More middle-class earners are struggling to get by amid COVID-19 unemployment – Car Mod Pros Portal

Some families that once saw themselves beyond the reach of poverty now need help feeding their families and avoiding eviction. “Nightline” speaks to some of them and the people who are trying to help.


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “More middle-class earners are struggling to get by amid COVID-19 unemployment”
  1. Still baffles me why Americans who plead poverty and hunger but are mostly fat or obese🤔🤔🤔🤔

  2. What are illegal aliens costing us now we give them free health care free education gov. housing free food while the U.S. taxpayer /citizen is forced into poverty . And now we have Biden and a press that tells us no fraud in the election. Things are going to get much worse. They will blame Trump for all their failures this will work for about 2 yrs and them the American people will wake up.

  3. Most Americans forget that there's actually a fourth 'class.' It's Upper > Middle > Working Poor > Lower. A lot of Americans think they're middle class, when they're actually the working poor (That's where this myth of 'upper' and 'lower' middle class comes from). If two or more of the following apply to you, congratulations, you're working poor:

    Have you ever noticed something concerning about your heath, but decided to wait to see a doctor in the hopes that you would get better on your own?
    Do you skip routine medical procedures (checkups, dental cleanings, vision exams, obgyn) because you either can't afford them or don't have the time to go?
    Would a windfall of $10,000 be a life changing event?
    Are you only one bad month away from a financial crisis that will take you years to recover from?
    Do you have no savings at all, even in the form of a retirement plan (401k, roth IRA, ect)?
    Do you rent your residence?
    Is your rent half of your monthly expenses?
    Did you ever have to choose between healthcare, rent, and food?
    Were you ever forced to move from your residence because the rent increased so severely your income couldn't keep up with it?
    Have you ever had to ask family or friends for money because of an emergency expense?
    Are you hesitant to move in with family because you may not be able to move out again?
    Has your pay remained the same after two or more years at the same job?
    Is the payment or maintenance of a vehicle such a significant portion of your monthly expenses that it impacts where you can afford to live?
    Do you put off having children because you can't afford them?

    Congratulations, if you answered 'yes' to two or more of these, you're working poor. List is not exhaustive.

  4. 22 Million jobless who will they replace you with? No one is working as the video stated.
    Nation and World wide crisis is what's being posted on my cellphone how accurate is it with all the misinformation that's aloud?

    Also no need for antiquated old basketball propaganda commercials .

  5. Making 35k a year isn't middle class anymore. Hate to break it. Middle class is 50k-80/100k. Then you get upper middle 100k-250k. And upper 250k+

  6. I suggest after Covid end..u guys should consider to live outside USA
    Everything in USA are expansive especially Rent house or room
    USA already become like Korea Hong Kong Japan the price very very high
    Certain country especially other Asian country then Korea Japan and Hong Kong u can find half of price with more nice play to stay and work without any stress more 3 times cheaper
    Many westener already move out from their country especially USA
    Japan Korea Hong Kong citizen also already moved to other Asian country

  7. And the irony is this lovely woman is an unemployed immigration lawyer…….YET our illegitimate President….obiden… giving 16,000 dollars to EACH illegal immigrant. PATHETIC

  8. America is in trouble how can the richest country in the world not be able to take care of its own citizens this kind of poverty is not supposed to be in America the country has way too much money this is embarrassing the world is laughing at America maybe stop killing innocent people and devote all your time in making sure Americans are ok 🤬🤬🤬

  9. Ok, a guy who works on Wall Street for over 20 years, doesn't have savings or investments? That's sad.

  10. While everyone was buying new phones, new cars, clothes. I started saving and prepping. Buying used items and selling them on the side for more.

  11. Oh, boy. 42 million immigrants want to come here. Giv’t will give them food, shelter, medical, transportation, etc. nothing for our own. Go figure.

  12. The country can't afford to keep giving handouts to people. Time to grow a pair and go get a JOB! I think we should have better programs that will actually HELP get people on their feet by helping them get a job instead of giving food stamps ect. You lazy ones are the ones causing us to go broke. GO GET TRAINING AND GET A FUCKING JOB! STOP HAVING YOUR DAMN KIDS IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD THEM. SHAME ON YOU FOR NOT EVEN TRYING TO GET OUT OF YOUR SITUATION THAT YOU PUT YOURSELF IN

  13. I myself lost my job here in Europe. I’m in government aide till September taking classes to hopefully land me a job soon . I pray for all of us suffering for job losses due to COVID and may Gods bring us justice one day for this plandemic that crushes out the middle class to poverty and poor really at the bottom. I myself was thinking to end my life but it’s not an option. We need to do the best we could to get out of this . God help us !!!

  14. This is horrible she's a lawyer pays her bills,and she has to go to the food bank, however, illegal immigrants get, medical, housing, etc. the system is f***ed up

  15. Struggling financially and over 18? Do you weigh 110+ LBS? Consider plasma donation, here in my state it pays over $500 a month! It's not much, but It's something.

  16. This is awful! So with all the problems our US citizens are having, why is our government allowing so many unlawful immigrants to come into our country? Shouldn't we, the United States of America, put Americans in need first? Yes.

  17. Believe me or not, but all of this is unbelievable in Europe, even in eastern Europe. Of course some of people here are struggling, but they are only a small part of economy, they've got public aid, and they can quite easily rehire in other sectors. Most of people have savings what could be their safe nets for a year or two. We earn less, but our living costs are much less.

  18. Those pantries give out the most God awful food imagineable. No salt, unsweetened juice, bags of beans that senior citizens have a hard time cooking, cans of pink salmon. San Diego food bank food is inedible.

  19. This makes me grateful! I lost my job due to the pandemic but I was able to find employment within 2 mos. 🙌🏽 This is horrible

  20. The virus has proved that living paycheck to paycheck is not feasible. You need to have a cushion or an emergency fund. No matter what.

  21. omg a lawyer is even struggling, shes very competent and still affected so badly, such a scary world now. i am not sure i have been talking to my son to be a builder, cook, he need skills to be self sufficient. the world is changing.

  22. “What could I have done to alleviate some of these consequences?”

    Not getting a divorce might have been a good start.

  23. I just got My Master's degree from USC when the Pandemic hit in 2020. So far it has been 9 months of looking for a job and I am still unemployed. It has been absolutely devastating. Thank God my wife has a good paying secure job and has been supporting me. Also, I had 50 k saved up from my previous jobs and that has helped me treamendously.

  24. Also, is this too much presented by the corporate media as exploitative & voyeuristic/entertainment.

  25. What's wrong with this country is when the one lady said "I'm one of Them" and how arrogant the other lady & the narrator are.

  26. Knowing how some peep blow their stimulus check is sad 😥 if you can waste ur check atleast donate 100 of food to a food bank

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