Navy SEAL commander gives lessons on leadership in new book

Navy SEAL commander gives lessons on leadership in new book

Mike Hayes discusses his book, Never Enough, Afghanistan troop withdrawal and more.

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8 thoughts on “Navy SEAL commander gives lessons on leadership in new book

  1. From observing the Republican party since 2015, I was of the impression leadership was simply engaging in lies, slander, blame and conspiracy theories on a daily basis. Isn't denying reality and manufacturing propaganda on a daily basis going to lead to America being great again? I mean this form of leadership sure is working great so far.

  2. Afghanistan trades opiates and heroin to the CIA and US drug dealers to sell on to the masses of US addicts.

    The World must place sanctions on the US for their human rights abuses both domestically and internationally.

    20 years in Afghanistan is nothing compared to the 76 years US troops have been stationed in Germany since WWII.

    Stop blaming China, Russia and Iran when the Biggest Threat to America are Americans. When was America great?

  3. What is special about SEALS isn't courage.
    We have an all volunteer fighting force. Only one citizen in a hundred hears the call to personally defend our Great Nation. Courage is dripping from these patriotic young Americans.
    What these SEALS and Green Brets Rangers and others I can't remember have is a level of dedication that is not really found anywhere else in life. Endless harsh training. The proven ability to withstand more punishment than most people can really imagine.
    I don't have anything like that kind of toughness. Freezing water until you are numb and shaking uncontrollably….
    I only saw one HALO jump. We could see the aircraft but it was too high to make out the jump team. As the plane flew off, the people came into view. The fell for so long. It looked like they going into the trees when they finally opened their 'chutes. Only under canopy for moments then a hard landing.
    And they have to do that in the night, in combat condition, behind enemy lines.
    SEALS do all that… then land in the ocean and swim to shore before they even begin their job. Then they have to jump back into the sea to make their escape home.
    I don't know where that kind of strength comes from but I'm grateful that they are on our side.

  4. Give this man a “Pick and Shovel” and let him build houses for his Veterans and lets see if “Never enough” works ?

  5. all for rich ppl welfare. The world laughs at us. All that enslavement so trump can pay $750 and make us/US pay a billion. and we dont even get national healthcare! why tf did we leave britain again ???

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