Morning News NOW Full Broadcast – August 2

Morning News NOW Full Broadcast – August 2

The U.S. surpasses 35 million Covid cases as the delta variant surges, health experts are pushing for more vaccinations among nursing home workers, and Americans no longer need to quarantine when traveling to the U.K.

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40 thoughts on “Morning News NOW Full Broadcast – August 2

    Can it be in vast, 90-Govs-owned, One-With-Nature, OWN, Virus-Free-Refuges, VFR, with current attempts? 2020-2021-Study uses Square-Root Diffusion-Science-VFR-Designs for 500k islands, 30k-atolls, M-Km-4-Lane-Highway-Sides w. 50-ft-apart-max-2-floors-OWN-Restaurants-Services-Between-Lanes? Olds First?
    "Answer-not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him" King Solomon.

  2. Holding jobs like bananas 🍌
    To take the shot…
    Will surely create an uptick genius.
    Your new name is “Obvious Mandates” Reporting Live from stupid.







    #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑)


    #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

  4. He thinks we forgot he was crying to the judge 😂😂😂

  5. 🐴💩fake news

  6. How Rules of Virus-Recovery-Science, with current PANDEMIC-HOT-AIR-FIGHTS, 'THE PHAF' can RECOVER 90 nations from the virus by (A) Virus Free Camps, VCR, attempting new social life, education, work, shopping, biz, mainly online, (B) Such VCR in ~half-M-islands & Gov-4-Lane-Highway-Sides that curb VIRUS-DIFFUSION-CONTRABAND by
    people moving between nations, provinces, cities. More at our 20-45 M youtube posts, or, in short, below.

    1. Nat'l Case-#, Nat'l Death-#, said-# per-million, harbor no base in science, at best, are just PHAF.
    2. Sole Verified Scientific Index of Nat'l Virus Surge, NVS, is Reported %-Deaths.
    3. %-Deaths are higher than reported because hospitals report not deaths-at-home.
    4. Nations/provinces/cities can and should save many lives under 'PLAN-MIX with PHAF'.


    i. Lowest-Cost MIX? VCR on sides of Gov-4-lane-highways? Services/Clinics/Restaurants in between?
    ii. Olds in such VCR may be Gov-helped by food/water/elect, medicines, groceries, clinics, Internet?
    iii. Residents attempt and should create new social life, education, work, shopping, biz, mainly online?
    iv. Modern-Tech/clean-diet/clean-air guided by 175-180-Y/O Avraham-Ytshack simple diet/life?
    v. VIRUS-DIFFUSION ALLOWED BY TRAVEL between nations/provinces/cities? absent virus contraband?.
    vi. Gradual abandoning towns/cities is very sad, but remains Nat'l-Govs-Responsibility, NGR, or death?
    vii. NGR includes relocating military bases, facilities, hospitals to virus-free, arid, forests, beach areas.
    ix. PHAF includes wash-mouth-nose-eyes-hair & anything into resident imported, top hygiene, lockdown.

    Answer-not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him, [26:4, King Solomon]
    The-most-dangerous-person is the one presenting the truth in a room. [Plato]
    To-know-the-truth-on PHAF? One may not need to hear both sides. [Lester Holt,-voted-best-TV-Anchor]
    [נקמת אשה לא ברא השטן [פלוסי נוקמת טרמפ ומקריבה קרבנות וירוס בגבול ועצירת החלמת ארה׳׳ב .
    Copyrights? Apply to author* & his 13-years old son David F. Galor & family members.
    youtube, Supermaneuverability [Wikipedia, rfrs 1,2]; 12-Editorials by *Int'l-J-Turbo-Jet-Engines*, AIAA,
    AviationWeek, Aerospace-America, ASME v 6th-Generation,-2020-2040–AeroSpace-Combat-reviews./

  7. More fear & propaganda from MMM. I Know the virus is real. But I also see evidence that it a man made weapon, not naturally acurring. We need to ask – who attacked who us ???? Answer. Find the ones who bennifit the mostl

  8. It may be safe for people that live in the united states to travel out of the united states and into other countries because the other countries are doing MUCH MUCH better then we are in the united states, do it may not be safe for other countries to allow transportation from the united states or other countries that are experiencing rapid spreading and high infection rates, how is it that the VARIANT is more widely spread in places ir states that have little to no vaccines or that have not been taken the vaccine when the majority of the people that are sick and infected with VARIANT are the people that hes gotten the VACCINE ITS NOT THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT BEEN VACCINED?

  9. Florida >>>>> New York. Cos they actually stand up for their rights and aren’t being submissive to the businesses and government like NYC is. That’s why they making the vaccine mandatory in NYC already.

  10. I am beginning to believe this virus is really man-made…and it is made in America…how else can one explain the deep-rooted infestation…it just won't stop..

    maybe, for our own good, let Ft Detrick be investigated, once and for all, so we will know if our own government is developing bioweapons that, unintentionally may be killing should all stop, for the world's sake…stop all this politicizing…who cares if we are nbr. 2 or nbr. 20…we really dont care..

    we just want to enjoy this one, short life we have been given..

  11. So you got doctors offices and stuff like that and not even taking this shot because they know it doesn't work you got doctors and nurses not even taking this shot cuz they know they're killing people

  12. Senior people were basically the first ones to get this stuff is because I was the first people they targeted that's what they want to get rid of this all the senior people because member the baby boom there's way more old folks dinner is people today care of us look at the records yeah you wonder why they're going after the old folks they disembark Sania but they just went flat out and killed everybody Dow Chemical Warfare it sucks I'm an alien human hybrid I have no worries just those people who ain't human and alien yeah and you talked about taking over the planet you don't think we didn't already do it covid-19 hahaha

  13. People I've never tooken a flu shot never been sick a day in my life but everybody I know got the flu shot then sick at least three or four times that year you know the government makes a lot of money on pharmaceutical drugs yeah that's one of their number-one money-makers in the United States as pharmaceutical drugs you know stuff to post to make you feel better they got the cure to this but they're not going to give it to the people only the elite

  14. Now they gave the covid-19 a new name the Delta Fair yet they never fix the first one yet yeah they already know that so they just renamed it that's all the Delta variant yeah that's what we'll call it cuz it covid-19 shot doesn't work on most people is it has only work on certain amount of people certain blood types are DNA I'm an alien it I'm in it

  15. The government is controlling this death sentence doesn't care if you're rich or movie star who you are it's all about the numbers they're not enough people dead yet these people look at us as nothing more than cattle yep Ready For The Slaughterhouse covid-19 is what they call chemical warfare the only problem is our own governments doing it to us

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