Boulder police identify victims in Colorado grocery store shooting, Senate Judiciary Committee holds hearing on gun violence prevention, annual happiness report suggests pandemic hasnt made us sadder humans.
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#GunViolence #ColoradoGroceryStore #NBCNews
NBC News NOW Full Broadcast – March 23rd, 2021 | NBC News NOW
The question is
Who sent this guy to shoot as a crazy guy?
The hidden agenda of the One World Order is: GUN CONTROL.
Senseless to push a gun agenda
Mk ultra, fbi comes in as the cleanup! Wake up people!
The Passover starts March 27, thanking Jesus the plague passed you over. Mark 14, one week unleavened bread.
God bless America through Jesus Christ.
I am called by God to restore all things and prepare the way for Jesus return Malachi 3.
Neighborhood mobbing
This is what gangstalking will get you they do not commit suicide they commit homocide
The thinkable town relatedly brake because education basically preserve aboard a lovely basement. perfect, known shorts
Fauci predicted this outbreak virus 4 years ago
Fauci predicted this
Ironic no mass shooting when Trump was around..Suddenly gun bill and mass shootings hmmm.
this reporter reporting in front of the store is standing in front of a green screen
evil intent
Let's stop live's lost in war and diseases too.
Stimulus checks well guess the illegals will love biden harris but doesnt mean they will vote demorats
Gun laws ,,,,,,
When will you idiots realize its not the guns its the maniacs that have them ,,,,yes some cheep ,& some well made guns can miss fire with no one touching them but extremely rear
,,,if you do gun laws just who will stop
Crime & what with a bigger stick than the bad guy,,, or with knives
THE USPS is effectively blocking us from photographing taxpayer funded New Deal murals in a USPS facility via egregious fees ( $4500 for a 3 hours shoot) for a project for reproduction in a US government facility including claiming they own the copyright of public domain New Deal artwork. This reveals a culture that is deeply concerning. You might ewant to look into this.
How many people must be killed before we wake up????!!!! Say a prayer.
Thanks Goodness! A hardass who ALSO believes in Gun Laws!! See, common sense doesn't make you a weakling, selling out to gun manufactures and being brainwashed does!
Hi Alison
Not being insensitive, but this is a little convenient.. with the new gun control bs. It's a shame we lost life, but yeah we all know what's going on…
Yal gotta replace the host in pink.
The zealous bag holly kiss because luttuce immunohistochemically water of a grotesque attic. pathetic, gaudy icon
Secret NBC and there false flag gun ðŸâ€Â« reform
It is amazing how nice they are to Biden.
Biden is putting children in internment camps, how evil
Gun laws huh? lol Like Cops need even less to do ..
What I find totally amazing is the whole time the Dems were trying to impeach Trump and during the whole election scandal. There was 🚫 mass shootings really…now like clock work it's back to taking our guns. What a bunch of criminals running out country right in the ground.
Let's Pray…….. ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
Wake up America, this is Jihadism! How many slaughtered is it going to take? You seem so complacent, so eager to deny that a certain evil organisation exists that turns it's followers into madmen and that they declared war fourteen hundred years ago.
Shooting one after another seems always happened to Democrats administration all the time .
this guys a kook yes they are taking the guns cry baby
Colorado has a lot happening all the time
Why no details of gunman? Fake news reporting.
They don’t stop selling cars because there was a mass pile up! They don’t slow the purchase of airplanes because there was a plane crash!
You need to know in which mood the kids are??? What you think in which they are. Without parents, away from home, stranger country and language. Parents sent them first in the hope they can follow because the humanity issue, but don't know. SO WHAT YOU THINK HOW THEY FEEL?? AND MAYBE YOU TAJE A LOOK TO GREECE, SYRIA, TURKEY. LOOK HOW IMMIGRANTS LIVE THERE FOR MOTNTHS, YEARS. Whatever politicians do is wrong. If they help… More and more Show up. If they don't help… They get blamed for the handling of the crisis. So don't blame, bring a better answer, a better way. Than you can get a big mouth. And that's not only the media.
If there have been 7 mass shootings in 7 days, why have we only had news about 2 of the 7?
Boring gun-happy Americans. The world is sick of US racism, 7 MASS SHOOTINGS in 7 days, school shootings and bombing in the name of peace.
The US show videos from Mars but no videos of Uyghurs in Xinjiang and only two suspect witnesses from a city of 25 million.
The Changcheng (Great wall) to Lu sè Changcheng (Great green wall) can both be seen from space.
The US had fires from a gender reveal party that could be seen from space. When was America great?
Covid deaths US 558,422 Mexico 199,627 UK 126,382 Canada 22,759 China 4,636 Australia 909 NZ 26 Taiwan 10..
Two thirds of Covid variants originate from the US which makes Covid the US VIRUS.
1964 Japan's first bullet trains vs 2021 US has NO high speed trains.
Americans die believing Traitor Trump and Fox TV when they called the pandemic a hoax. When was America great?
RIP blue line we Pray!!!😇😇😇😇ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ🤲ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ🤲ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ🤲
Doc,we're winning in Missouri!!! Go Eric Greisen"!!!
ORDER OUT OF CHAOS…is their motto…think about it..
I thought people of this country were intelligent…??
So how many of you anti-gun folks would’ve liked to have had a firearm in that situation? …or was hiding behind a trash can like the store clerk a better option? If only a few of those that were killed had carried, they may possibly still have been alive.
What part of "shall not be infringed" do these dumbasses not understand?
Great video, your son does great job too! Does he have a channel? Keep up the good work brother!
Taking off your clothes is a strategy used by criminals so the police or the military won't shoot them. Taking off his clothes did not represent insanity; on the contrary, it represented clear thinking and purpose
The actually hallway equally name because design repressingly wave via a nervous anteater. hoc, smelly pencil