NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – February 8th, 2021 | NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – February 8th, 2021 | NBC Nightly News

New Covid superspreader fears after Super Bowl celebrations, former President Trumps attorneys preview impeachment trial defense, and what we know about the Capitol riot investigation one month later.

Watch NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt live at 6:30 p.m. ET / 5:30 p.m. CT (or check your local listings).

00:00 Intro
02:02 New Superspreader Fears After Super Bowl Celebrations
02:46 Early Study: U.K. Variant Doubles In U.S. Every 10 Days
03:03 U.S. Tops 466,000 Covid Deaths One Year Later
04:04 AstraZeneca Vaccine Less Effective On South Africa Strain
05:39 Trump’s Attorneys Reveal Impeachment Trial Defense
06:31 Democrats Say Evidence Against Trump ‘Overwhelming’
06:57 Trump’s Second Impeachment Trial Starts Tomorrow
07:29 Senate Agrees On Rules For Trump Impeachment Trial
07:57 Federal Prosecutors Charge Over 200 In Capitol Attack
09:20 Biden Focuses On COVID Response Amid Impeachment Trial
10:27 Avalanches Kill At Least 15 In Just One Week
11:41 Dangerous Deep Freeze & Winter Storm Threat
12:33 Glacier Collapse & Flood Kills Dozens, Over 200 Missing
13:59 Celebrity Doctor Opens Up About Son’s Tragic Opioid Death
16:10 Why It’s So Important To File Early This Year

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#CovidSuperspreader #SuperBowl #NBCNews

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – February 8th, 2021 | NBC Nightly News


39 thoughts on “NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – February 8th, 2021 | NBC Nightly News

  1. 💩💩💩👺👺👺🤮🤮🤮👿👿👿💩💩💩👺🤮💩👺👿

  2. \\ Lebanon & Palestinians Lost the Battle on CHICKPEAS 'Ownership'; CORONA SURVIVAL
    DILEMMA /////
    (A) – "Chickpea seeds are of the earliest cultivated legumes, and 7500-year-old remains have
    been found in the Middle East.[6][7]'': "Advances in Agronomy. Elsevier. 2001. ISBN 978-
    0080543994. via Google Books; S. Bell (March 31, 2014). "The small but mighty chickpea".
    Phys.org. Wikipedia, 'CHICKPEAS'. See (E).
    (C) – 52-DAYS-OF SUCH TREND [Mar 25/21 RATES in brackets]: –Sngpr 0.05(0.05)–
    Qatr 0.13(0.16)--Sycl 0.26(0.47)—Dubai 0.28(0.33)– Mldvs 0.32(0.29)— Bhrn 0.36(0.37)—
    Bora-Bora/FrPl 0.73(0.76)— Isr 0.74(0.74)— Aruba 0.86(0.92). WHO-JHU DATA REORDERED
    to be COMPARED with (D),
    (D) – ESCAPE from 16 HIGH (1.00 to MAX 9.92) DEATHS-RATE-COUNTRIES? 109-DAYS-TREND
    Dec 4/2020 vs. Mar 25/2021 in brackets:— Germany 1.97(2.81)— NL 2.11(1.35)—
    Finl 2.20(1.10)— U.S. 2.51(1.82) was 2.75 on Oct 22, 2020, 1.75 on Election-Day Nov 3, 2020,
    while border Mix with MXC 9.92(9.02) Induces Up to 1.82, and worse in some states—
    Brazil 2.89(2.46)— France 2.69(2.15)— Spain 2.89(2.28)— AU 3.28(3.11)— Canada 4.30(2.41)-
    UK 4.51(2.99)— Sweden 4.78(1.74)— China 5.39(5.15)— Iran 5.69(3.40)— Italy 5.47(3.10)—
    Mexico 9.92(9.02). More countries in 10 & 12 DAYS TRENDS in earlier posts.
    peta, yogurt, olives, dates, figs, grapes, raisins, mushrooms, vegies, fruits, watermelons, citrus,
    lamb, fish, salt, onions, garlic, quail, bird eggs, seeds, peas, chickpeas, corn, almonds, while
    sitting on tent-pillows his female/men team had prepared in advance anywhere ahead of his
    camp-moving, while many merchants follow them to barter with best
    Egyptian/UR/Civilizations can provide.
    DEATHS PER MILLION POPULATION and more at our 'in', U-tube, 1 MILLION plus

  3. American News is Bad News Fake And Fake News Media are Bad for the Ears. American Politics are All Infected with Corona Virus Mouthpiece. Very Sick Politicians. The World Order is F__ CK the World.

