Mixed results for Trump-backed candidates in Nebraska, West Virginia primaries

Mixed results for Trump-backed candidates in Nebraska, West Virginia primaries

ABC News contributors Amanda Renteria and Sarah Isgur weigh in on the latest primary elections and former President Trumps influence over the GOP.


26 thoughts on “Mixed results for Trump-backed candidates in Nebraska, West Virginia primaries

  1. Trump is like a limp duck! He had his chance and blew it! He was our last chance!!!! America 🇺🇸 is ruined! It will never be fixed, it’s a third world now! Not everyone is feeling it yet. Way to late to fix! The damage had been done.

  2. Lol. "MIxEd rESuLtS" 🤡🤡🌎🤡🤡🌎🤡🤡🌎🤡🤡🌎🙃👌 #CopeAndSeethe #TrumpDerangementSyndrome

  3. Why is everything through the lens of Trump now? Democrats have no identity besides just opposing whatever Trump does apparently. They even oppose things that made sense just because he supports them. Most of us don't even think "does Trump like this guy"…

  4. JOE BIDEN and KAMALA HARRIS are actively colluding with Mexican CARTELS through their willful negligence in order to smuggle CHILDREN into the country for SEX TRAFFICKERS to use which is nothing less than a form of modern day SLAVE TRADING … simply disgusting!

  5. Trump owns these people 😂😂😂

  6. both parties extort the american people for there own gain there both evil why dont we idk try something different idk what but 200 years of being fucked you would think we would of learned by now

  7. I love how all these mainstream media channels comment sections are people ripping them for not reporting the truth……..🤣🤣🤣

  8. Mixed results? That's creative .😂

  9. Hmm how is it mixed results when 22 out of the 22 Trump backed Canidates all won the primaries. 😂😂 You must think people are stupid and dont check other sources.

  10. The propaganda machine🤣.

  11. The disinformation czar needs to ✔️ this story out 😂😂

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