That was awesome. We need more of that in the world. Letting viewers form their own opnions based of what they feel themselves rather than being influenced by what they hear.
😄 Trump must be an Atheist too. He has that same look I do when everyone is praying
Coronavirus spreads so fast. we need to wash hands very often. don't go to crowded place unless necessary.Carrying peppermint roll-on with you.(available on pipingrock ), apply it surround your nose.Old folk remedy – apple cider vinegar will reduce the chance to get infected from flu. You can make some soup with apple cider vinegar, also apple cider vinegar capsule available on vitacost. I take 3 apple cider vinegar capsules after dinner every day.Wearing quartz watch may help to reduce the chance to get infected from Coronavirus Quartz watch is a magnetic pulsar too. Magnetic pulsar will damage the protein coating of virus. —– Recently, I did some research about Taiwan president.President Tsai , not just faked her PHD degrees. also fake the recent Taiwan presidential election. Instead of counting votes of people , she replaced original director of Taiwan election committee with her own private friend before election.From 1 video tape published on youtube ,we found out how president Tsai made a fake presidential election The Taiwan presidential election committee modified the software, so Votes for Tsai president were increased by 186044 for every time interval, 14 time intervals were passed. She won over her opponent by 186044 x 14 = 2604616She also use fake social law to control people. For eample some people passed some article link (which is not president Tsai' favor ) to their own private friends, Taiwan police knocked the doors of these people, and also filed the case on court house which was a few hundred miles from defendants. The people of Taiwan were afraid of president Tsai.You can sign the the following petition, after you sign, white house will send the email to you for confirming , you can look at your emaii and click the line – confirm….. , * need to turn off computer/cell phone first,and turn on to let 2nd person sign. Here is the petition link
This is unbelievable. Subscribe to my channel for commentary on this 💯
I hate when I push play on a YouTube video and have to READ.., if that’s not annoying enough it have to try to process the words I’m reading the annoying music in the background is extremely loud.. lol
Dear friends- from the rapid surge in natural disaster and unrest, to the foretold peace deals and building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, there is something huge on the horizon. 📖🕰
And friend, please, if you do not know Jesus- know that he loves you so much, and that he has peace, purpose, and a plan for your life. Let him be your lifeboat in the coming storm.
Also, be sure to take advantage of the detailed playlists that I have created for you to be prepared with a much deeper understanding of where exactly the world is headed. There is so much to know and so little time. And the time is now- Godspeed friends! 🕰ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ📖
Bless my
That was awesome. We need more of that in the world. Letting viewers form their own opnions based of what they feel themselves rather than being influenced by what they hear.
Check out
David please tell us about foods and fruits coming from China and Japan, could they be contaminated with COVID-19?
Everyone go follow Always Ce Luv on Youtube
😄 Trump must be an Atheist too. He has that same look I do when everyone is praying
Government & Devil Puppets –
Coronavirus spreads so fast. we need to wash hands very often. don't go to crowded place unless necessary.Carrying peppermint roll-on with you.(available on pipingrock ), apply it surround your nose.Old folk remedy – apple cider vinegar will reduce the chance to get infected from flu.
You can make some soup with apple cider vinegar, also apple cider vinegar capsule
available on vitacost. I take 3 apple cider vinegar capsules after dinner every day.Wearing quartz watch may help to reduce the chance to get infected from Coronavirus
Quartz watch is a magnetic pulsar too. Magnetic pulsar will damage the protein coating of virus.
Recently, I did some research about Taiwan president.President Tsai , not just faked her PHD degrees. also fake the recent Taiwan presidential election.
Instead of counting votes of people , she replaced original director of Taiwan election committee
with her own private friend before election.From 1 video tape published on youtube ,we found out how president Tsai made a fake presidential election
The Taiwan presidential election committee modified the software, so Votes for Tsai president were
increased by 186044 for every time interval, 14 time intervals were passed.
She won over her opponent by 186044 x 14 = 2604616She also use fake social law to control people. For eample some people passed some article link
(which is not president Tsai' favor ) to their own private friends,
Taiwan police knocked the doors of these people,
and also filed the case on court house which was a few hundred miles from defendants.
The people of Taiwan were afraid of president Tsai.You can sign the the following petition, after you sign, white house will send the email
to you for confirming , you can look at your emaii and click the
line – confirm….. ,
* need to turn off computer/cell phone first,and turn on to let 2nd person sign.
Here is the petition link
This is unbelievable. Subscribe to my channel for commentary on this 💯
:50 looks like they are praying for the devil
I hate when I push play on a YouTube video and have to READ.., if that’s not annoying enough it have to try to process the words I’m reading the annoying music in the background is extremely loud.. lol
Trump 2020
Dear friends- from the rapid surge in natural disaster and unrest, to the foretold peace deals and building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, there is something huge on the horizon. 📖🕰
And friend, please, if you do not know Jesus- know that he loves you so much, and that he has peace, purpose, and a plan for your life. Let him be your lifeboat in the coming storm.
Also, be sure to take advantage of the detailed playlists that I have created for you to be prepared with a much deeper understanding of where exactly the world is headed. There is so much to know and so little time. And the time is now- Godspeed friends! 🕰ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ📖