NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – July 13th, 2021

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – July 13th, 2021

President Biden condemns Republican-backed efforts to restrict voting access, health officials say not enough evidence to show Covid vaccine booster necessary, and growing concern as inflation hits 13-year high. Watch NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt at 6:30 p.m. ET / 5:30 p.m. CT (or check your local listings).

00:00 Intro
02:09 Texas Voting Rights: Biden Responds To GOP
05:04 Child Covid Risks
08:42 Consumer Prices Surge
10:36 Extreme Weather Concerns
12:43 Haiti: DEA Informant Arrested
14:18 Employer Marijuana Testing
16:29 Inspiring America: What Brought Two Co-Workers Closer

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#NBCNews #VotingRights #Covid


41 thoughts on “NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – July 13th, 2021

  1. All they doing is making sure people who shouldn’t be voting aren’t. Has nothing to do with Black people. Democrats are a really pathetic group of people. Republicans are not too far behind. But at least republicans are not constantly trying to make it about race when it’s not ✅

  2. UnAmerican, CRT is unamerican and nobody is stopping it. I will from now on support Republican voter suppression until the administration stops funding and bans the teaching of CRT. We should also bring back banned books.

  3. Here in Oregon the Repubs are keen on running out. Done it three times. Heck the GQP that let in the rioters, didn't even show to his court hearing.

    Rather wipe my back side with the words of Abot, and Teddy Cruz.

  4. Covid-Variants-Half-a-Year-%Fatalities-Trends-in-low-&-highly-infected-countries
    MEXICO 8.58 9.41 9.08 228,146 234,907
    PERU 3.42 9.40 9.34 186,511 194,249
    SUDN 6.75 7.47 7.50 2,662 2,760
    SYRIA 6.68 7.24 7.36 1,793 1,898
    CHINA 5.17 5.09 5.04
    EQDOR 5.26 4.81 4.66 20,809 21,814
    BOLIV 4.56 3.88 3.79 15,024 17,200
    HUNGRY 3.52 3.71 3.71 29,797 30,004
    TUNIS 3.48 3.67 3.31 12,793 16,244
    SUT-AF 3.39 2.93 56,711 64,289
    GTML 3.41 3.17 3.05 8,214 9,688
    ELSLVDR 4.96 3.06 3.01 2,255 2,439


    PERU 3.42 9.40 9.34
    CHINA 5.17 5.09 5.04
    AUSTRL 3.15 3.14 2.93
    GRC 3.67 2.99 2.91
    ITLY 3.48 2.99 2.99
    UK 2.83 2.84 2.51
    ROMNIA 2.47 2.82 3.16
    BRAZIL 2.43 2.79 2.79
    COLMB 2.59 2.60 2.50
    GRMN 2.65 2.42 2.45
    RUSSIA 1.94 2.41 2.47
    BELGIUM 2.53 2.34 2.30
    SPN 2.10 2.17 2.06
    CHLI 2.24 2.11 2.13
    ARGNT 2.43 2.06 2.12
    PRTGL 1.89 2.00 1.89
    FR 2.38 1.93 1.92
    CNDA 2.58 1.85 1.86
    U.S. 1.69 1.79 1.79
    PHLP 2.11 1.66 1.76
    INDIA 1.11 1.21 1.32
    NL 1.44 1.07 1.03
    FINLD 1.48 1.03 1.00
    SWS 1.80 1.55 1.55
    SWD 2.06 1.35 1.34
    VNZL 0.94 1.13 1.16


    SNGPR 0.05 0.05 0.06
    BHTN 0.12 0.06 0.04
    TIMOR 0.22 0.26
    MLDV 0.33 0.26 0.29
    DUBAI 0.29 0.29 0.29
    SYCL 0.40 0.36 0.44
    BHRN 0.35 0.42 0.52
    ICELND 0.48 0.45 0.45
    MONGL 0.10 0.47 0.50
    MLAS 0.36 0.52 0.74
    St-VNC 0.26 0.59 0.54
    TLND 0.35 0.68 0.81
    CYP 0.67 0.68 0.46
    NRWY 0.75 0.62 0.60
    CUBA 0.74 0.68 0.64
    Bora-Bora 0.74 0.75 0.76
    ISRL 0.74 0.76 0.76
    SRLNK 0.52 0.80 1.28
    DNMRK 1.06 0.89 0.85
    ARUBA 0.86 0.97 0.96
    ESTONIA 0.97 0.97
    NZ 0.97 0.94

