Mom describes how she survived 4 days lost in mountains

Mom describes how she survived 4 days lost in mountains

Sheryl Powell appears on “GMA” live alongside her family after she was found alive following four days lost in the mountains of California.


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29 thoughts on “Mom describes how she survived 4 days lost in mountains

  1. Their are many wanted LA gang members hiding out/on the lam in the California parks and forests. Organized gangs teach their soldiers survival tactics and are highly militarized especially the southern mexican gangs it is mandatory to excersise in unison with your squad daily often multiple times , learn how to shoot a firearm , how to kill with a knife ,hand to hand combat , how to sustain yourself by living off the land , how to avoid leaving DNA and many many more instructions if you can't keep up they'll kick you out after they kick your ass….those that are wanted for crimes in LA ,sometimes go and hide out in the parks and forests , and their members bring them packages every so often with food weapons, clean clothes and toiletries…..while they're out there laying low the urge to creep on some regular people takes over , these gang members are psycho killing lunatics, that lady was gonna get raped lucky she got away he was stalking that site and boldly did it with the husband only meters away ,,

  2. Alot of wanted murderers hide out on the lam in national forests especially California ( never be alone , always have extra people with u for security , make sure everyone knows to keep an eye out for people surveying your family from afar . This happens so often but never ends well and bodies are seldom ever found . The assailant is still out there I guarantee he's wanted and cannot return to public yet .

  3. I don’t know about you, but if I was asked what happened, I don’t think I’d leave out the part about the man with the knife trying to chase me… or, sexually assault me? Wait, what? Was he chasing her? Was he trying to assault her? Wanted her dog? They walked together until she could run? What!!??

  4. MSM, let us present this bullshit story to the public and not ask any hard questions. The whole bunch of you are a joke. A white female Jussie Smollett, lucky she didn't get attack by mountain lions with MAGA hats on.
    Gofundme too???

  5. Hey let's create a fake ass story for attention and a book deal. Copycats of recent lost stories. Just like the recent bizarre fake ass lost in Hawaii story. Experienced hiker/survivalist who got separated from her car. REALLY???

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