0.93 0.95 0.94 0.93
    NZ 1.00 1.00 0.94 0.90 0.89 0.81
    ARUBA 0.86 0.86 0.93 0.96 0.89 0.87 0.93
    FIN 2.20 1.54 1.48 1.06 1.00 1.00 0.88 0.85 0.82
    TLND 0.35 0.27 0.68 0.82 0.83 0.92
    DNMRK 1.06 0.99 1.00 0.85 0.79 0.78 0.75
    ISRL 0.74 0.76 0.76 0.74 0.74 0.71 0.67
    BORA 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.70 0.88 0.88
    NRWY 0.75 0.67 0.70 0.61 0.57 0.56
    SCLS 0.26 0.40 0.49 0.44 0.51 0.52 0.53
    BHRN 0.36 0.35 0.42 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.51
    CPRS 0.67 0.52 0.50 0.46 0.42 0.42 0.43
    ICL 0.48 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.34 0.32 0.30
    UAE 0.28 0.29 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.28 0. 29 0.28
    MLDVS 0.32 0.33 0.26 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.28
    SNGPR 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08

    GVC-D%-Trends Nov-2, Dec-28, Jan-31, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Aug-26 in reverse order
    PERU 3.30 3.50 3.42 9.25 9.23
    MXCO 9.92 8.51 9.23 9.30 8.50 8.03 7.81
    SUDN 6.75 7.12 7.52 7.47 7.47 7.51
    SYRIA 6.68 6.93 7.10 7.24 7.35 7.36
    ECDR 5.26 4.88 4.80 4.66 6.46 6.45 6.43
    CHINA 5.38 5.33 5.18 5.12 5.09 5.04 4.91 4.89
    AFGN 4.45 4.64
    BLIVIA 4.56 3.53 4.20 3.79 3.76 3.77 3.76
    TUNIS 3.48 3.67 3.60 3.31 3.43 3.48 3.52
    RUSS 1.94 2.28 2.41 2.47 2.58 2.63
    GTML 3.41 3.35 3.30 3.05 2.76 2.70 2.58
    CLMB 2.59 2.58 2.60 2.50 2.53 2.54 2.54
    SRLNK 0.52 0.60 1.55 1.69 1.95
    VNZL 0.94 1.07 1.10 1.14 1.18 1.19 1.20

    Explaining total recovery from these Death-% by First, Interconnected, 14 SPL-Components:

    (1) These 10-Mn-Death-%-Trends, and SPL, are expected to effect 100%, final, shared-recovery.
    (2) It integrates GVC mandates with One-With-Nature, OWN Virus-Free-Lands, VFL.
    (4) It starts w National Defense-Group-1 adding SPL-Protocol-1 of Shared Plan-B.
    (5) Group-1-Aim is to secure MAIN-GROUP-A-1 of Nursing Homes, Vets, Guards, etc. in VFL-A1.
    (6) Group-B of hospitals, homeless-camps, refugees, prisons, be located in guarded VFL-B-1,2,3,4..
    (7) VIRUS-DIFFUSION-DYNAMICS vs D% TRENDS, is introduced by online course to instructors.
    (8) GROUP-A in National Parks/Beach-or-Arid-Zones, Islands, Highway-Sides, needs VFL-Police.
    (9) Max-2-floors-homes, 75-ft-apart, may be pre-fabs provided w water, electricity, roads/highways, etc.
    (10) New community-centers are part of-VFR-infrastructure, each adapted to local-Group-A-Culture.
    (11) Options include OWN-Healthy-Diet, like ABRAHAMIC, [published by earlier youtube comments].
    (12) Ways to ban Virus-Contrabands from higher-D%-infected nations, states, provinces, cities, streets.
    (13) Plan-B is based on close cooperation w developers combining private means w Gov-Budget-Rules.
    (14) Costs, expenses, assets, liabilities, and cash flow for each unit need be designed by Developers.


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