NBA season suspended, concerts rescheduled – How the coronavirus pandemic is affecting pop culture

NBA season suspended, concerts rescheduled – How the coronavirus pandemic is affecting pop culture

The NBA has suspended its season, March Madness will have no on-site fans, and Tom Hanks has tested positive for the virus. ABC News Will Ganss has the details. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Basketball #NBA #TomHanks #RitaWilson


30 thoughts on “NBA season suspended, concerts rescheduled – How the coronavirus pandemic is affecting pop culture

  1. I wanted to get some updates on COVID-19 so I picked a random news channel, but I had to change it because this obviously gay Will Ganss wath listhping hith wordth tho mucth. Why do gay people lithp like that, smh.

  2. The Chinese and the Democrats with help
    from the liberal media have weaponized this virus since the beginning. It will
    be another failed strategy for the Democrats to implement a totalitarian
    regime. The Democrats don't care about the US economy they just want to control
    our lives through PC governance. The only virus we should fear is the virus
    that runs through the veins of the likes of Biden, Pelosi and the rest of their
    Democrat poodles.

  3. THIS DISEASE HAS A LONGER LIFE SPAN IN AIR AND ON SURFACE THAN THE FLU. ALSO, HUMANITY HAS NO CURE OR VACCINE FOR THIS DISEASE/VIRUS/SICKNESS so stop trying to be scientists or know-it-alls and just be safe! It will only last until we figure out more. We know everything about the flu because it is DEADLY and this form can turn into a deadly namonia for the elderly.

  4. In a perfect world the NBA would just be shut down permanently. It used to be a league filled with classy black men (David Robinson, Jordan, Olajuwon, Karl Malone, Grant Hill, etc.) but it's since devolved into a bunch of tatted up, thug life, gangbanga wannabes taking a dump all over what was once a great game.

  5. From NBA to CBS so obvious how this played out …. rumors he did nothing to those 🎤 🎙 meanwhile a time machine in chine to disinfect the entire body …. from 20 seconds to 2020 not a wonderful world after all …. no need to panic we are human but seriously this is so wrong at so many levels….

  6. Don’t know and don’t care who this little spastic anchor is but gawd please stfu.

  7. "Don't nobody want it but they're gonna get it anyway"!!!! #CoronaVirus🤢🤧🤮😷-Eminem

  8. as of March 12, 2020 the death toll in USA is 28, after how long now, two months of time ?
    So this is FAR below the regular d]season rate!
    And the same ppl with same health issues are the statistics.
    Great great hyperbole hysteria gong on now in USA!
    WHO is going to answer for this when it settles down, the metrics show it was as equal or less than a seasonal flu?
    And it was NOT as real as any media reported .

  9. Basketball cancelled forever? Don’t tease me.

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