NBC News NOW Full Broadcast – March 15th, 2021 | NBC News NOW

NBC News NOW Full Broadcast – March 15th, 2021 | NBC News NOW

Biden kicks off Help is Here tour with speech at the White House, Florida lowers Covid-19 vaccine eligibility age to 60, migrant children detained in overcrowded conditions.
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#PresidentBiden #Covid19Vaccine #NBCNews

NBC News NOW Full Broadcast – March 15th, 2021 | NBC News NOW


34 thoughts on “NBC News NOW Full Broadcast – March 15th, 2021 | NBC News NOW

  1. \ By TNACH-Sound a muslim boy proved Biden's lie the greatest historical shame ///

    The boy was stone-game-targeting a cave opening high on a majestic canyon, hundreds meters below sea level. The sound came from a broken pottery jar, uttering: TIME FOR THE WORLD TO KNOW BIDEN ET AL SHAMEFUL LIE IN CALLING ISRAEL OCCUPIER OF ITS OWN LAND./

  2. I'm calling for all singers all actors to come out talk about the vaccines getting your shot come out in full effect talk about these voting rights come out America let's stick together

  3. They need to worry about the border and take the fence down in the capitol and let NG go home. Their bill is only helping our country by 9%. Wake up people. Biden doesn't care about the Americans. He can't even remember what he says. He's allowing big tech to take away our freedom of speech. Now coming after 2Amendment. Shots are not even tested well. You still can catch covid with the shot

  4. Still waiting on the 3rd stimulus check, prior were received with no issues. What's up? ☹️

  5. 🤯🤯🤯🤯

  6. Why do MSM think Kamalas lunch break is news .. how about some questions about the 91% of the 1..9 TRILLIONZZ of our future tax dollars they are making off with.. like whose bank accounts its being deposited into .. who is distributing it ?? Let's have some accountability??? Only 9% went to tax paying US 🇺🇸 citizens….

  7. Biden and Harris are an embarrassment for the US 🇺🇸 ..

  8. God, I can’t believe that I ever thought the news was real.

  9. But some of us front line workers didn't get a stimulus check,, when we worked taking care of COV 19 patients and you got people who never worked receiving more money than us..how fair is that?

  10. 10 DAY TRENDS OF CORONA-DEATHS RATE in Global Locations, Mar 11/21 v. Mar 22 (in brackets).

    SNGP 0.05(")–MNGL 0.09(10)–BUT 0.16(")–StB. 0.16(3)–QTR 0.16(")–UAE 0.32(3)–MLD 0.32(29)–TLN 0.32(3)–BHR 0.37(")–MLA 0.37(")–CYM 0.44(2)–CUR 0.46(0)–ICL 0.48(")–SVNC 0.48(3)–SYCL 0.49(.51)–FG 0.52( )–KW 0.56(")–CUB 0.61(59)–CYP 0.63(58)–ISR 0.74(")–BORA 0.76(")–StMRT 0.76(5)–UZB 0.78(6)–NRW 0.83(75)–ARUB 0.95(3)–VNZ.97(9)–TWN.99("). WHO-JHU DATA REORDERED.

    COMPARE: -DNM 1.09(0)–TRK 1.04(0)—-NZ 1.08(6)–NPL 1.09(")–JO 1.10(1)–OMN 1.10(08)–FIN 1.23(12)- NL 1.41(35)–ALB 1.72(1)–SWS 1.78(5)–U.S. 1.81(2) was 2.75 on 10/20,1.75 on 11/3/20, Border Mix w EQ 5.41 & MXC 9.02 Induce Up–ARM 1.84(2)–ASTR 1.82(76)–SWD 1.86(78)–JP 1.88(93)–IR 1.99(")–RUS 2.07(14)–PAK 2.24(0)–SP 2.27(")–FR 2.27(16)–BRZ 2.41(45)–PRTG 2.03(5)–ARG 2.46(3)–CND 2.50(43)–POL 2.52(38)–ROM 2.52(48)–COLM 2.66(")–BLG 2.83(71)–GRM 2.89(2)–UK 2.95(4)–AU 3.13(1)–IT 3.24(11)–GRC 3.27(15)–SAF 3.34(9)–TUNS 3.47(8)–PRU 3.49(2)–IRN 3.55(42)–GTM 3.62(1)–BLV 4.64(56)–CN 5.15(")–EQ 5.45(1)–SDN 6.66(75)–SYR 6.68(")–MXC 8.97(9.02). (Id.)

    Deaths per mil pop & more at our 'in', U-tube or WHO/JHU

  11. Why do we need this vaccine again? CDC says there's a 98 percent survival rate. What happened to the flu? Doesn't anyone get a cold anymore? No because if you feel sick in any way or have any kind of symptoms from nausea to a runny nose….it's covid. I can't believe people still think this whole thing is real.

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