Mob of kangaroos seen loitering on lawns l ABC News

Mob of kangaroos seen loitering on lawns l ABC News

Residents in an Australian city meet their furry new neighbors as a group of kangaroos loiters on their front yards.

#ABCNews #Kangaroos #Australia


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22 thoughts on “Mob of kangaroos seen loitering on lawns l ABC News

  1. Ok, but it’s only called loitering when it’s humans. Animals live outside. They can’t loiter.

  2. Ok, but it’s only called loitering when it’s humans. Animals live outside. They can’t loiter.

  3. Hugely misleading title…a handful of kangaroos on ONE property lawn, shown over and over again. 🙄

  4. Ok, but it’s only called loitering when it’s humans. Animals live outside. They can’t loiter.

  5. Hey ABC, reporting on a Mob of Kangaroos is ok, but you will FAIL this year for your "LIES" and "False Claims " about Trump and Americans like me. I'm a 5th generation American and over the past 3 years your lies have made me the enemy. Screw you for that! We all know now. CNN (Crap News Network) and MSNBC (Miserable Stupid Nasty Broadcasting Crap) have already FAILED. You, ABC (Altogether Bull Crap) network is next. We will not let up and by the end of the year your viewership will be 1/2 of today. I see the future and I guarantee this will happen.

  6. Ok, but it’s only called loitering when it’s humans. Animals live outside. They can’t loiter.

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