NBC News NOW Full Broadcast – March 10th, 2021 | NBC News NOW

NBC News NOW Full Broadcast – March 10th, 2021 | NBC News NOW

The House has passed President Bidens Covid relief bill, Rapper T.I. and his wife Tiny are denying the allegations from a dozen women accusing them of sexual assault and other misconduct, Texas lifts Covid-19 restrictions as residents worry about increased risk.
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#PresidentJoeBiden #Covid19 #NBCNews

NBC News NOW Full Broadcast – March 10th, 2021 | NBC News NOW


45 thoughts on “NBC News NOW Full Broadcast – March 10th, 2021 | NBC News NOW

  1. 🐿☎️🙋‍♂️

  2. This administration sucks soo bad that I actually almost missed the trump administration for a minute lol. Democrats don’t represent democracy at all. these blue clowns only represent greedy corporate agendas.

  3. You’re not journalists but political animals

  4. You’re not journalists, you’re political animals

  5. The medical field is a cult of peer reviewed circle jerking and academic Hubris.

    This virus has over a 90 percent mortality rate..these people are literally insane. Listen to this woman, She Sounds frantic.

    I caught covid knowing all the proper procedures for eliminating cross contamination. (I worked in a hospital for many years) Now I cant even tell you how many groups of people i was direct contact with that had covid and i didnt get it even after refusing to wear a mask anywhere. My contact tracing notifications were blowing up like i was a selling crack at one point.

    Build a natural immunity.

  6. 🤢🤮

  7. \\ NO MORE VACCINATIONS in Corona Free Communities on Interstate Highway System by 200 FT CFC-Distancing, MAX 2-FLOORS UNITS, food-gardens around each, anticipated by other nations, especially in Vast Deserts, Very Cold Areas & Islands. More at my 'in', U-tube, etc./

  8. CHECK OUT \\ Corona-Free-Communities //// Designs of 50M-Apart, 2fl-Residences, Food-Garden around each, less any selling —/// Auto-Based Malls-Food-Industries/Computer-Book-Shops 10 km apart, single group on linked linear roads between —/// 2-Banks/2-Clinics/2-Hospitals/2-Gas-Sts -25-50 km Apart on same linear roads —\\ Extant Industries/Resrch-Inss/Defense-Units, function in partly empty extant Cities —//// UNIVERSITIES-ACADEMIES Campuses, BLDGS/SERVICES CONVERTED TO CORONA-FREE-GOV-Facilities —\\ Schooling done at home & online //// Enough said./

  9. i don’t understand the republican objection to the covid bill as having too much dem policy in it.
    dems won all 3 branches. they can pass the bills they like.
    when r’s had all 3 branches they passed the bills they liked.
    if the dems moved the union supports and arts grants to another bill and passed it separately, would the r’s shut up?

  10. Lebanon correctional institution Ohio DRC have mice rats roaches busted windows in the cell locations have rusty water unsanitary food and criminalize staff employees

  11. Where exactly is this money magically derived from ? If its anything like up here in Canada it certain doesn't come from locked down business, high unemployment, the Chinese communist party or their 75000 troops they have stationed here to protect their oil they are stealing from us. The money doe not come from a shut down oil sector, or the equalization payments the province of Alberta's vast oilfields generated and supplied the rest of the nation with before we officially became a communist country when Trudeau stole our last election like Biden just did there. Now we still make the payments across the nation so no one who is still asleep has noticed anything is seriously wrong yet. People in Alberta know what's wrong because they are reminded every time they struggle to still make their ridiculously high mortgage payments due to our criminally ran economics system. That's ok, the real President Trump was just in Davos recently signing in the new Gesara Nesara economic system into motion. This whole discussion will be rendered null and void very soon and Trump and the Alliance is about to drop the hammer and its going to be awesome . it will also be satisfying to see the faces of the people programmed to hate him and who are still too blind to see the agenda plainly unfolding right in front of them through the antics of Biden and his fake administration.

  12. Democrats charge with murder in BLM and antifa. The volunteer armies brings us officers and bar on charges for porting off of war crimes on veterans as the volunteer armies rises. Shoot on sight all BLM and sponsor who murder white children news media now targeted and their families. Fake news on all political media now . Hide as the nights are no longer safe. As reported to our source. Big business now has their families on the run. As the tide turns as death comes to murders. And liars. As our source report.

  13. Looking to all the responce here in a quick sweeping glance, it's clear the number of thumbs up votes here is flat out fake.

    91%q of the bill was pork fat to line the politicians pockets with kick backs and money laundering. Its flat out theft and criminal. I look forward to when it finally catches up with them and they are held accountable for all their crimes against God, Humanity, and Country.

  14. Too late for many! 🤦‍♂️

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