  4. 🐑🐑🐑💉💉💉💉

  5. \\ GREATEST GLOBAL NEWS PROVIDED TODAY BY TWO ISRAELI HOSPITALS DEVELOPING OWN "CURE VACCINES" BEYOND LIMITED ONES AIMED ONLY AT CURBING COVID SPREAD //// #1 recovered 29 of 30 sick, then all. ['in'] \\ #2 passed Phase 3 recovery [Id.] //// Global UPDATE \\ 56 nations report to WHO, JHU 62% LESS US DEATHS by % of COVID-diagnosed: FROM OCT 22 (2.75%) TO (1.67%) on Jan 6 //// attributed to Trump REGIME v. BIDEN REGIME has REVERSED that TREND by +8% up to 1.76%. \\ "Bad" news at MX/GRM/UK/PRTG/HUNG v. "Good News" by "Abrahamic" simple diet //// We r what we eat, differ by DNA-DIET (E.G. TRADITIONAL ABRAHAMIC DIET OF SEEDS BREAK THEIR-DNA-SECTIONS TO REPAR OWN & IMPROVE IT.) ['in'; 10M+citations to own work by Google \\ In comments at U-tube click name above to open own library of free videos & books to be shared, say, at 'in' //// Deaths/1M/LAST-2-WKS: * BLG 1,822-1,894 * UK 1570-1,762 * ITL 1,421-1,548 * US 1,439-1,517 * HUNG 1,231-1,403 * SP 1,280-1,386 * FR 1,097-1,219 * SWS 1,097-1,145 * PRTG 1,043-1,477 \\ % Fatalities of diagnosed ////// GROUP B/Feb 13: * FIN 1.41 * NL 1.44 * U.S. 1.76 * SWS 1.80 * SWD 2.04 * SP 2.12 * FR 2.37 * BRZ 2.43 * CNDA 2.58 * GRMN 2.80 * UK 2.90 * AU 3.15 * ITY 3.44 * GRC 3.56 * MX 8.74 \\ Feb 12//GROUP A//// %-FATL: SNG 0.05/ MONG O.10/ BTN 0.12/ FARI 0.15/ QTR 0.16/ SVNC 0.26/ SBRT 0.28/ DBAI 0.29/ MLDV 0.33/ BARN 0.36/ TLND 0.33/ MLAS 0.37/ SYCL 0.42/ CURC 0.46/ ICEL 0.48/ CAYI 0.48/ SRLNK 0.52/ KWT 0.56/ CYP 0.68/ SMRTN 0.69/ CUBA 0.69/ Bora-Bora O.73/ ISR 0.74/ NPL 0.75/ UZB 0.79/ ARUB 0.92/ VNZ 0.96/ TWN 0.96/..

  6. Everybody please go back to living normal lives no mask partying I know people that have parties I know the secret underground tunnels you're not gonna keep as like a robot because people do find their way

  7. God bless Dr Godfatherspellcaster on YouTube For bring back my lover, I thought spell casting was not real not ontill I meant with Dr Godfatherspellcaster on YouTube, this man is real and genuine

  8. “AMAZING DRUG” SOLVES the Coronavirus Problem ! IVERMECTIN (Repurposed Drug) 2/12/2021

    SAFER SOLUTION to Covid-19 virus PREVENTION. Lessens Suffering and Hospital Days Even for Critical Patients and those on Ventilators. Good for persons with Allergies, the Elderly,

    and those refusing vaccines.

    Dr. Paul Marik formed the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

    (FLCCC) This 10-member international group of ICU specialists and Professors of Medicine recently discovered that the drug IVERMECTIN (developed in 1975) has been amazingly effective in both preventing the Covid-19 virus and lessening suffering. For the critically ill, and even those on ventilators, a significant drop in fatality rates was observed. Watch this YouTube.com video:

    “The FLCCC Alliance press conference from Houston, Texas” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V3yxrJwJQs Posted 12/4/2020

    IVERMECTIN has many curative properties, mainly: anti-parasitic, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory. Positive IVERMECTIN results can be seen quickly after administering the initial dose and it is an extremely safe and inexpensive drug. Contraindications list warfarin, however, those who have been on blood-thinning medications have had better results since the Covid-19 virus can cause blood clots. Some people with allergies have been treated with Epi-pens or taken to the ICU after their injection of Covid-19 vaccines (see drugs.com for drug contraindications).

    The protocol that needs to get into the hands of ICU doctors, physician assistants, nurses and pharmacists is found at this website: FLCCC.net It is called the I-MASK+ Protocol.

    Visit regularly for updates—The dosing in the protocol may be updated as further scientific studies emerge !

    Taken from the FLCCC.net website:

    “In October 2020, the FLCCC Alliance developed a prophylactic and early outpatient combination treatment protocol for COVID-19 called I-Mask+. It’s centered around IVERMECTIN, a well-known, FDA-approved anti-parasite drug that has been used successfully for more than four decades to treat onchocerciasis “river blindness” and other parasitic diseases. It is one of the safest drugs known. It is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, has been given 3.7 billion times around the globe, and won the Nobel prize for its global and historic impacts in eradicating endemic parasitic infections in many parts of the world. Our medical Discovery of a rapidly growing published medical evidence base demonstrating its unique and highly potent ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication and to suppress inflammation, prompted our team to use ivermectin for prevention and treatment in all stages of COVID-19.”

