Missing tennis star

Missing tennis star

Concern is growing over Peng Shuai after she accused a politician of sexual assault. Now, some of the biggest names in tennis are calling on China to prove shes safe. ABC News Andrea Fujii has more.


34 thoughts on “Missing tennis star

  1. Virus smuggler, tennis player abductor. This evil gov needs to step down. They have innocent blood in their hands and the West still f**king with them as if nothing happened.

  2. Abc= bbc
    Shame on you people
    Spreading fake news

  3. Who keeps deleting my posts when I suggest the World MUST boycott the Chinese Winter Olympics until Peng Suai is found untortured (by electrotherapy) by the CCP. (bunch of immoral slime bags)….. "Now leave my posts alone…they are what they are!"

  4. I believe she has been sent away for mustache removal and "re-education" She'll come back mild as a lamb and speaking positively about her treatment and how her accusations were false.

  5. If Peng is really killed by CCP or any damage it's time to let CCP pay the price. Winter Olympics is not enough. Should suspend all world competition as they are not treat the athlete as human

  6. Why does Peng Shuai's e-mail sound like the Toy Story scene where Cowboy Woody holds the detached arm of Spaceman Captain Buzz Lightyear and waves it at the other toys pretending that Buzz Lightyear is at Woody's side and safe?? ☹️☹️☹️

  7. ABC will now forever only be known for being just another OBiden propaganda spewing msm bot network for the OBiden fascist regime, having to remove the dislike counter because people are catching on 😂

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