  5. Ted Cruz needs to go somewhere and sit his hypocritical bot down or go back to Canada.. Republicans need to stop restricting people's ability to vote. Regardless of their political status. Furthermore both parties have abandoned the American people for their own political game. They collect taxes from the people but do nothing for the people

  6. IF CURRENT EFFORTS CAN'T STOP THE VIRUS, CAN HALF A MILLION VIRUS-FREE ISLANDS DO IT? IN WARM ZONES ~8,000 in AU,~7,000 in PHL,~300 in UAE,~200 in GRC; OR IN COLD-ZONES~200,000 in SWDN,~188,000 in FNLND,~55,000 in NRWY,~52,000 in CNDA,~2,000 in ESTNIA; or in Domestic-Arid,Cold,Beach-Areas? IF CURRENT EFFORTS ARE MIXED WITH 20-45 M on Google, Amazon, YouTube, 'in', ISSUU, Springer, NYAS, Science, Nature, etc.

    1. Nat'l-Case-#,-Nat'l-Death-#,-said-#-per-million,-harbor-no-base-in-science.
    2. Sole Verified Scientific Index of Nat'l Virus Surge, NVS, is Reported %-Deaths.
    3. %-Deaths are higher than reported because hospitals report not *deaths-at-home.
    4. Is it time to prepare PLAN-B

    i. Hardest-Options are to curb Virus-Diffusion Between states, counties, cities, gated-com, etc.
    ii. Gradual abandoning towns-&-cities is indeed very sad, but remains various Gov responsibilities.
    iii. Abandoning-campuses may be needed as well military-bases, facilities, hospitals, gov buildings..
    iv. Zero % Fatality Campings-may also need handling Roomy-Tents-50-ft-apart via Gov-Conduct Code.
    v. The-Olds may secure free food/water/elect, medicines, groceries, clinics, Internet, etc.
    vi. Residents may need to create new social life, education, work, shopping, mainly online, AND
    vii. Mix modern-tech/clean-diet/clean-air guided by that of 175-180-Y/O Avraham, Sarah, Ytshack.

    Answer-not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him, [26:4,King Solomon]
    The-most-dangerous-person is the one presenting the truth in a room. [Plato]
    To-know-the-truth? One may not need to hear both sides. [Lester Holt,-voted-best-TV-Anchor].
    Copyrights? Apply to author* & his 13-years old son David F. Galor & family members.
    youtube, Supermaneuverability [Wikipedia, rfrs 1,2]; 12-Editorials by *Int'l-J-Turbo-Jet-Engines*, AIAA,
    AviationWeek, Aerospace-America, ASME v 6th-Generation,-2020-2040–AeroSpace-Combat-reviews, etc./

  7. IF CURRENT EFFORTS CAN'T STOP THE VIRUS, CAN HALF A MILLION VIRUS-FREE ISLANDS DO IT? IN WARM ZONES ~8,000 in AU,~7,000 in PHL,~300 in UAE,~200 in GRC; OR IN COLD-ZONES~200,000 in SWDN,~188,000 in FNLND,~55,000 in NRWY,~52,000 in CNDA,~2,000 in ESTNIA; or in Domestic-Arid,Cold,Beach-Areas?

    1. Nat'l-Case-#,-Nat'l-Death-#,-said-#-per-million,-harbor-no-base-in-science.
    2. Sole Verified Scientific Index of Nat'l Virus Surge, NVS, is Reported %-Deaths.
    3. %-Deaths are higher than reported because hospitals report not *deaths-at-home.
    4. Is it time to prepare PLAN-B

    i. Home-Refuges on VIRUS-FREE of some Highways-Sides, 100-FT-APART, may emerge easy option?
    ii. Hardest-options are to curb Virus-Diffusion Between states, counties, cities, gated-com, etc.
    iii. Gradual abandoning towns-&-cities is indeed very sad, but remains various Gov responsibilities.
    iv. Abandoning-campuses may be needed as well military-bases, facilities, hospitals, gov buildings..
    v. Zero % Fatality Campings-may also need handling Roomy-Tents-50-ft-apart via Gov-Conduct Code.
    vi. The-Olds may secure free food/water/elect, medicines, groceries, clinics, Internet, etc.
    vii. Residents may need to create new social life, education, work, shopping, mainly online, AND
    viii. Modern-tech/clean-diet/clean-air/Mix guided by 175-180-Y/O Avraham, Sarah, Ytshack Diet?.

