NBC News NOW Full Broadcast – June 8th, 2021 – Car Mod Pros Portal

Migrants returned to Mexico targets for abuse, violence, Senate Democrats begin confirming Biden judges, Meghan Markle debuts children’s book about fatherhood.  
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#NBCNews #Immigration #Biden


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “NBC News NOW Full Broadcast – June 8th, 2021”
  1. 미국백인들과 미국인디언들이 화합할수 있는 일들.영혼들의 일들 포함.
    미국세계관에서는,미국백인과 미국인디언이 짝인된 30커플 정도 부부들이(옛날복장 부부모습으로),서부미국인 모습인들1줄과 미국인디언 모습인들 1줄의 좌우로 보호를 받는 행렬을,1년에 한번씩(미국한번,남미한번) 미국과 남미에서 각각 20년정도를 하는 일들.커플들 앞에는 큰 바구니들을 들고다니면,관중들이 꽃들을 넣어주는 일들.행렬의 끝에는,이들 커플부부들이 다시 한번 결혼식을 하면서,좌우행렬로 있던 서부미국 백인들과 미국인디언들의 축하들을 받는 일들.해볼수 있다고 하심.
    God(Our Lord),given this messages.

  2. I’m just not sure why families and/or children are going through this. I’m not sure that getting anywhere is the answer.

    I’m sure that if all countries take care of their own, we’d all be in a better place.

  3. In my opinion what women aren't understanding here is that if you're trying to work for money you have to follow the company's rules does it matter if you're a male or female you have to follow these rules just because I'm male doesn't want to be in the office he's not going to be complaining about it just because a female gets to complain about it it seems okay though we're all subjects to the same thing so stop complaining about it

  4. Or instead of trying to manage our freshwater we could just grab ocean water filter it out to the point where the salt is minimum and I was to be able to drink and water plants

  5. Dimon’s just sick of the potential liability of a zoom “mishap”. Probably feels like a sitting duck.

  6. God bless you all, Jesus is coming soon, there is a solar flare tomorrow, please accept him as your lord and savior, I want to see you all in Heaven with me

  7. How awful. Those poor people having to go through so much just to feel safe and fed. Kidnapping right there in tents. I can't imagine. People need to try to be more understanding. Put yourself in their shoes. Some desperately need asylum. I know we have problems as a country as is but how can we send them to their deaths? Possible being kidnapped and sold them or their kids..what would YOU DO


    – 300 (Firstfruits)

    1 Corinthians_15:23
    “But EVERY man in his OWN ORDER: Christ, the Firstfruits (Me, The Bride of Christ, The Raptured); AFTERWARD they that are Christ's at his coming.”

    Revelation 1
    "WHO BARE RECORD of the word of God, and of the TESTIMONY of JESUS CHRIST, and of ALL things that he saw.

    "BLESSED is he that READETH, and they that HEAR the words of this PROPHECY, and KEEP those things which are WRITTEN therein: for the TIME IS AT HAND!"

    "And from Jesus Christ, who is the FAITHFUL WITNESS, and the FIRST begotten of the dead, and the PRINCE of the Kings of the Earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood."

    "And hath made us KINGS (me) and PRIESTS unto God and his Father; to him be GLORY and DOMINION FOREVER AND EVER, Amen!"

    John 15
    "I am the TRUE VINE, and my Father is the husbandman.
    EVERY BRANCH in me that beareth NOT Fruit he TAKETH AWAY: and every branch that beareth Fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth MORE Fruit."

    "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth MUCH Fruit: for without me ye can do NOTHING!"

    "If a man abide NOT in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is WITHERED; and men gather them, and CAST THEM INTO THE FIRE, and they are burned."

    "Herein is my Father GLORIFIED, that ye bear MUCH Fruit; so shall ye be my disciples."

    "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: CONTINUE ye in my love."

    "GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN than this, that a man LAY DOWN HIS LIFE for his friends."

    Henceforth I call you NOT SERVANTS; for the servant knoweth NOT what his lord doeth: but I have called you FRIENDS; for ALL THINGS that I have heard of my Father I have MADE KNOWN UNTO YOU."

    "Ye have not chosen me, but I have CHOSEN YOU, and ORDAINED YOU, that ye should go and bring forth Fruit, and that your Fruit should REMAIN: that WHATSOEVER ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you."

    Romans 12:16
    “Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not HIGH things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.”

    “Recompense to NO MAN evil for evil. Provide things HONEST in the sight of ALL MEN!”


  9. It's is so obvious that the enemy within (Traitors) are the REPUBLICANS !!!*** The few honorable Republicans need to """shout from the mountain tops""" This is an attack on our American Constitution & Our Capital !!!*** This will be investigated as TERRORISM !!!*** Trump & co-conspirators will succumb to the famous RICO ACT !!!*** It seems Rupert Murdoc(enquirer) & Putin have video on all these cowards who are attacking our Democracy !!! The KKK is alive and well in all levels of Government, the GOP; CEO's !!!*** ; Boycott those companies that support Politicians who are traitors and Putin's Puppets !!***

  10. Guess now that they got enough new voters they don’t need anymore now to come in illegally.

    Funny from no crisis at the border
    To the crisis at the border is Trump’s fault.

    To stop the building of the pipeline for fake green new deal” to save the world” it’s all the United States, fault for world pollution”

    To let Russia built a pipeline”

    What a fake and backwards administration.

  11. The federal government should devise a water grid pipeline to shiift water from one place to another that has excessive water such as too much rain or flooding in Texas or midwest or other parts of US

  12. "Cackling Pants suit" describes incompetent Kamala Harris so well. She is useless as the primaries proved in her struggling to achieve more than 2% of the Dems Primaries vote. She had to exit the Primaries, now she is the worst ever VP of USA next to Sleepy Joe who held that mantle first, what a joke

  13. Funny how they talk about women of color but they don't talk about man of color,disabled people, older people,young people,millennials ect

  14. So many many LazyAss depends on Unemployment checks and Stimulus checks….
    That's Why we are in Short of Workers Everywhere….😓😓👎👎

  15. Wealthy Globalists like George Soros and the Rothchilds are evil and want
    to control the world and want to take all your rights away like your right
    to own guns and your right to free speach. Globalists are responsible
    for election fraud and the virus.Globalist also control the Democrats,
    Mainstream media, sports, Hollywood and social media. Globalists are
    responsible for election fraud and the virus. Globalists removed Trump
    because Trump wants the people of the world to have the power and
    freedom. Go to the website X22report.com for the truth. They have daily

  16. Our pathetic politicians won't fix America, as if South Americans will believe them when they say, "we'll fix your Nation."

    Unless it's money in their pockets, allowing them to line their buddies pockets, they don't care. None of them!

  17. The Supreme Court can be any size. So, you seem to be wrong about how many judges can be on the bench. There is not one mention of a distinct number of judges in the Constitution. I think Biden should make the Supreme Court to 13 to correspond to the 13 districts.

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