Nation’s Top Health Officials Get Covid Vaccine, Encouraging Americans To Follow | NBC News NOW – Car Mod Pros Portal

Some of the nation’s top health officials received the Covid-19 vaccine, including Dr. Anthony Fauci and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar. NBC News’ Dr. John Torres reports on why this was so important in building Americans’ confidence in the vaccine.
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#HealthOfficials #CovidVaccine #NBCNews

Nation’s Top Health Officials Get Covid Vaccine, Encouraging Americans To Follow | NBC News NOW


By carmodpros


36 thoughts on “Nation’s Top Health Officials Get Covid Vaccine, Encouraging Americans To Follow | NBC News NOW”
  1. Fauci received shot in left arm but next day stated in interview he is only feeling slight discomfort and grabs his RIGHT arm.

  2. "Vaccines wont be made mandatory” (Boris Johnson)

    However without your all new COrona-Vaccine-ID…you cannot:
    – Travel abroad, or further than 6km from your home
    – Run a business
    – Work to support family
    – Congregate with more than 6 people
    – Go to concerts or sports games
    – Receive Healthcare benefits
    – Buy property
    – Enjoy your right to Free Speech
    – Use amazon, facebook, instagram, twitter or youtube
    Taking the vaccine gives consent to eradicate our freedoms… DO NOT TAKE IT!
    Did you know covid-19 vaccinations do not cure or result in immunity?
    Did you know vaccine manufacturers are immune to liability should their vaccines result in illness of deaths?

    Doctors are being silenced by the corporations…

    What to expect in 2021…

    Fauchi’s suspicious covid-19 vaccination…

  3. Dr Fauci rolls up his left sleeve, next day on the news, he grabs his right arm and says after the vaccine that it is just a little sore. Hmmmm wonder why his right arm would be sore if he got the vaccine in his left. Wow-wee is that a new side-effect of the vaccine?

  4. From the beginning, Obama couldn't be president.

    It is a 'dirty existence' from Africa that made America ruin.

    Trump falls and Biden dies brutally. He dies cruelly like the criminals of the broadcasting station, murderers in South korea and the United States. immediately


    You're stupid that don't even make a good vaccine against the cold. How can you make a 'Corona virus 19' vaccine?

    Broadcasters of the station are not telling people about the crimes of criminals. Because they are criminals like them. This newscast is made up of abominable criminals for evil purposes.

    What are famous pastors and churches in your area eating? What are they doing? Do they still get the good dress and good food and live in good house by use the love of JESUS evilly? They are evil murderers who make money by using "punishment of JESUS" as well. 'Can you have some money and food from them and they family?' Ask to them.

  5. What does it have to do with the women's rights movement, where the criminal Biden speaks, and hiring women in the positions of the White House and Secretary? Do they know about 'corona virus 19' and the economy? Do you have the ability? The women probably don't even know the money and wealth in their home. Start with a tax audit of their families. Forgot Hillary Clinton's'White Water'?

    범죄자 바이든이 말을 하는 여성의 인권운동과 백악관과 장관의 자리에 여성들을 고용을 하는 것이 무슨 상관이 있는가? 그들이 '코로나 바이러스 19'과 경제에 대해서 알고 있는가? 능력은 가지고 있는가? 그 여성들은 자신의 집에 돈과 재산에 대해서도 제대로 알지 못하고 있을 것이다. 그들의 가족에 대한 세무조사부터 시작을 하여라. 힐러리 클린턴의 '화이트 워터'를 잊었는가?

    Also, murderous robbers (presidents) of the Blue House and White House in South Korea and the United States, along with the murderers of the broadcasting stations they hired. They doing tortured and murder with slaughter and abuse the JESUS and "Prophet Yi"

    Criminals in South Korea and the United States are committing a deliberate murder that robs and destroys Prophet Yi's policies, ideas, and money and property.

    Criminals are committing the (planned) murder of 'complete crime'.

    Criminals take what they have stolen from Prophet Yi, make it as if it were their policies or ideas (with falsehoods and manipulations), and inform people by broadcasting of crime.

    They commit crimes for 'crime concealment' and 'crime power' and 'crime money'.

    Criminals, abominably, use children evilly and use the Patriot Act and the National Security Act for their crimes.

    Also, all laws are being used against for their evil crimes.

    It started 27 years ago when Bill Clinton and Hillary were presiding at the White House.

    Criminals Biden and homicide robbers of South korean and American of TV stations die in cruel pain.

    The criminal Biden and the murderous robbers in South korea and the United States die in cruel suffering and pain.

    또한 한국과 미국의 청와대와 백악관의 (대통령들) 살인 강도들은 고용을 한 방송국의 살인자들과 함께 예수님과 Prophet Yi에게 살인 학살과 학대의 고문을 저지르고 있다.

