Navajo Nation: Where COVID-19 claims whole families – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Matt Gutman reports on how indigenous communities are uniquely affected by COVID-19 as the Navajo Nation surpasses New York City’s rate of infection.

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By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “Navajo Nation: Where COVID-19 claims whole families”
  1. Weird thing is I find all these news reports about what is happening to the Navajo on YouTube not when watching the news. Even though it shows that it was probably broadcasted on tv, there is still not a lot of coverage on it. Which I don’t think is a coincidence. And many people don’t know what is going on with the Navajo or on the other reservations. The reservations already had a lack of resources before all this. I’ll say this though. The government is no stranger to trying to get rid of the native Americans. I would never underestimate what they could do. This isn’t the first time and won’t be the last. I hope the people on all reservations can get through this and rise. Rise to protest and be idle no more.

  2. Brown Lives Matter💝🎆🌃✌

  3. At 0:33… the door is open when she walks towards " a Traditional Navajo Hut …" that has an open door… this is otherwise known as a shed. The One second later the door is closed…. I DONT feel Coronavirus is our issue… but how we treat people?

  4. It's the democrats that put them on the reservation and they kept them in poverty all these years with no infrastructure. Go figure.

  5. It is nice to tell people to give help or money to these people, the Navajos or any nation, but the News should have told us where we can donate. They should have told us where we could go to help. They should have told us who can go to help. They should have given us phone numbers. They should have told us who is in charge. They only said these people were doing bad, worse than the nation. Media, next time, tell us how we can help. There are so many people wanting to help but are afraid that those in need will not get the money. They are afraid to just show up. Talk!

  6. Well what do you know, look what happen to the Navajo Nation, the coward sent the ventilators to the Russians, guess who is suffering, not the Russians, what in gods name is wrong with that coward, he doesn't care about them at all, all you stupid people following him your time will come when someone in your family dies from covid_19 then will you still follow the coward

  7. Not called a traditional “hut”, it’s called a Hogan.

  8. This has always been going on way before Covid. NO ONE gets help!!!! Navajo government is corrupt. The employees use and steal the funding provided to them annually by the government. At the end of each year they rush to the Navajo people to cover for them by manipulating elderlies into saying they got assistance that year for their year end report to Washington DC. It DOES NOT make national news!!!!! These people take thousands of dollars from the public. They use it to buy their cars, pay off debt, buy relative gifts. Assistance for new homes, electricity, plumbing are requested by the thousands at the Chapter houses every spring and are denied without consideration. According to their eligiblity requirements you have to be unemployed and absolutely make less than a thousand a month just to get help. This is why NN has highest rate of unemployment and alcoholism. Navajo nation needs to be de-funded. !! Navajo Nation government needs to be investigated.

  9. Navajo culture is not working against us. It’s the lack of cultural knowledge through the genocidal attempts by the US government that has put us in this crisis. Traditional knowledge teaches us cleanliness is important and we’ve survived many generations without the amenities of urban homes. Knowledge of traditional medicinal herbs and medicine has been neglected, along with the knowledge of edible foods for foraging to offset the shortage of our food desert. And a hogan is not a hut you ignorant f*ck it is a home, the womb from where all our people are come from. You need some cultural sensitivity training. A fucking hut he said.

  10. What people don't know, when a family member dies in their homes. Traditionally they will burn down their home.

  11. The people who won the war are living in these conditions? My heart aches… 😔💔

  12. Trumps white racist Republicans just paid over a half $1 million a ticket to hear him in Texas talk about how he treats all people equally. (June 12, 2020) People of color take a good 🥺this is what Trump calls equality.

  13. The virus will come and will be gone, the past leadership of the Navajo Nation, have fail us, of corruption selfish gain in their personal use, but good things is to come , no wasteful money on tribal fairs for rest of the year.. time to improve our nation, within ourself ,stay strong brothers and sisters.

  14. Typical Fake Colonizer News..!!
    This Situation is the result of the Weakness of The Navajo Nation a Failure by the Navajo Nation President, Vice President and Tribal Council!! and their failure to take immediate and swift action.. Don't ask the Navajo Nation to wash our hands with water when Your United States has made every effort to take away our water rights and undermine Navajo Sovereignty. We are a Strong and Resilient People we will get though this ..!! Despite whatever the Fake News Colonizer Media my Portray..!!I The Navajo Nation will one day have a leader and Council that will move our Nation forward..!!! Navajo Independence !!!

  15. Government gave them land and they built casinos. Vegas and Reno lost a lot of money so those pit bosses of the corporate American gambling association are making them pay with their lives. Say if the government created covid, why wouldn’t they use it against the annoying Native American people who get in there way? I wonder why the Indian casinos don’t help their own people. I can’t see why their people seem so poor?

  16. To the Choctaw nation I say Thank you…to the Navajo nation glad we as Irish people were able to help..stay safe.

  17. I'm reading some comments on this topic and some of you are saying the covid 19 is fake news and Navajo ppl are making it up so the government can give them money.

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