Most transgender women barred from high-level international swimming competitions | Nightline – Car Mod Pros Portal

A new ruling by the international swimming federation means transgender women athletes that transitioned after the age of 12 can’t compete in high-level international competitions.



#nightline #transgender #swimming #sports #lgbtq #abcnews


By carmodpros


22 thoughts on “Most transgender women barred from high-level international swimming competitions | Nightline”
  1. Stop using pronouns. There are no cis gender women only real women. That pronoun nonsense is made up crap. We real women are the majority and are normal where anything else is abnormal. So stop using these pronouns and coddling these people.

  2. 4:27 "… its very othering…" you are an other. You cannot be a woman no matter what or how you feel so you and the women who think they are men ARE others. And I guarantee nobody really is bothered about you being trans or anything else about the lgbtq+ community YOU are the problem to yourselves because you are all empty narcissists. Its got to be all about you. You don't see how women have had to suffer and fight and still are even here in America where in the 1980's, not the 1880's, could not have a visa or a bank account. Thanks to you and your disgusting community we see a rise in people, including dems and myself, who have or are thinking of voting republican since they are the only ones fighting the rainbow mafia on certain things even though they want to destroy women just as much as the democrats and are not trustworthy. YOU are responsible for the rise of trump and all his tards because if the repubs weren't so disgusted with all this woke nonsense none of this trumptardianism and overt religiousness would have been as powerful as it is now and our country on the brink of becoming a theocracy and women are about to be pushed back to just like in Victorian times.

  3. Basically what you have done is made the way clearer for these activist freaks to push children into peuberty blockers, which are the same as castration chemicals used on pedos, and who knows what that does to the brain and their overall development it isn't reversible if the kid was pushed into this by his woke activist frucked up teachers or parents then he, or if its a girl pushed to be a man, will have to live with the fact they won't be either because it isn't reversible and they won't have the characteristics of either sex or they will be stuck being the sex they were pushed into by woke weirdo adults who will suffer no consequencess for this.
    We got girls as young as 13 having their breasts removed. This is insane. Yes, they can get fake boobs but the point is they shouldn't have the surgery at that age. Biology matters and no matter when you get blockers or treatments you will always be the sex you were born. If you want to play in your weird little world of flags and dressing like a clown then fine I can support that but only if you are an adult, you stay away from kids, and the people you bonk aren't underage and are consenting and nobody is forced to play your stupid pronoun games. Grow the fruk up you weirdo clowns.

  4. This is the best and most sensible rule that sports has made in recent years, eventhough it should’ve been a thing long time ago.

  5. I agree. The narcissism of these people, all lgbtq+, is amazing. It is all about them and nothing else. They'll even attack real women. You are a man not a woman no matter what.

  6. The word “woman” is derivative of the words WOMB and MAN. Wombman= woman. Collectively, we’re all “man”. The huMAN race, huMANity. There is man, and there is “man with a womb,” hence, “woman”. If you do not have a womb, you ARE NOT, cannot and will never be a woman. Nor should you EVER be allowed to compete in women’s sports. It’s literally that simple.

  7. A guy in the ladies swim suit is smirking when talking to the interviewer.. hahaha.. Sanity has prevailed. Hopefully this is applied to other sports

  8. Sanity at last. Trans-identified men may identify as women but they certainly do not identify with women. They literally want women to just shut up and get out of the way. How is doing this to women not discrimination against women? Will Thomas was a mediocre male swimmer. He could not care less about all the women who have worked so hard all their lives only to lose their places and trophies to a man.
    Transwomen are not women .

  9. Honestly I would have went even further than that. No men in women's sports. Period <– that's a pun I didn't intend, but in this case it's most appropriate.

  10. Listen…..Trans people are seen as someone who needs to be treated like a Person, A Human Being, but not as the 'Gender' they claim to be in an Athletic sense. People like 'Lia', who's Trans, no one cares if this person wants to Present as 'Female'…..but what people have a problem with is that Lia doesn't admit that they have an genetic advantage….. period….100% of Genetic Women shouldn't be dismissed just because 0.1% of the population's Feelings are Hurt….

  11. 8:06 The argument of policing who is a girl in order to compete in sports it’s pretty ridiculous. As they walk side-by-side it’s pretty obvious who is biologically a male.

  12. Nobody is stopping them from competing. Leah Thomas is still a man last time biology was checked and can still compete in the men’s races. The problem for him is he was ranked 400 when he competed against other men and now he can’t cheat anymore competing against women. If he truly has gender dysphoria, we should be encouraging him to get help not encouraging his delusion.

  13. Inclusion my ass! It’s freaking cheating letting him compete against women! Just cause u think u are something doesn’t mean u are! Lia Thomas can still go and compete against his own biological sex. It’s not discrimination against trans! Facts don’t care about ur feelings!

  14. If it it gives women in sport a disadvantage to compete against transgender women (because of physiological differences) then a new solution must be found in the interest of fairness. NEITHER OF THE TRANS FEMALE ATHLETES ACKNOWLEDGED THE FAIRNESS OF THEIR PHYSICAL ADVANTAGE over other women and that bothered me. When a male transitions, they do so with the knowledge that there are just somethings that they cannot change, for example. their inability to get pregnant, their XY chromosomes, and competing AT PROFESSIONAL LEVELS with women to name a few. Sometimes we cant have everything; none of us can.

  15. This is True progression. It’s great that truth and reality is working hand in hand.

    Drug Hormones doesn’t make a man a woman. A female is born female at birth.

    Taking enhancement drugs period should be banned. Female hormones should only be used for biological females only and for reproductive purposes for actual females.

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