Mom speaks out on attempted home invasion caught on camera l ABC News

Mom speaks out on attempted home invasion caught on camera l ABC News

Andrea Leggett was inside her California home with her son when she said half the house was shaking as intruders tried to make their way in.

#ABCNews #DoorbellCamera #Ring


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37 thoughts on “Mom speaks out on attempted home invasion caught on camera l ABC News

  1. I DO NOT care about his “Mental History” or his Bad Day or the issues with his Baby Momma or ANYTHING he has to say at this moment.🙅🏾‍♂️🙅🏼‍♂️🙅🏽‍♂️🙅🏿‍♂️🙅🏽‍♂️🙅‍♂️🎓🎓💯💯💯💯 My ONLY concern is to “MAKE HIM STOP”. NOW!!!!!!👌🏾

  2. 🔥🔥 The POLICE appear within MINUTES. VIOLENCE happens in SECONDS. 🎓🎓

  3. It would be nice to see a shotgun blast come through the door as it was kicked open very justified.
    The police would not have to waste your time investigating trying to find the criminals just picking their pieces off the floor.

  4. Wait…people don’t yell, “JUST WAIT A MINUTE, I’M COMING, GOD DAMNNN” when people repeatedly knock on their doors?

  5. Cameras, 2 dogs and an alarm. Where is the gun on that long list🤦‍♂️😂

  6. 10k overprison releases yearly. Liberal paradise indeed. Under 1k , you and cops by CA law have to let them go on the spot. Your taxpaying money is not working for you. Hurt the robbers in anyway and they'll legally rob you blind with their free lawyer. It has nothing to do with justice as it's all about keeping the justice system employed. It's beyond repair thus speed up it's destruction.

  7. A situation we hope never happens????? Do you have any idea how hard i get when i hear someone lurking around that wasnt invited????? I pray for the day they come through my door! I aint even wasting bullets. I have axes and machetes that are razor sharp just waiting for some wanna be rappers to come through the door.

  8. Quick grab a gun. Oh 😥 wait I live in CA and guns r icky 🤮 Have fun with that

  9. What kind of neighbors you have is the question! Ain't no way in he'll you couldn't head those kicks next door across the street especially if it's early morning quiet…

  10. Hey that’s Christopher Reeve’s son

  11. AND THAT IS WHY YOU NEED AN AR15 WITH A 15 OR MORE ROUND MAGAZINE! THOSE ARE BIG MEN AND 5 ROUNDS MIGHT PUT THEM DOWN OR MIGHT NOT! When it comes to saving your life or the lives of your family. Do you really want to take the chance? Or would you like to know without a doubt that you can. For me personally I want to know for sure. What most of you fail to understand is that the police are a reaction force. The cops will get there after it's all over and will identify the dead bodies. Those dead bodies could be yours or the criminals. Which outcome would you prefer?

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