NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – May 22nd, 2021 | NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – May 22nd, 2021 | NBC Nightly News

First named storm of hurricane season, ceasefire holds in the Middle East as tensions remain, and major reversal in deadly arrest of Ronald Greene.» Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC
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NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – May 22nd, 2021 | NBC Nightly News


40 thoughts on “NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – May 22nd, 2021 | NBC Nightly News


  2. Essentia water after good meal. Basically they should enforce this at hospital stays, but they don't. When the body is contaminated, you keep taking a shower, so taking a shower four times a day won't help. While this is one step closer to equality, because we all should be better aware of our better health. There is no reason why we can't walk healthy.

  3. Welcome 🙏 to me ❤️❤️

  4. Even a flat earther knows that's it's a scamdemic 👹 avoid the experimental mutant vaccinations and the double covidiot masks 😷

  5. Article 2, Part (c) of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide from 1948 defines genocide as:
    Deliberately inflicting on the group CONDITIONS OF LIFE calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
    MASSIVE non-White Immigration, FORCED Assimilation/Integration & Diversity programs that target EVERY & ONLY White Nations?
    All these “conditions” ULTIMATELY lead to WHITE GENOCIDE!
    Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White.

  6. Why are they fighting when neither group are the original inhabitants of that land they all are migrants the moved into the land that God gave to the Hebrew Israelites which were scattered to the 4 corners of the world 🌎 now who fits that description?

  7. Israel will not have peace in the land until the real bloodline Israelites are back in the land , they know the real Israelites are The so-called black people, Deuteronomy 28: 45-68 . But the saints are waiting for The New Jerusalem to come down on the cloud, the old Jerusalem will be destroyed Revelation 21: 1-14 so we can go into our gates and live in peace.

  8. The terrorist state of israel should be stripped of statehood, disarmed, sanctioned and forced to return the land they took from the Palestinians, who should be compensated and granted statehood!

  9. Don’t sweat it didn’t the cases go down exactly this time last summer. In winter covid will back as usual and we will be on lock down again.

  10. I’m sure we’ve all experienced road rage before but I can’t even imagine killing a little kid over it. That’s beyond messed up. May he Rest in Peace

  11. Waht if boy shot himself with Mother's gun and she is probably making up a story saying that somebody shot at her and if they shot at the car and the bullet went in through the truck and into the backseat the bullet should be lodged in the child or somewhere in the car. Something about how the family reaction is on camera seems very odd and strange to me like if they know something that they're not telling people I am just looking at every possible angle I seen many videos of family members losing somebody and you can see the pain in their eyes and in the body language something about this family's reaction especially the boys sister just strikes me as odd

  12. I'll never take that shot i can't take the flu shot because of bad reaction and one of the vaccines they give babies about killed me after bad reaction so i can't risk it no matter what they say i can't do unless I get it

  13. Make no mistake about it, Israeli apartheid is directly related to the killing of non white Americans by US police. Our police is trained by Israeli security personnel to be as intolerant of non white people just as apartheid Israel is. The ADL (Anti Defamation League) that is always harping about antisemitism in America is, in my view, a shill for Israeli apartheid. Every year the ADL sends heads of US police departments on all expense paid junkets to Israel where they learn Israeli apartheid tactics. The police department heads return to the US and hire Israeli security firms to teach US police cadets the art of Israeli apartheid. The Jewish Voice for Peace. a US organization, reported and exposed on this threat to American society a couple of years ago.

  14. All of this hype about c19 rates dropping & everything getting back to normal. What they really mean is they cant wait to jack up prices on everything & rippng people off again. Yeah real exciting SMH.

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