Mystery surrounds American woman freed in Uganda

Mystery surrounds American woman freed in Uganda

Kimberly Sue Endicott was taken to a U.S. embassy in Kampala, but Ugandan officials said they wouldn’t comment further so she could recover from the trauma.


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39 thoughts on “Mystery surrounds American woman freed in Uganda

  1. The kidnappers constant use of her cell phone was intercepted by NSA technology where they fly over in an airplane using special radios and software that can scan the entire cell network for words and people's voices which once they lock into those people they can be tracked from any cell phone they use no matter the phone number.

  2. Uganda Police Force is useless, they are incompetent and many times they arrest innocent people and torture them to accept they have committed offences. Sometimes criminals are linked to the Police force like the recently sacked Police Chief Kayihura. He's out only because he has done dirty work for Museveni to keep him in power! Glad Kimberley is safe.

  3. She's trying to avoid the Media Vultures that insist on forcefully injecting themselves into people's lives and I'm sure that she is traumatized and needs a minute.
    Whether she's a school teacher or a double naught spy she deserves the privacy! She'll call you if she needs you….

  4. Why she went to Uganda alone and not with family and friends is just dumb.
    What did she think would happen going to Uganda by herself?
    Perhaps next time visit a country that’s a lot safer?

    Trauma. She could’ve very well been sexually assaulted. I hope she wasn’t.

  5. why is her whereabouts a mystery, ABC is just trying to use a catchy headline, the report clearly says she is recovering at the US embassy in Kampala, Uganda is a safe country, i am Kenyan and have never heard of a kidnapping in a Ugandan park before this incident, evil people are everywhere.

  6. Are they sure the guide wasn’t involved in the kidnapping plot? Why were the Canadians left behind? So many questions

  7. Perhaps her family paid the ransom.  Uganda's objective is to protect the currency value of being a tourist attraction so they will arrest as many people it takes for the money to keep flowing and for tourists to FEEL safe even if they are not.  Odd that the bodyguard was not mentioned.  And much like people chewed on by sharks and continue to get in the water with them, Kimberly Sue will likely return to Uganda for safaris.

  8. Most likely she was raped in being violated in regards to her " trama " but as long as health wise she's okay. Bring her back home to America. I would love to know who these idiots are as most of Americans would. I guarantee if the kidnappers were named, there would be a group of American missionaries that would go hunt these bastards down in Africa .

    No offense, I am one that would join the missionaries with facing something that will take my life anyhow so I have nothing else to live for, I would put my life on the line in joining a team to hunt them for what they did to her .

  9. White people are often victimised in Africa for being rich and weak.
    ie Idi Amin, Zimbabwe, EFF in South Africa
    Land and propety is stolen and whites targeted and killed.
    They rejected European development in "The Scramble For Africa."
    This is real racism.
    African Americans blame white people, fact is slavery was going on for thousands of year before the US was created and still is going on in Mali and the Ivory Coast.
    Africa is 14 times the size of the US yet people live in harshness of poverty and there is an element of ancient, primal savagery……
    same with much of South America.
    The most intelligent and motivated struggle to escape the poverty, desolation and occasional barbarity.

  10. This is the second news clip on abc today negatively showing Africa. First whites getting triggered about SA land return and now whites women has been kidnap in a random spot in Uganda…. ABC/Disney give it a break racists

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