    한국과 미국의 범죄자들은 Prophet Yi 의 정책들과들 아이디어 그리고 돈과 재산을 강탈과 파괴를 하는 계획적인 살인을 저지르고 있다.

    범죄자들은 (계획적인) '완전 범죄'의 살인을 저지르고있다.

    범죄자들은 Prophet Yi 로부터 강탈을 한 것을 가지고 자신들의 정책이나 아이디어 인 것처럼 (거짓과 조작들로) 만들어서 범행의 방송으로 사람들에게 알리고있다.

    그들은 '범죄은닉'과 '범행의 권력' 그리고 '범죄의 돈'을 위해서 범행을 저지르고 있다.

    범죄자들은 가증스럽게도 아이들을 악하게 이용을 하고 있으며 애국법과 국가보안법을 자신들의 범행을 위해서 사용을 하고 있다.

    또한 모든 법들을 그들의 악한 범죄에 이용을 하고 있다.

    27 년전에 빌 클린턴과 힐러리가 백악관에서 대통령을하고있을 때부터 시작이 되었다. 범죄자 바이든과 한국과 미국의 방송국에 살인강도들은 잔인한 고통들 속에 죽는다.

  6. Continue

    In conclusion, Biden, a Democrat of the United States, cannot become president with evidence on the crime of corruption in the presidential election.

    TV, radio, Hollywood, and all those involved in crime

    Groups and criminals are open, thorough and frightening punishments

    You must receive.

    In addition, by applying the Patriotic Law, the Broadcasting Law, the Religious Law and all the laws, criminals must be thoroughly punished, and they must be made so that they can no longer engage in activities in society.

    American criminals have sufficiently confusing and destroying nations and societies, and killing people in the pains of life. In addition, criminals in the United States are committing crimes along with murderers in Korean broadcasting stations, influencing crimes of evil power in the United States and Korean society. (The criminals'Mang Won')

    The United States can no longer be the world's leader unless the punishments for criminals are immediately implemented, and it is not entitled to speak not only of democracy, but also of basic moral and ethical lives.

    Naturally, common sense is that all Democrats and Democrats, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the House of Representatives, must be subject to ethical and legal investigation and punishment. All criminals who are connected to criminals must also be punished.

    Unconditionally, the Democratic Party's Biden was defeated by a criminal presidential election, and naturally Republican Trump must become president again. There is no need to run the presidential election again. That is common sense and law. There is no need to speak any more.

    결론적으로 부정부패의 대통령 선거에 대한 범죄에 증거들이 나오고 있는 상황에서 미국의 민주당원인 바이든은 대통령이 될 수가 없다.

    TV와 라디오 그리고 할리우드는 물론이고 범죄에 가담한 모든

    단체와 범죄자들은 공개적이고 철저한 그리고 무서운 처벌들을

    받아야만 한다.

    또한 애국법과 방송법 그리고 종교법과 모든 법들을 적용을 하여서 철저하게 범죄자들을 처벌을 해야만 할 것이며 그들이 더 이상 사회에서 활동을 할 수가 없도록 만들어야만 한다.

    미국의 범죄자들은 충분히 나라와 사회를 혼란스럽게 만들고 파괴를 시켰으며 사람들을 생활의 고통들 속에서 죽게 만들고 있다. 또한 미국의 범죄자들은 한국의 방송국들에 있는 살인자들과 함께 범행들을 저지르며 미국과 한국의 사회에 악한 권력의 범죄에 영향을 행사를 하고 있다. (범죄자들인 'Mang Won')

    범죄자들에 대한 처벌들이 바로 실행이 되지를 않으면 미국은 더 이상 세계의 리더가 될 수가 없으며 민주주의는 물론이고 기본적인 도덕성과 윤리성의 생활들에 대해서도 말을 할 자격이 없다.

    당연히 상식적으로 하원에 있는 하원의장을 비롯을 해서 모든 민주당의 의원들 그리고 민주당원들은 윤리적이고 법적인 조사를 받아야만 할 것이며 처벌을 받아야만 한다. 범죄자들과 연결이 되어져 있는 모든 범죄자들도 같이 처벌을 받아야만 한다.

    무조건 민주당의 바이든은 범죄의 대통령 선거로 패배를 한 것이며 자연스럽게 공화당의 트럼프가 다시 대통령이 되어야만 한다. 다시 대통령 선거를 진행을 할 필요가 없다. 그것이 상식이고 법이다. 더 이상 말은 필요가 없다.

  7. Votes more than the number of citizens. Record voting. Presidential elections and voting for criminals' crimes

    America has to fight for her.

