Minnesota AG explains new charges against all 4 officers l ABC News

Minnesota AG explains new charges against all 4 officers l ABC News

Keith Ellison, who will prosecute the case, responds to the decision to upgrade Derek Chauvins charge to second-degree murder and charge the other three officers in George Floyd’s death.

#ABCNews #GeorgeFloyd #KeithEllison #Minnesota #DerekChauvin


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28 thoughts on “Minnesota AG explains new charges against all 4 officers l ABC News

  1. Hey you people in Minnesota you have haters trying to steal your America from you the AG and his kid along with Omar and a few other Democrats don't have the good people of Minnesota in mind

  2. Can the attorney explain what he is doing as far as the autopsy on George, is he looking into why the country's autopsy stated George did not die from traumatic asphyxia or strangulation but rather combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by police officers and his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants likely contributed to his death. The independent autopsy stated otherwise, is the attorney looking into it and can he explain why?

  3. People donot give the devil a place to your Hearts indignation is of the Devil put on the Gospel of Peace the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit. Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

  4. indignation



    anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment.

    "the letter filled Lucy with indignation"


    resentment · umbrage · affront · disgruntlement · anger · distress · unhappiness · discontent · dissatisfaction · displeasure · hurt · pain · upset · offense · pique · spleen · crossness · exasperation · vexation · irritation · annoyance · chagrin · aggravation · ire

  5. Is there a racccial factor in this? the 4 poliiacemeemen seem to have a pretty diverse ethnic background.

    Just looked at some statistics that say 24% of people quillleeeed by poliiacemeemen are affffriceannn american while only being 13% of the US population, but also 52% of marauders are committed by affffriceannn americans… is this true?

  6. It was an Intended Murdered. Because cops were Professionally Trained, especially in Combat. The murderer knew what will happen if he keeps his knee on a pinned down and handcuffed person’ neck for 9mins. Other 3 cops at the scene were the assistant of murdered too.

  7. I believe the whole GF incident was staged by ANTIFAH. Is George really dead? Maybe, and if he is, I'm terribly sorry for his family. But the cabal/deep state NEEDED something to incite what I believe they're trying to do..incite a civil war. When are you all going to WAKE UP and see the democrats never did anything for minorities…TRUMP took office and more people of color worked and became home owners than ever before. TRUMP financially supported black colleges and enacted prison reform…obama and biden ONLY TALK about doing this stuff; TRUMP DID IT! Wake up sheople…watch FOX news please to get the TRUTH. PLEASE. This is not about black vs white; it's between good and evil….those who LOVE america and those who HATE it…hillary clinton, soros, obama, biden etc

  8. THis Case is definitely gonna be very hard for the Prosecutor to WIN, cus" George Floyd, has many "underlying issues" that could have added to the "Root
    "Cause" of his Death " besides the "Kneeling on his Neck", If he died of a "HEART ATTACK", then, they have to find the cause that triggered it . LOL!!!:

  9. First of all, If anyone "intended to kill someone, It won"t take them 9 minutes to get the job done" Secondly "Aiding & Abetting " from what we see on the Video "the 2COPS who was merely holding his legs down to protect themselves by being kick by him , the 3rd COP' standing & talking to CHAUVIN for
    sure must have told him to STOP, but CHAUVIN was the " Field Supervisor " He has "SENIORITY" over them , What can they do??? Just a thought !!!

  10. And once these few individuals are tried they will once again go silent on the issue of militarized policing. It's impossible to file a complaint against a cop, no one will prosecute them, and they have a code of silence they live by. After these people are locked up there will be no more discussion of these issues.

  11. 今回の黒人による暴動の発端をもう少し考えてみるのも忘れてはならない そもそもが亡くなった黒人が不審な行動をしなければ何事も無かったはずだ、間違えて欲しくないのはだからと言って死ぬまで首を押さえつけていいとは言って無いことだ 黒人もなにもしなければ警官もなにもしない 死にもしないし殺す事もしないし差別主義者が愚かな行動もしなければ、それに便乗して暴れだしてる馬鹿な若者も居なかったはず だから根本的に今考える事はことの発端をみかえし考えることだと思う

  12. Poor guys. They don't deserve these much hate from people. Yes, Chauvin did had complaints but he also served in the military, had two medals of valor and two medals of commendation for tackling an armed suspect and single-handedly apprehending a group of gang members. He is that good because of his aggressiveness. You see, in society, there are sheeps, dogs and wolves. He's a dog. And we are the herd of sheeps. And the dog are usually aggressive. That's the only way for them to be strong enough to protect the herd and itself when fighting off the wolves. And now, we are showing him our gratitude by forgeting all the good thing he done for one mistake. Derek misjudged and overly exert his aggressiveness. He didn't know Floyd had 2 underlying health conditions and had drugs in his system. Not to mention, covid19. Floyd wasn't exactly a healthy person. Lane, on the other hand, did volunteer work with Somali refugees and at-risk elementary school students. And even though he and Kueng were still rookie and lower rank, he did ask Derek whether they should roll him over or not. So, he didn't purposely kill Floyd. It was all a big mistake. Don't tell me none of you ever made one in your life. And Floyd isn't exactly a saint here. Even though he spoke out against gun violence on social media, he went to jail for an armed robbery. Action speaks louder than words, people. Didn't finish school. Never had a steady job. Divorced. Two children from different women. Arrested for forgery on that day. And if you saw the 2nd footage, you know he did resist (look when he entered the patrol car). Just don't resist the police. Why do you want to be stupid? Don't be rude to them. Don't run. Don't defy them. These people already have a hard job. Why do you want to make it harder for them. Not only do they need to keep the constantly loud and disobeying herd in order but they also need to be forever vigilant and look out for wolves among the sheeps and risk their lives and their loved ones everyday to fight off these wolves. Now, you want the worst penalty for them because they accidentall kill a wolf. Disrupting peace for the sake of justice of one criminal. Just because he is black. Not only that, you are also going after other cops too. Dogs nip sheep only when they out of line. Want respect, just show respect. No brainer there. Cops are the epitome of order. If they fall, society will falls too. Just hope all other cops don't feel unappreciated by everything the society throwing at them rn and go on a strike. If they do that, we are all be dead meat next. They are the our only defense against the wolves. If they go down, I bet my life the wolves will come and feast upon on all of us, you see. You already seen them in action during the protest. Looting, burning, destroying and hurting other people. These are not people from other states. They are wolves in sheep clothes. They love destruction. Mark my word, it gonna be chaos when that happens. A total blackhole. One in which we can not escape. So, please guys, be nice to cops and don't let your emotion overcome your thinking when you judge these guys. It was only a mistake. I hope the court judge them fairly and don't bend to these protesters' demand. Peace out. And if there's a cop reading this, know that not everyone is against you.

  13. I read all these comments .. nobody tells it like it is .. George Floyd tried to pass a counterfeit $20 to pay for some food .. he got caught and cops showed up .. he didn't follow orders by cops so they took him to the ground .. the cops are mad George resisted .. one cop puts knee into Georges neck right on the carotid artery which restricted blood flow to the brain .. this can cause anyone to pass out .. plus he did have serious pre-existing conditions and fentanyl in blood .. no medical tags?

  14. GEORGE who?
    David Dorn I know was a hero and was murdered on a sidewalk after living and contributing to the greatest good.
    RIP🙏💙David Dorn🇺🇸

  15. SOMEWHERE in a dark cell, there are 4 men on suicide watch, begging for FORGIVENESS. You are not able to imagine it for the Hate within you. You are the same ones who stood at the cross cheering my crucifixion, Jesus Christ.

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