    Answer-not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him, [26:4,King Solomon]
    The-most-dangerous-person is the one presenting the truth in a room. [Plato]
    To-know-the-truth? One may not need to hear both sides. [Lester Holt,-voted-best-TV-Anchor].
    Copyrights? Apply to author* & his 13-years old son David F. Galor & family members.
    youtube, Supermaneuverability [Wikipedia, rfrs 1,2]; 12-Editorials by *Int'l-J-Turbo-Jet-Engines*, AIAA,
    AviationWeek, Aerospace-America, ASME v 6th-Generation,-2020-2040–AeroSpace-Combat-reviews, etc././

  8. IF CURRENT EFFORTS CAN'T STOP THE VIRUS, CAN HALF A MILLION VIRUS-FREE ISLANDS DO IT? IN WARM ZONES ~8,000 in AU,~7,000 in PHL,~300 in UAE,~200 in GRC; OR IN COLD-ZONES~200,000 in SWDN,~188,000 in FNLND,~55,000 in NRWY,~52,000 in CNDA,~2,000 in ESTNIA; or in Domestic-Arid,Cold,Beach-Areas?

    1. Nat'l-Case-#,-Nat'l-Death-#,-said-#-per-million,-harbor-no-base-in-science.
    2. Sole Verified Scientific Index of Nat'l Virus Surge, NVS, is Reported %-Deaths.
    3. %-Deaths are higher than reported because hospitals report not *deaths-at-home.
    4. Is it time to prepare PLAN-B

    i. Hardest-Options are to curb Virus-Diffusion Between states, counties, cities, gated-com, etc.
    ii. Gradual abandoning towns-&-cities is indeed very sad, but remains various Gov responsibilities.
    iii. Abandoning-campuses may be needed as well military-bases, facilities, hospitals, gov buildings..
    iv. Zero % Fatality Campings-may also need handling Roomy-Tents-50-ft-apart via Gov-Conduct Code.
    v. The-Olds may secure free food/water/elect, medicines, groceries, clinics, Internet, etc.
    vi. Residents may need to create new social life, education, work, shopping, mainly-via-online.

    Answer-not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him, [26:4,King Solomon]
    The-most-dangerous-person is the one presenting the truth in a room. [Plato]
    To-know-the-truth? One may not need to hear both sides. [Lester Holt,-voted-best-TV-Anchor].
    Copyrights? Apply to author* & his 13-years old son David F. Galor & family members.
    youtube, Supermaneuverability [Wikipedia, rfrs 1,2]; 12-Editorials by *Int'l-J-Turbo-Jet-Engines*, AIAA,
    AviationWeek, Aerospace-America, ASME v 6th-Generation,-2020-2040–AeroSpace-Combat-reviews, etc.

  9. What an irony, our country can spend millions of dollars to reestablish the internet in Cuba, will the internet fill their stomachs? Or will it only serve the macabre interest of an empire that only looks after its interests? … why better not they use taxpayers, or their own resources to provide food for a starving people… Of course this is if they really care about the welfare of that people.

    Is it that the people of Cuba do not realize that they are being manipulated to do the dirty work of an empire that wants to come to clean the remains of blood and bodies, occupying a country enslaved for more than 400 years?

    The people of Cuba since the Spanish war, until today, have been deprived of a true freedom from an oppressive government… First; Spain, second the United States, and later, the Castro’s regime. I say remove the embargo and let them care for their own business.

    Many people try to distort reality, and while we condemn Cuba's totalitarian regime, perhaps; Is the United States empire’s exempt from guilt? or is it also largely responsible for the pain and suffering of a country that is suffering to our Spence’s.

    Why news channels do muted their voices about this truth and American people keep silent, when so many countries are asking for justice… if you truly want to do something for Cubans INSIDE the country; copy and paste… Let’s make this viral! https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/06/1094612

  10. Arizona Preliminary Senate hearing held 17th July reported the following sample of fraud. 3,981 voters registered after the deadline. 11,326 voters who were not on the voter roles as of November 7th, but mysteriously appeared on the voter rolls between 7th November and 4th December.18,000 voted on election day and were then removed shortly after the election. 74,243 mail-in ballots were cast with no evidence of ever having being sent out by Maricopa County. If Maricopa County did not send these out, who did? Preliminary subtotal of fraudulent votes so far is 107,550 and more to come. The Democrats have been subpoenaed to hand over passwords for the Dominion Voting machines, but still refuse to. Now if there is nothing to hide, why are the Democrats refusing to hand over the passwords etc. The court will eventually deal with these crooked Democrats hopefully. It is evident to me that Democrats are fighting voting integrity because they will never be able to cheat their way into government again.

