Mystery of missing Idaho children leads police to look into family

Mystery of missing Idaho children leads police to look into family

Investigators believe the mother, Lori Vallow, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, know where the children are or what happened to them.

#MysteryCrimes #MissingChildren #Investigation #LoriVallow #ChadDaybell #Missing




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27 thoughts on “Mystery of missing Idaho children leads police to look into family

  1. My daughters have played with these children before, they have been questioned about them by an investigator for CPS because my girls have played with them multiple times in the past. We are all praying for them to be found safely 🙏 and from the video of the mother at the storage unit with large containers she has clearly done a horrible thing to these beautiful little angels!!!! I hope for her sake that she comes clean about what she has done because even though the courts might have leniency on her, our Father in heaven will not!!!

  2. By the time the police try and arrest the mother and step father, they will have killed themselves and we will never find these children. Arrest them already! Isn't the FBI involved in this? If not, why not? This is rediculous.

  3. "Chad Daybell wrote that he believes their five children will have a role to play in the second-coming of Jesus Christ." 
    "Chad Daybell’s novels echo some scriptures from the Bible and Book of Mormon. He claims to have received visions about the world ending with earthquakes, hailstorms, floods, and fires." Reported by Fox13.

  4. They need to search ditches and oceans now cause knowing she’s a dooms day cult she probably killed them thinking it’s the end of days and that everyone is gonna die anyway so hey y not spend my last days in Hawaii. What a heartless mean bitch her and her man are gonna burn

  5. This is pissing me off so much. I really wish they would come in out of no where and scoop them both up. I hope they split them up right away so they have to be alone and we have to hear what they both have to say. Disgusting ass people i would love to slam my fist into their teeth.

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