    More Videos regarding IVERMECTIN on YouTube.com

    1) NY Judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin (80 year old lady recovers while on a ventilator using Ivermectin) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6pm5T_E4rw 1/18/2021

    2) Another NY judge orders a hospital to use Ivermectin

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAQgVZv8oas&list=RDCMUC4tNlDJkV_YdwMErMRutt4A&start_radio=1 2/6/21

    3) Slovakia (and Belize) approve IVERMECTIN for prevention and treatment of Covid-19 virus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcTHzt4O7OU


    4) Early Mild To Moderate COVID-19 And Ivermectin: New Study Completed Out Of Bulgaria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHZYSWFA9Wc 1/5/21

    Other positive reports on IVERMECTIN use:

    5) Webinar with Professor Paul Marik: the Prevention & Early Treatment of C19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X6kcznyjTY 12/17/20

    6) Melbourne GP says Ivermectin treatment is 'very effective'

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBoElcSpkyk 9/8/20

    7)“Dr. Pierre Kory Talks Covid-19, Ivermectin and the FLCCC” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXh1yflndVE 11/25/20

    8) Ivermectin meta-analyses-the findings-Dr. Tess Lawrie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTTqKSYHOM8 1/26/21


    9) Covid-19 vaccines and allergic reactions

    https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/allergic-reaction.html 12/31/20

    10) Covid-19 vaccine: Mexican doctor hospitalized after vaccination

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ3i7L11l_g 1/4/21

    11) Woman's severe reaction to Pfizer COVID vaccine prompts investigation

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf6NDIiE3Tw 1/18/21

    IVERMECTIN Playlist for Covid-19 updates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9y1eKDLt54 12/20/2020

    Beyond The Roundup | The NIH Updates Stance On Ivermectin

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R7IBAnFLV4 1/16/2021

    FLCCC Alliance Responds to New NIH Stance On Ivermectin

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir6ylvwf09Q 1/25/21

    Ivermectin Covid-19 Treatment? The Controversy Explained! Coronavirus Medication. Pharmacist Review (Ivermectin tablets shown)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKQGDtS0MqM 1/24/21

    Taken from the drug manufacturer’s website: “September 17, 2020 Parsippany, New Jersey. Edenbridge Pharmaceuticals, LLC announces that the World Health Organization (WHO) has added Edenbridge's Ivermectin Tablets USP (3mg) to its Prequalified Medicines List. This marks the first ivermectin product in the world to be added to the Prequalified Medicines List by the WHO Prequalification Team. “

  9. It’s like Humanity is Slave To Vaccines. Read, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Doctor Robert B Strecker a Medical Doctor with a PhD In Pharmacology who said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anything”. NOTE: The AIDS Virus has 9,000 To The Fourth Power of Variants.

  10. Social media is the devil’s new playground 👀

  11. https://www.bulletproofhome.org/vsl/index.php?r=8367&r=3360&hop=medeea23&rx=1
    国際金融資本のコロナ再生詐欺手口 『Monopoly Men』 Federal Reserve Fraud 日本語字幕版

  12. https://www.bulletproofhome.org/vsl/index.php?r=8367&r=3360&hop=medeea23&rx=1
    国際金融資本のコロナ再生詐欺手口 『Monopoly Men』 Federal Reserve Fraud 日本語字幕版

  13. When the liberal media will show the videos from the 8 months of liberal extreme violent chaos? People deserve to see those on TV as well… This was also time when many people lost their lives…

  14. This is the real reason why all the others millionaires are so called missing: because they're already in their million dollars bunker hidden underground, inside of mountains, and under the ocean + in space… Think about that shhh

  15. Oh yea let's just jump on fentanyl like the XANAX didn't have anything to do with the kid dying. Come on. The fact that they were MIXED is what's worse than, anything else. That's a RECIPE for death. That's the closest thing you can get to heroine without getting heroine. Methadone & Xanax are a deadly combination and Methadone isn't nearly as strong as Fentanyl. You guys need to tell the whole story. The Fentanyl by itself likely wouldn't have killed him. Neither would the XANAX. It's the fact that they were MIXED and have cross-interaction. Ask any Methadone clinic employee.

  16. There is only ONE President at a time & Joe Biden is now "The President". The Constitution only gives authority to impeach "The President". If Congress goes through with Impeachment, it doesn't legally matter if they claim to mean Donald Trump (who is NOT President), They will be impeaching "The" President", Joe Biden.

  17. Watch out Les’ Lindell might be Top anchor, He is out of this world 🌎 pure Motivational inspirational Speaker 🔈 he is on Top of his Game, Tho we need his Debt & Debts communication ASAP he is Boss ring leader, White House vip

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