More Americans Eligible For Pfizer’s Booster Shot – Car Mod Pros Portal

The pool of Americans eligible for a booster shot expanded overnight after CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky endorsed the recommendation for a third dose. Health care workers and others at high risk of catching Covid because of their jobs are also eligible. » Subscribe to NBC News:
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#NightlyNews #BoosterShot #Coronavirus


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “More Americans Eligible For Pfizer’s Booster Shot”
  1. Well! You've watched it…Live..Mr.President got the shots 🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌so you know what I mean..For those….I mean God Bless and Stay Safe…and don't be a SELFISH…🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌

  2. "More Americans Eligible For Pfizer’s Booster Shot" thereby motivating us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica. Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining to form hybrids that render current COVID vaccines no longer effective.

  3. mandates
    Alexis Keenan 9 hrs ago

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    Opinion: Biden's presidency comes down to this

    The argument that natural immunity against COVID-19 is an alternative to vaccination is emerging as a potential legal challenge to federally mandated vaccination policies.

    Vaccination is already required for certain workers and some college students. The federal government, despite steeper legal hurdles to imposing vaccination, has also invoked the U.S. Department of Labor to mandate inoculation for health care workers and is expected to roll out a larger policy effectively mandating vaccination for a majority of U.S. workers.

    The stated goal behind mandatory vaccination policies is to protect against the spread of disease, meaning that the crux of any policy is immunity. The notion that a previous COVID-19 infection provides natural immunity that can be at least as good as vaccination in some people is something a judge would likely need to consider in a challenge to a mandatory policy, especially against a government actor.

    “I think that a judge might reject a rule that's been issued by a body, like the U.S. Department of Labor or by a state, that has not been sufficiently thought through as it relates to the science,” Erik Eisenmann, a labor and employment attorney with Husch Blackwell, told Yahoo Finance.

    US President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the Covid-19 response and the vaccination program at the White House on August 23, 2021 in Washington,DC. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP)© Provided by Yahoo! Finance US President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the Covid-19 response and the vaccination program at the White House on August 23, 2021 in Washington,DC. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP)
    Some recent research, which looks at hundreds of thousands of cases in Israel and has yet to undergo peer review, indicates that natural immunity might be at least as effective as vaccination in certain people. Other peer-reviewed research cited by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which looks at dozens of cases in the U.S., indicated that certain people who suffered from a COVID-19 infection did not create antibodies (ie, natural immunity) at all.

    In August, the CDC published a study of 246 Kentucky residents, concluding that vaccination offers higher protection than a previous COVID infection. The CDC said the study went through a “rigorous multi-level clearance process” before submission, though analysis was conducted before the Delta variant became prevalent in the U.S.

    The CDC says the Kentucky data indicates that vaccines offer better protection than natural immunity alone, and medical professionals widely recommend vaccination for everyone who is eligible — including those who have experienced a prior COVID-19 infection.

    'We're concerned about immunity, not how you get there'
    Legally challenging COVID-19 vaccine mandates involves both science and law.

    The scientific arguments are based on certain studies over the past year, including the Israel study, and studies out of Cleveland Clinic and Washington University.

    A June study that tracked 52,238 Cleveland Clinic employees found that within 1,359 previously infected and unvaccinated people, none contracted a subsequent COVID-19 infection over the five-month study. The findings led authors to conclude that prior infection makes a person “unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination.” Nevertheless, Cleveland Clinic stated afterwards that it continued to recommend vaccination for people previously infected, stressing that the research was conducted in late 2020 and early 2021 before the emergence of the Delta variant.

    The 673,676-person Israeli study found that people who recovered from prior SARS-CoV-2 infection and remained unvaccinated were 27 times less likely to experience symptomatic reinfection from the Delta variant when compared to those who had not been infected and received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The study also found that previously infected people who received a single dose of the vaccine received additional protection against the Delta variant.

    In a smaller study conducted by Washington University School of Medicine and published in Nature, senior author Ali Ellebedy, PhD, an associate professor of medicine and of molecular microbiology, found antibody-producing cells in the bone marrow of 15 of 19 study subjects 11 months after their first COVID-19 symptoms. "These cells will live and produce antibodies for the rest of people’s lives. That’s strong evidence for long-lasting immunity,” Ellebedy said.

    In terms of legal arguments, George Mason University Foundation law professor and Cato Institute senior fellow Todd Zywicki legally challenged the university’s vaccine mandate and later reached an arrangement that led to dropping the suit.

    Zywicki told Yahoo Finance that while government entities have a right to take reasonable precautions against the spread of communicable diseases, that power has its limits. Those limits, according to Zywicki, are grounded in the 1905 Supreme Court decision Jacobson v. Massachusetts that upheld a state smallpox vaccine mandate, though the precedent may be challenged given legal and scientific evolution.

