Motorcycle scare sends hundreds fleeing in Times Square l ABC News

Motorcycle scare sends hundreds fleeing in Times Square l ABC News

A motorcycle that backfired caused hundreds to scatter it was mistaken for an active shooter.

#ABCNews #TimesSquare #MassShooting


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47 thoughts on “Motorcycle scare sends hundreds fleeing in Times Square l ABC News

  1. Can't wait for:"Lady popping her bubble gum sends 100s running for their lives!"🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🥴

  2. News talks about nation on edge then ends with “you definitely need to have an escape plan” what aholes

  3. i never understud why girls scream in situations like this….. 1 you draw attention to you…….. 2 you make pannic……… now imagen a lunatic looking around for people to shoot and you scream here i am

  4. And right there is a perfect display of the problem in America, when the guy finished by telling people 'you have to be thinking about exit plans'. How about instead of treating this as an acceptable reality you take some action to stop right-wing terrorists from getting their hands on assault rifles? It should not be on the innocent to plan how they would escape from a mass shooter, it should be on your elected to work out how to stop these murderers from getting those weapons in the first place. Until Americans grow the f up and realize that living in a war zone is NOT NORMAL nothing is going to change there.

  5. omg I'm fucking out of breath reading all these fucking comments! 😂🤣😂🤣

  6. i was in this and it was one of the scariest things i ever experienced. i had just finished eating at bubba gump’s and had no clue what was going on outside. i remember being pushed around inside of the bubba gump’s little gift shop (my mom was upstairs in the restroom and my younger cousin, aunt, and i had all gone down to the gift shop after we finished eating and paid the bill). i remember the glass doors flying open and over 50 people (most tourists who spoke other languages or very broken english( cramming into the tiny room screaming to close the doors, get on the floor, and run. i was pushed to the ground and crawled behind the little stand the hostess stands at when they take your name and i don’t even know where my aunt or cousin went. in a matter of half a second they were gone and there were people screaming, crying, and practically laying on top of me and i was frozen in fear. some guy around my age (19 at the time) with some sort of european accent pulled me up and drug me up the stairs saying we had to get away because there was someone with a gun outside shooting and i remember my adrenaline kicking in and i squeezed through the mass of people up the stairs and RAN to the bathroom sobbing to try and find my mom. the weirdest part was everyone upstairs in the restaurant was unphased eating like nothing was happening and i had experienced what felt like a near death experience. i ran into the bathroom crying for my mom and she was washing her hands and tried to calm me down and i remember my first thought being “i don’t know where jessica my cousin went”. we stood in the bathroom for a bit trying to calm me down and i stood there shaking while my mom tried to call my aunt and figure out where her and my cousin went and if they were okay. they were fine and the whole time it ended up being a false shooting but i was so terrified and i didn’t feel safe the rest of the time we were in times square for the rest of our trip. my aunt and cousin didn’t seem phased because they had quickly been ushered into the back stock room of bubba gump’s when everything happened, but i was right in the middle of the chaos and i was severely affected.

    i wasn’t even in a real shooting so i couldn’t imagine the terror of having to deal with the real deal let alone as a child. my heart goes out to all of the survivors of every mass shooting

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