More than a quarter million displaced because of California fires

More than a quarter million displaced because of California fires

Firefighters were conducting an all-out assault on the Woolsey fire as hundreds remained missing at the Camp fire near Sacramento.




24 thoughts on “More than a quarter million displaced because of California fires

  1. আল্লাহ পাক গজব নাজিল হয়েছে

  2. Guys obviously I can’t relate because I live in Massachusetts but I hope the lady and the baby was ok but that family wasn’t selfish,if they stopped to pick them up they could have gotten hurt :/ I hope everything is ok for everyone.It makes me realize how lucky I am to not have them here. ♥️

  3. You couldn't stop to pick up a helpless mother n baby?? Just thinking of your own hide,??! What if they got burned up. When you could have taken 10sec to help them?!!! If this is the kind of selfish ppl that live there; maybe, unfortunately the 🔥🔥 is a warning to them like Sodom n Gamorrah in the Bible.

  4. Born and raised in southern California, fires happen like clockwork every year. I can't remember a time driving down the highway when the landscape wasn't scorched. There used to be volunteer programs where you could go make sandwich lunches for firefighters for hours on end, hundreds or even thousands of lunches a day. Crazy shit. Nothing compared to what those firefighters go through. We were lucky to never lose our house but it's crazy how the fire can burn down your neighbors houses and skip yours entirely. You evacuate thinking you'll never see your home again, and there's no greater feeling than coming back to assess the damage and your home is still standing. I feel horrible for the people who lost their lives and their homes. Wildfires are no fucking joke.

  5. I don't think that man's pants were tight enough at the end of the video. That's what probably started the fire to begin with. He farted and the hot air had nowhere to escape.
    That couple should be ashamed of themselves. To see a woman running with her baby next to them driving and they didn't even stop to try and help… Shame on them. Very selfish. The Lord is trying to wake people up over there but they are still "dazed and confused". Come to Christ Jesus. He's the only one that can save you.

  6. Pray for us! Please 😢

  7. How sad. Year after year after year I hear the same thing. CA is never prepared and never has enough manpower. Same thing every year. Every year I say this same thing and every year my wife says… "You have been saying that for the last 30 years (this year), enough already." You would think CA would know that there are wildfire this time every year by now. But NO, still they act like it's the worst, then the winds come, oh no who could have seen this coming? (Like it has for the last 100s of years) How sad.

  8. for the people saying that that family should have picked up that lady and child I agree and disagree. with all the cars that were catching on fire and tires popping if they stopped they might not have been able to continue if their tires popped. This was a sad situation and sometimes you have to save yourself and your family. If they stopped they could have lost everyone in that car. We were not in their shoes or in that situation so it is hard to say what any of us would have done or not done. You instincts kick in and you just fight for your own survival.

  9. Please listen to what I’m saying carefully my American brothers and sisters stand up to your politicians and their foreign policy because when your government go bomb the hell out of other countries this is what people have to deal with when they get displaced by your evil armies think please

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