Nation honors America’s heroes on Veterans Day

Nation honors America’s heroes on Veterans Day

A Stand Up for Heroes event brought Bruce Springsteen on stage to help raise nearly $5.5 million.




34 thoughts on “Nation honors America’s heroes on Veterans Day

  1. God bless our Veterans and their families, thank you so much for your service, for all our fallen Veteran Angels RIP and thank you for fighting for our country and your fellow mates. God bless you and rest in Heavenly Father's arms, and may your families be blessed.

  2. What about those veterans that where deported ? 🤔 🤔

  3. The one person who started a bunch of shit about the flag and veterans took a nap but had a bitch fit when people took a knee. At least they did show up
    Where was 45 today.

  4. Thank you to our great military. Thank you for all the sacrifices and the ultimate sacrifices of lives lost. And.thank you to the families of our.veterans who also sacrificed and who lost loved ones. God be with you all.

  5. Salute to all Veterans! Thank you for your Service!!! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. ©™ ALX 💥 Armed🔫Liberation⛓ Xecutive🕶 Observation ✍ ✍

    Honoring the enablers of war, unless you're a warmonger, seems counter intuitive.

  7. My great grandpa was a code talker in ww2
    And I'm very greatful for what we have today and tomorrow and yesterday 100 years from now on
    I'll be forever great ful
    R.I.P to men and women who went to war

  8. We honor veterans until we have to take care of them. We care about the ones that are backdrops for the president or some football game, but the one suffering with PTSD and opioid abuse, this nation just tosses them off to the side. I honor the troops all of them not just the ones that aren't broken.

  9. Choose your preferred 2020 (D) Nominee and w/ their VP Picks, doesn’t have to be on this list
    A. Joe Biden
    B. Bernie Sanders
    C. Elizabeth Warren
    D. Kamala Harris
    E. Cory Booker
    F. Micheal Avenatti
    G. Richard Ojeda
    H. John Delaney
    I. Tom Hanks
    J. Hillary Clinton
    K. John Kerry
    L. Mark Zuckerberg
    M. Al Gore
    N. Decal Patrick
    O. Elon Musk
    P. Jamie Dimon
    Q. Andrew Gillum
    R. Gavin Newsom
    S. Eric Swalwell
    T. Beto O’Rourke
    U. Sherrod Brown
    V. Tulsi Gabbard
    W. Andrew Cuomo
    X. Sheryl Sandberg
    Y. Jay Inslee
    Z. Micheal Bloomberg

  10. 🇺🇸

  11. Honor to the veterans who gave and sacrificed their lives for our freedom!!!🇺🇸❤🌹⚘

  12. Rest In Peace for all those angels that had to leave this world. Not only that but also the ones that sacrificed themselves during the wars, let’s all just sit and respect them. ❤️

  13. America honors for Heroes without its president. That may in fact be the real honor, the president stayed in. At least Veterans Day was about the veterans not our idiotic fake of a president.

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