More schools are shutting down due to coronavirus | ABC News

More schools are shutting down due to coronavirus | ABC News

Food advocate Tom Colicchio says schools shutting poses food security problems. BREAKING NEWS UPDATES HERE:

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45 thoughts on “More schools are shutting down due to coronavirus | ABC News

  1. Well of course schools should shut down. Have you seen what some teachers do as they pass out papers? They lick their finger to separate the pages. Not only is it gross but at this point it's a health risk to your children. Imagine Ms. E or whoever does that, then your child gets the paper, then forgets not to touch his or her face. And then you know the rest, amid this pandemic.

  2. I feel like my school year is pretty much over :/ I really wanted to go back to school to see my friends there’s also another reason why.

  3. Guys the reason they are shutting down schools is because childeren are great at speading germs and some staff in schools could get it and there would be too less staff to run the school so ya.

  4. My school was shut today ( Thursday 18th March)! 👍😀

    Except my teacher game me a 20 page homework pack. 🥺

  5. at least there won’t be any school shootings lmao

  6. The school food is not even good tho wtf 😂

  7. The virus isn’t harmful unless you’re already sick or you have some sort of disease or illness

  8. It’s not fair sports schools Restaraunt etc get to close down but us that work in supermarket have to be open still being exposed to everyone

  9. My are taking another 2 week of spring break because the COVID-19 until the 27 of March it’s humbolt district in Arizona Prescott valley I think that’s 3 weeks of spring break

  10. Makes sense. After all you can’t catch anything in daycare. Where do they think all these kids are going to go when the school is closed. High school students you are safe except for maybe VD too much partying, everyone else is going to day camp.

  11. Stupid because I lived on week by week and my kids never went hungry and I never counted on anything free or did they receive anything free. My kids would eat before I would lol free reduced lunch that's only through the family can save a extra buck.then if that's the case why are there so many people in jail because they did not pay child support and leave them in there and there where they can't take care of their children and then on take 70% of their paycheck for one child while they are still trying to raise others so feed one but forget about the other three that you were raising lol and then turn your ass into jail where you can take care of any hey as long as the state gets paid for you being in maybe you can take care of the illegals

  12. People are being so mean and selfish just a because of the virus they sell the food water things we need to survive for a higher price don’t they understand this is an emergency not a benefit to earn more money.

  13. Plz JB Pritzker shut down Illinois schools we can’t take the risk 😏

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