    She's nothing but a person like you. And you have to fight for someone better than you. She is you and the face to your country.

    Criminal Biden speaks, 'Nothing wrong'.

    This is what Bill Clinton and Hillary used often. Whenever people learn about their crimes. But this time it will be different. Criminals are punished. The crime then will be punished as well.

    They will all face cruel retaliation and punishment. Immediately

    There are people who speak without evidence or evidence. It also listens to other people talking and pretends to be their own. They are at the very bottom of the evil scammers, robbers, and offspring of the devil.


    You (Twitter) already know where the problem comes from. Also, you are using your rules for the offender. This is the crime of an accomplice who is concealing and concealing criminals and helping them to commit falsely. It's also the same crime against defamation and the criminal in all things. The choice is not with me, but with you (Twitter). Penalties for crimes come true.

    당신은 (트위터) 이미 문제가 어디에서 온 것인지에 대해서 알고 있습니다. 또한 당신은 범행자를 위해서 당신의 규칙을 이용을 하고 있습니다. 이것은 곧 범죄자를 은닉을 시키고 숨기며 거짓으로 범행을 돕고 있는 공범자의 범죄에 해당이 됩니다. 또한 이러한 일은 명예훼손과 범죄자의 모든 일에 같은 범행이기도 합니다. 선택은 나에게 있는 것이 아니라 당신에게 (트위터) 있습니다. 범죄에 대한 처벌은 꼭 이루어집니다.


    It's time to do everything you need. You must do everything you can, let alone martial law.

    필요한 모든 것을 진행을 해야만 하는 시간이다. 계엄령은 물론이고 할 수가 있는 모든 것을 진행을 해야만 한다.

  8. They will definitely get the placebo. They say the vaccine works yet you still need to wear a mask afterwards. They tell you the vaccine is effective yet they claim that you can still get the virus 3-4 months later. They spend 4 months testing a vaccine which was not allowed by the FDA until the EUA took all liability off of the drug companies. We have no long term testing group which is standard before releasing on the public. No more listening to the “experts”.

  9. Here's what Kary Mullis (the Nobel Prize winning creator of the PCR test) thought about Anthony Fauci! Mullis conveniently died 72 days before Event 201. Never heard of Event 201?

    Event 201 A Global Pandemic Exercise took place in October 2019. The scenario mirrors our current "crisis". Paid for by The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation. Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum were also involved. Establishment fact check sites will have you believe this is just a "conspiracy theory" and a coincidence. You decide.

    Short version:
    Long version:

  10. We are being played by big pharma, the media (GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom/CBS, Time Warner Media), politicians (left AND right), NGOs/non-governmental organizations (The Council on Foreign Relations, UN, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Royal Institute of International Affairs) & elitist tax exempt foundations (The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, etc.)

    Whether this virus is real or not does not matter! They are clearly using it to turn us against each other (Divide & Conquer) and push elitist agendas (new world order, the great reset, global fascist technocracy, mandatory vaccinations, vaccination certifications, immunity passports, total police state surveillance & control system, etc.)

    The job of the establishment media is to deceive, divide, and distract! There are no legitimate journalists on TV!
    If you think you're too smart to be fooled. If you're too dumb and/or brainwashed by academia and the media to see giant contradictions and obvious agendas, may your chains and your family's chains rest lightly upon you.

    Introducing the real Bill Gates! 👏 👏 👏

  11. Ask Pfizer, why they put potassium chloride in the vaccine!?!? They use that in lethal injections to cause heart attack. If anyone is interested.. See ingredients on FDA's website and simply google search potassium chloride. Just sayin

  12. They learnt a lot from their mistakes in 2009 with the swine flu vaccine rollout fiasco. They refined their strategy by keeping a tighter control of the narrative through the media and exerting more psychological and physical manipulation with signs, distancing, restrictions, masks. The PCR though useless as a diagnostic tool proved invaluable as a propaganda tool. They paid for the compromised politicians and scientific advisers. And delivered in record time. The business model was upgraded and perfected in 2020 and will continue to be enhanced in the coming years.

  13. They not getting it there was a video of a doctor getting the shot but the nurse did not push down . My other thoughts are if they do push I doubt the vaccine is inside could be just saleen water it’s all fake

  14. Both TRUMP and BIDEN won. They stage a fight, we divide, all politicians get hundreds of millions richer. THE MEDIA is a business and nothing else.

  15. It’s probably clear water knowing that lot that’s in the White House right now. I wouldn’t put nothing past trump and his cronies.


  17. Only if I can get Moderna also… otherwise, nope. And don’t dare tell me that it’s the same as the other 3 – it’s not. Moderna performed greater testing and has the ability to last longer at manageable temperatures…

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