More than 7,000 vaccinated health care workers attend Super Bowl LV

More than 7,000 vaccinated health care workers attend Super Bowl LV

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 cases is at its lowest since November, according to The COVID Tracking Project.


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28 thoughts on “More than 7,000 vaccinated health care workers attend Super Bowl LV

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, and he was buried, and he rose again the third day, and he is offering everlasting life to all who will believe in him.

  2. Fix your focus loved ones. Whatever we allow to roll through our thoughts & minds, directly affects what goes on in our brains & bodies. Let the redeemed say so, the rest will follow.

  3. Facial recognition proves who was responsible for Jan.6th. in D.C. They were not T supporters. It was preplanned just like the speeches afterwards. The mainstream media is the mouth of the anti christ. Pray for them for they will suffer only pain & torments in hell for eternity. We are being played again by both sides controlled by satan. This is spiritual warfare. Their god is lucifer. God is always in control; sometimes He allows evil to prevail for reasons that are above our understanding. NO FEAR!!! God will heal our land if we Repent & Pray. Do you worship I.A.; The" I Am" ? or A.I.? Believe and Trust in the bl o o d that was shed by J e s u s C h r i s t for your sins; being born again/saved. Humble yourself before the LORD and S A V I O U R J e s u s C h r i s t and pray. Pray by lying prostrate on the floor with your face to the ground. The ultimate humility before Jesus Christ is you on your face.

    Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Watch; "Coronavirus and Vaccination crime… . " Watch B i b l e teacher R o b e r t B r e a k e r's videos, "Understanding The Times." & "Can You See in 2020?", . Watch, testimony of people who went to hell; You can make a difference! We can't lose with J e s u s C h r i s t. Give Him your heart today and serve Him!

  4. Whatta POS corporate shill doctor, downplaying the threat of the virus in service of Americas Business Sector. In this country the infection rate is the worst in the world, but rich people who own ABC, (as well as this goddam doctor) need the stock market to keep trending up. They need YOU to feel safe enough to keep BUYING things and WORKING. As long as you do those two things, they don’t care what else happens.

  5. woohoo! good for them , glad they got a get a little treat after suffering for months….. imagine working at subway during rush hour……. only instead of sandwhiches and it only lasting an hour, its dying people and lasts all year

  6. So let me get this straight if the vaccine works why do people still get covid, that's because it's not a vaccine your body naturally builds up immunity to the virus so there's no point in getting a vaccine 🤦‍♂️

  7. "More than 7,000 (Covid) vaccinated health care workers attend Super Bowl LV" thereby motivating us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica (per #LincolnProject). Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the #UKvariant strain(s) mutations and others like the South African, Brazilian, Californian & #Cluster5Mink mutations rendering current vaccines no longer effective.

  8. Frontline workers of a fake pandemic?

  9. I'm not taking any covid vaccine. That's all there is to it and there's nothing that anyone can say to convince me. These vaccines are not safe. The fact that you can't sue the vaccine manufacturers for any bad side effects is just one indication of that.

  10. If you like the way things are where you have to riot over every little thing and basic rights…take the shot. If you don't care whether or not Satan gets his system back up from the blackhole of hell then don't take the shot. Shot equals police state, censorship, globalism, income equality, and racial chaos. It's a wonderful life.

  11. 12, 000 in Belgium outright refused it. You are choosing a kingdom folks…Satan's status quo, or God's refusing whatever the hell is in that needle. All kind of stuff floating around about what's in there. But mostly too keep status quo intact. Why it is being refused globally.

  12. 🤦🏾‍♂️… just cant fix s t u p i d🤷🏾‍♂️
    i would never ever take this liquid to keep a job!
    im not in worry….i will do what i have to do to stay alive…i will just continiue to do it MY WAY☝🏾

  13. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon and will give everyone the reward they deserve. Repent to God and Christ and confess and repent of your sins! Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior! Forgive one another and love one another! Read the Bible and learn to live as pleases God and Christ!

    You don't understand, why antibiotic exist when you fall sick?
    And why doctor pinpoint which medicine need to be finished even your sickness already cured, just to avoid the disease from repeating again.

    Inshort, human body would develope antibody to fight diseases after vaccine injection, were just BS since antibiotic wete usual given, so antibody could be developed.

    #What? Antibody and vaccine were two different thing whereby one made of protein and meant for countering poison, another made of live virus and meant for countering diseases..
    Why venom were extracted from poisonous snake to force body release antibody, if you bitten by snake, so do how frozen virus were used by a vet doctor in 1881, to cure animal infected by rabie before testing on human in 1885.

    Frozen or weaken virus were used to ignites reaction from immune system, so it could figure out, how to kill the virus without risk of getting sick before facing normal virus that could kill human. That call vaccine..
    Venom extracted from poisonous snake were used to force body release protein to counter poison, were named antibody since your awareness could not ignites reaction but only can rush to hospital.
    Yet this kind of simple thing, doctors still need other to teach mean what they created as vaccine and not only COVID19, were just enough to B.S.
    (Google "Danny Woo Vk" in Bing for Granny Method that could cure COVID19 without going to hospital)

    That is the main reason, why 29 patients from Sarawak rabies outbreak, none of them make it out alive. Sure doctors concluded delay in administering vaccine were the cause of death even vaccine still work after bitten for 6 days and plane yet to be invented in 1885?
    And why Sarawak outbreak behave passive cos pets were vaccinated instead, as effort to curb the pandemic since the patients keep dying.

    In other words, Malaysian should aware, where to find vaccine, if bitten by rabies animal. Cos doctor expected would use the same vaccine that killed all the patient, to save you.
    Why? This kind of simple stuff about vaccine and antibody could be messed up, then what the fcuk they don't dare to do, using patient 29th as lab rats to prove their vaccine, were not the problem.

    But what if, rat 29th ended up death too?
    Sure must jab rat 30th or why you need to find vet doctor.
    31 cases indeed the latest figure but the 2 survivor injected rabies vaccine before they got bitten or immuned against rabies.
    Why they still alive, had nothing to do, with what doctor Injected in their body after being bitten.

    Everyone must aware, vaccine for rabies indeed work from 1885 but only till year 2k. Cos beyond 2k, rabies vaccine for human were invented by doctor or vaccine invented by vet doctor in 1881, only for animal usages.

    1. This outbreak currently killed 29 patients and the latest victim were just 2 month ago.
    2. Vaccine for rabies have two type (human and animal)
    3. Sarawak outbreak forced the govt vaccinate pets after 14 patients bitten, none make it out alive and succeeded in paralyzing the pandemic or why it behave passive.
    4. Rabies vaccine for animal were the 1st vaccine ever created by vet doctor in 1881, which also tested on human
    5. Vaccine still work in curing the disease even patient bitten after 6 day.

    The above were all facts, just doctor refuse to acknowledge, rabies vaccine for human that created beyond 2k, were the problem even delay also mean vaccine need a week before could reach 29 patients.

    Rabies were not something new to Malaysian cos me were vaccinated too after bitten by niegbour's dog, that like to bulies kids. On the same day, me already vaccinated.

    Granny method were created to counter allergic after doctor told granny, her grandson disease don't have cure and why it work against COVID19 cos allergic were a contagious disease.
    (Dont forget where you can fine book of life, a science book that dont exist in human world)

  15. President Biden should be held to account for this Tragedy! Let’s see the results and amount of deaths in three weeks time as a result of this self entitled society!

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