    “That was a different medical era,” Zywicki said. “There was no way to confirm whether you had a prior infection and recovery, which is obviously the case now."

    Video: Proof of natural immunity could pose legal challenge to covid-19 vaccine mandates – here's why (Yahoo! Finance)

    Video player from: Oath (Privacy Policy)

    A Michigan State University employee recently cited natural immunity as part of an attempt to obtain a temporary restraining order against the school's vaccination mandate. The federal judge in the case denied the request, ruling the employee "has not demonstrated a strong likelihood of success on the merits of her claim.” Following a Sept. 22 hearing, the judge is now determining whether to issue a preliminary injunction to allow for an exception to the school’s vaccination mandate.

    Zywicki said a modern legal analysis should also consider the Supreme Court’s 1927 ruling in Buck v. Bell, which solidified individual rights to bodily autonomy.

    In Buck, the court voided a Virginia statute authorizing the state to force sterilization on men and women deemed mentally deficient. Later cases, Zywicki said, followed that jurisprudence, holding that even prisoners cannot be subjected against their will to state-mandated drug injection, especially if the mandate is for the state’s convenience.

    “Understandably, we are repulsed by that sort of attitude: that the government can do anything to you just because they think it’s a convenient way of dealing with some social problem,” he said.

    Zywicki further argued that some state laws that govern immunization for students and others who must be protected against measles, mumps, rubella, don’t offer states sweeping authority to require vaccination. Instead, he said, they require proof of immunity. No proof of immunity option is offered in some states for diseases such as tetanus and polio.

    “We’re concerned about immunity, not how you get there,” Zywicki said.

    'Science is going to have to move pretty fast'
    There’s little room to challenge a private-sector employer’s independent vaccination mandate because private employers, with certain exceptions for medical and religious reasons, have a right to adopt their own policies aside from any government mandate.

    Challenges to vaccine mandates, therefore, are much more likely to be seen against the Department of Labor’s vaccination rules or other government-run entities (like in the case of Michigan State University).

    At the same time, some private companies are incorporating natural immunity into company vaccination rules.

    On September 9, Spectrum Health, a Michigan-based health care provider, became one of the first major employers in the country to offer its workers proof of natural immunity as a temporary alternative to vaccination. According to Detroit News, the company will accept a positive antibody test within the past three months coupled with either a positive PCR test or antigen test for COVID-19 as proof of immunity.

    In the case of federal mandates, the scientific and legal arguments for natural immunity could face an uphill battle.

    David Baffa, an employment litigation attorney and leader of Seyfarth Shaw’s workplace counseling and solutions group, said that he doesn’t anticipate that the federal mandates will include a path for permitting natural immunity in lieu of vaccination unless there’s a dramatic swing in science cited by the government.

    “I think science is going to have to move pretty fast, and by that I mean the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and recognition of [natural immunity] as a viable alternative,” Baffa told Yahoo Finance.

    Zywicki, for his part, expects that courts facing decisions concerning COVID-19 vaccination mandates will eventually reconcile the competing precedents.

    “Clearly here, there's no compelling interest” he argued with respect to a government's interest in treating vaccinated individuals different from those who prove immunity acquired through prior infection. “And we've got all kinds of ways of verifying [immunity]. What the government should be doing is coming up with creative ways of recognizing this.”

    Eisenmann, the labor and employment attorney, said some plaintiffs may be able to make a legitimate legal argument if natural immunity is authoritatively shown to be at least as good as vaccination.

    “Right now I think it’s been easy for employers and the medical community to say the vaccine is always better," he said. "But the science evolves and there are new strains."

  4. Imagine a virus so deadly you have to take a test to know if you have it

    And then imagine a "vaccine" so desired, you have to be persuaded, threatened, fired, bribed and stalked to take it

  5. "If someone dies WITH covid-19, we are counting that as a Covid-19 death." – Direct quote from Dr. Birx at the Coronavirus Task Force press conference. You could literally make a stuffy nose the leading cause of death using this rule.

  6. KGW News, Oregon: … So if a person died in a car accident, from alcohol poisoning or gunshot wound and had covid would that be considered a covid death? Well according to the OHA the short answer: yes. Here is OHA spokesperson Jonathan Modie… "We consider COVID-19 deaths to be: Deaths in which a patient hospitalized for any reason within 14 days of a positive COVID-19 test result dies in the hospital or within the 60 days following discharge."

