More Companies Adding Covid Vaccine Or Testing Requirements

More Companies Adding Covid Vaccine Or Testing Requirements

A growing number of companies are requiring employees to get the Covid-19 vaccine or undergo regular testing. Experts say businesses policies could help sway unvaccinated Americans to get the shot.
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36 thoughts on “More Companies Adding Covid Vaccine Or Testing Requirements

  1. Don’t need your coercion vaccine… NEVER.

  2. Hopefully this is what finally takes down the mega corporations. Hopefully…

  3. So, to summarize: The Covid 9 vaccine….

    – Does not give immunity.
    – Does not eliminate the virus.
    – Does not prevent death.
    – Doesn't guarantee you won't get it.
    – Doesn't stop you from getting it.
    – Does not stop you from passing it on.
    – Doesn't preclude the need for travel bans.
    – Doesn't preclude the need for business closures.
    – Doesn't preclude the need for closures.
    – doesn't preclude the need for concealment.

    It is so absurd and I wonder why there are people who let this happen to them.

  4. Just Say No to their Non-Liable Sheep Shot$ 📺🐑🐑🐑💉💉💉💰💰💰💰💰💰

  5. The people need to read the declaration of independence, the constitution and the bill of rights. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government

  6. Israel's Director of Public Health Stuns TV Viewers
    with Statement that 50 Percent of New COVID Cases
    Are Among Fully Vaccinated

    By Pam IVlartens and Russ Martens: August 2, 2021 –

    As of its most recent on COVID vaccines, the Centers for
    Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States carries this

    "Infections happen in only a small proportion of people who are
    fully vaccinated, even with the Delta variant."

  7. They do not have an accurate test for delta covid. Need to be sent to a lab and the error rate is higher then the chance for it to be accurate. They are playing games with our lives. They are Evil and we must stand strong. Liars get what they deserve in the end.

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