Lori Vallow, the mother of two missing Idaho children, faces two felony counts of desertion and nonsupport of a dependent child.
Inside the mysterious case of 3 deaths, 2 missing children and a terrified husband: https://abcn.ws/2uhkNrZ
#ABCNews #LoriVallow #MissingChildren
Nonsupport of dependant child is a felony. What about all the parents who do not pay their child support?.?.
Have any ya'll heard of Michael Dunahee…that 4 yr old that went missing March 14 1991 if I'm clear she could be the reason why he died…just a theory do
This is the type of girl that gets by in life off her looks and thinks the world revolves around her because she's semi decent looking!
Her only talent in life is knowing how to do make up hair extensions and being on her back and knees rt!
I'm a dad..I have two kids…and I can't comprehend, how THEIR own mother doesn't care……not a tear shed either.
They deff killed off eachothers spouces to be together thats so crystal clear… also got rid of the kids ontop of it they probably knew something and they killed them so it wouldnt get out. Bastards like that deserve death themselves
God bless the Woodcock family n Jesus name we pray
Did you see them in the clip where he has a collared shirt on w a tie? That was them going to church … to CHURCH!! Aghhhhhhhhh! A thunderbolt should have shook the building and the floor should have cracked open / swallowing them whole !!
I highly doubt the kids are still alive.
Lori hasn’t even really bothered claiming they’re ‘alive and well’ or ‘safe’ or ‘in good hands’…. nothing like that, to my knowledge. At least not since initially claiming they were with grandparents or whatever. She may not have said they are dead, but she also hasn’t really denied it…
What are the cops and FBI waiting for she apparently will not say where they are because her brother and her killed them. Put her ass away in prison already
And arrest chad too. They never said if the children had life insurance on their heads either.
WTF? I'm trying to follow this as much as poss but missed bits n pieces(not American) SO,,what happened when she was asked to produce the kids? Where has she said they are ? Why have they not been arrested because surely they have enough evidence to charge them with prob murder.I know you can be charged without a body..in some states I think.
She probably sold them on the black market if she didn’t kill them
She clearly killed her kids. I’m just so worry that if police do not find the bodies she can walk free.
It seems like she could not bail out until the kids are found undoubtedly she doesn't even know herself where their at .and it seems she don't care where their at Its not even worrying her that their gone. If she cares at all she would be on the camera begging people to help find them instead of sitting there all dumb founded her mind seems to be asleep and not any knowledge of what's going on around her. She's in another world and spaced out. I don't know how she's sleeping at night without her conscious keeping her up.
Seriously, not even animals abandon or kill their babies!!!
People can believe in whatever damned cult they want — but when they endanger or harm their own kids or anyone else, the full weight of the Law should come down on them Hard and Fast.
they are gone.. sad
How can she think she would get away with this?
O.M.G. 2 missing childs… ex wife and ex husband are dead…. hmmm 💡
Woodcock for Prez 2020!!!! I ⤠them!
My condolences to the family 😩ðŸ’â€ÂÂÂ
They seem very worried…
Finally they arrested that damn devil
what a crazy family
About time!!!!!
I think she killed her kids.
I think the husband is guilty!!!! He looks like he brainwashes and makes people believe in him. Gut feeling.
Torture them
Too bad once this gets going he husband will leave her for another.
Something is not right ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ, I pray to God the truth comes to light.
These guys are murderers without a doubt. They either killed or sold the kids…
Both of them had spouses that died (not saying it was them who did it, just an odd coincidence)
And theyre both insanely religious, like uncomfortably religious.
I hope they both are put away for life, and really hope the kids are okay…
She wouldn't go through so much bs out of pride. It's getting to that point these kids are dead.
2 missing kids? But they all ugly lol.
Lori’s ex husband was shot by her brother and the husband’s ex wife died suddenly. Evil people!