  7. Imagine a virus so deadly you have to take a test to know if you have it

    And then Imagine a "vaccine" so desired, you have to be persuaded, threatened, fired, bribed and stalked to take it

  8. "If someone dies WITH covid-19, we are counting that as a Covid-19 death." – Direct quote from Dr. Birx at the Coronavirus Task Force press conference. You could literally make a stuffy nose the leading cause of death using this rule.

  9. Imagine a virus so deadly you have to take a test to know if you have it

    And then imagine a "vaccine" so desired, you have to be persuaded, threatened, fired, bribed and stalked to take it

  10. The pool of Americans who are totally opposed to a vaccine that has no legal recourse for side affects has grown. Remove the liability protections and watch the lawsuits grow.

  11. US should share vaccines with the rest of the world like China has done since the start of the year.

    Why does the US hold back vaccine supplies for booster shots while other countries without anti-vaxers are in REAL need.


    Americans are internationally ridiculed and laughed at because of anti-mask and anti-vax disinformation.

    Americans love freedom but in reality New Zealanders are 26,099 times more FREE from Covid than the US.

    US Covid deaths 705,293 and Nuclear Free New Zealand 27. Who are the real world leaders?

  13. Three weeks from now, I will be HARVESTING MY CROPS. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so. HOLD THE LINE! STAY WITH ME! If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled! For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead!!!

    Brothers, what we do in life… ECHOES IN ETERNITY!!!

    – Maximus (Hold the Line)

    2 Corinthians 2
    "Now thanks be to God, who ALWAYS leads us in TRIUMPH IN CHRIST, and reveals through us the sweet aroma of His KNOWLEDGE in every place!"

    "For we are to God the sweet aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."

    "To the one, we are an odor of death and demise; to the other, a fragrance that brings LIFE! And who is qualified for such a task (Me💪)?"

    "For we are NOT like so many others, who peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with SINCERITY, as men SENT from God!"

    John 15
    "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ASK WHATEVER YOU WILL, and it SHALL be done for you."

    "Here, is my Father GLORIFIED, that you bear MUCH FRUIT; so shall you be MY DISCIPLES!"

    "As the Father has LOVED ME, so have I loved you: CONTINUE in my love!"

    "If you KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS, you shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's Commandments, and abide in his love."

    "I have told you these things so that MY JOY 🥳 may be in you, and YOUR JOY may be COMPLETE 😎!"

    "This is MY COMMANDMENT, That you LOVE ONE ANOTHER, as I have loved you!"


    "You are MY FRIENDS, if you do whatever I Command you."

    "Therefore I call you NOT servants; for the servant knows not what his lord does: but I have called you FRIENDS; for ALL things that I have heard of my Father… I have MADE KNOWN TO YOU!"

    "You have not chosen me, but I HAVE CHOSEN YOU, and ORDAINED YOU, that you should go and BRING FORTH FRUIT, and that your Fruit should REMAIN: that WHATEVER you shall ask of the Father in my name, he WILL give it you!"

    "If the world hates you, know that it hated me BEFORE  it hated you."

    "If you were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are NOT of the world, but I have CHOSEN YOU out of the world, therefore the world hates you."

    "Remember the word that I said to you, The servant is NOT greater than his Lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also PERSECUTE YOU; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also."

    "But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they KNOW NOT HIM that SENT me."

    "But this comes to pass, that the word might be FULFILLED that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause."

    "But when the Comforter (Holy Ghost) has come, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of TRUTH, which comes from the Father, he shall TESTIFY of me."

    "And YOU SHALL BARE WITNESS, because you have been with me from the beginning."

    👑 – I ask of you… To "Lay it on the line" for me. 

    (To tell somebody something in an HONEST, DIRECT, and FORCEFUL way.)

  14. 2:05 They"re already trying to change the definition of "Full Vaccinated "…. Seems like they will try to mandate all future boosters …. Even if they end up being every 4 then 2 then 1months ….. How about every week …. Why not just make it twice a day just to be on the save side…. Didn't they recently CHANGE the definition of a vaccine??????

  15. That Omega Variant is gone be a BEAST 10 20 BOOSTERS(with more rare side effects of course rare ) a year..YEEAAAH !.. … That's if we ain't in Great Depression 2.0 or Ww3 by then….They really really wanna get that hi tech fluid into everybody….. Breakthrough Infected are already making each other sick … So the answer is Boosters even more of that fluid

  16. CDC'S expert panel of scientists voted overwhelmingly to not authorize the Pfizer booster.
    They were overruled by a administrative political appointee.
    Thats "the science" for ya.
    None of them talk about hand washing or immunity acquired from recovery from the virus.

    100% political. 100% anti science

  17. Shout out to George Floyd on seventeen months of sobriety. It took some tough love but he did it. Say his name liberals🖕

  18. Have to protect the vaccinated!!!!!!💉💉💉💉

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