Nation reacts to leaked SCOTUS opinion on abortion

Nation reacts to leaked SCOTUS opinion on abortion

An ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that majorities of Americans support upholding Roe v. Wade amid reports of a draft of a Supreme Court opinion to overturn the landmark abortion case.


#WorldNewsTonight #SCOTUS #roevwade


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33 thoughts on “Nation reacts to leaked SCOTUS opinion on abortion

  1. I think the solution to 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions is for blue states to legalize 4th trimester abortions.
    Then at least it will not be the innocent who are being aborted.

  2. This is absolutely disgusting and these lying Supreme Court judges should be ashamed of themselves. If this is overturned it’ll set precedent with our right to privacy.

  3. Well, a recent poll shows that 80% of Americans feel that abortion should be outlawed – how easy that is 🙄

  4. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and He will deliver you"
               -Psalm 50: 15

  5. The people cheering for this decision will be the same people complaining about a woman receiving taxpayer funded prenatal care, labor and delivery, welfare, food stamps, medicaid, public housing, WIC, state funded childcare, tax credits, and free phone and internet service for mother and child.
    They will be complaining about their taxes going up for the safety net programs supporting women who may have otherwise had an abortion.🤔
    3 in 10 teen American girls will get pregnant at least once before age 20. That's nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies every year. Parenthood is the leading reason that teen girls drop out of school. More than 50% of teen mothers never graduate from high school.

  6. Other than 5 men in 1973 declared a law that as the constitution is written (read it it's not that hard) is up to the states to decide. You want to amend the constitution ? Get someone to put their name on the Abortion bill. That's the problem nobody wants to go into the history books as the "Baby killing congressman".

  7. Costs each American an extra 7,000$ a year to live under this administration while making less & this is what you think is important 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. What.. were you all sleeping nine months ago? Let me refresh your interwashed memory. Our current elected officials (the wolves) decided that if you were not willing accept multiple injections of a certain formula and were employed by certain organizations with x number of members within your organization You Would Lose Your Job. Let that sink in.
    This is no different..

  9. Who leaked it then? Straight up, no games, no laughter, no 💩… who leaked this? Why would this “liberal leaker” and yes he’s liberal since why leak something that has “republican majority Supreme Court”; if this was a Republican leaker doing it to liberal Supreme Court… take a wild guess how your liberal media would react… take a guess

    “They must catch this leaker and all that”, but nope there’s people that want to complain like children and want to react so the Supreme Court would change…

    Well, just remember democrats, the clock ticks and when it hits midnight, your majorities in senate and house will end and all your democrat friends and RINO friends like Cheney and Kinzinger disappear into dust and if you think it’s funny or if you want to bash

    Say your words softly or else it ends

  10. A fictional character, as real as the story of jack and the beanstock, is now dictating how laws are made. The founders of this country are rolling in their graves.

  11. Anti abortion, no maternity leave… America in 2022 leads the world with backward laws. Backward people?


  12. ERES Ídolo NÚMERO 1. 💋 X18TINDER.Uno necesita a alguien como tú para montar el mejor espectáculo del día. fotos, maquetas, videosd, música, teatro y acción. PARA_PÚBLICO. .

  13. Men trying to tell & make women do what they say about their bodies. Men don't have to do anything to their bodies. This should be women's decisions about their bodies not men.

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