  11. Lester, lester, master of lies. 😒

  12. How’s the past election 🗳 showing the world 🌎 with none respect the USA constitutional and deceiving with any wrongdoing in the USA 🇺🇸? Please advise me when the senate support especially for the Parties nothings about the USA people😾. How’s fakes of the Liberty 🗽 in the warriors and sanctions going with the congress on coverage of the elites and not support the National unity😿.

  13. It’s my astonishing thing when the people voting rights for the USA democratically elected, why’d the devastating man is still living with him and alliance trying on for down turn and passing any wrongs doings against Court🙏🏻?

  14. “You can shop around and buy things that aren’t quite as much”…that is the most blatant out of touch rich person comment to peasants that I have ever heard…🤦‍♂️

  15. Assiduous,-6-month,-Virus-Variants-Study-of-61-Countries-Reports
    Islands,Peninsulas,Beach-Areas,Arid-Zones,Closed-Borders, ATOLS:
    BHTN 0.12 0.06 0.04
    SNGPR 0.05 0.05 0.06
    TIMOR 0.22 0.26
    MLDV 0.33 0.26 0.29
    DUBAI 0.29 0.29 0.29
    SYCL 0.40 0.36 0.44
    BHRN 0.35 0.42 0.52
    ICELND 0.48 0.45 0.45
    MONGL 0.10 0.47 0.50
    MLAS 0.36 0.52 0.74
    St-VNC 0.26 0.59 0.54
    TLND 0.35 0.68 0.81
    CYP 0.67 0.68 0.46
    NRWY 0.75 0.62 0.60
    CUBA 0.74 0.68 0.64
    Bora-Bora 0.74 0.75 0.76
    ISRL 0.74 0.76 0.76
    SRLNK 0.52 0.80 1.28
    DNMRK 1.06 0.89 0.85
    ARUBA 0.86 0.97 0.96
    ESTONIA 0.97 0.97
    NZ 0.97 0.94
    MEXICO 8.58 9.41 9.08
    PERU 3.42 9.40 9.34
    CHINA 5.17 5.09 5.04
    AUSTRL 3.15 3.14 2.93
    GRC 3.67 2.99 2.91
    ITLY 3.48 2.99 2.99
    UK 2.83 2.84 2.51
    ROMNIA 2.47 2.82 3.16
    BRAZIL 2.43 2.79 2.79
    COLMB 2.59 2.60 2.50
    GRMN 2.65 2.42 2.45
    RUSSIA 1.94 2.41 2.47
    BELGIUM 2.53 2.34 2.30
    SPN 2.10 2.17 2.06
    CHLI 2.24 2.11 2.13
    ARGNT 2.43 2.06 2.12
    PRTGL 1.89 2.00 1.89
    FR 2.38 1.93 1.92
    CNDA 2.58 1.85 1.86
    U.S. 1.69 1.79 1.79
    PHLP 2.11 1.66 1.76
    INDIA 1.11 1.21 1.32
    FINLD 1.48 1.03 1.00
    SWS 1.80 1.55 1.55
    SWD 2.06 1.35 1.34
    VNZL 0.94 1.13 1.16
    MEXICO 8.58 9.41 9.08 228,146 234,907
    PERU 3.42 9.40 9.34 186,511 194,249
    SUDN 6.75 7.47 7.50 2,662 2,760
    SYRIA 6.68 7.24 7.36 1,793 1,898
    CHINA 5.17 5.09 5.04
    EQDOR 5.26 4.81 4.66 20,809 21,814
    BOLIV 4.56 3.88 3.79 15,024 17,200
    HUNGRY 3.52 3.71 3.71 29,797 30,004
    TUNIS 3.48 3.67 3.31 12,793 16,244
    SUT-AF 3.39 2.93 56,711 64,289
    GTML 3.41 3.17 3.05 8,214 9,688
    ELSLVDR 4.96 3.06 3.01 2,255 2,439

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