Millions of Americans affected by ‘medical gaslighting’ every year – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dr. Simone Wildes, infectious disease specialist, said patients should do research and speak up if they think doctors aren’t taking their symptoms seriously.

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#ABCNL #MedicalGaslighting #SpeakUp


By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “Millions of Americans affected by ‘medical gaslighting’ every year”
  1. This happened to me after I was diagnosed with Diabetes. My Doctor at the time told me my blood sugar was so high because I was eating a lot of carbs. I was so sick I couldn't even eat lettuce. I went to the ER that night and found out I was Type 1 not Type 2 and would have died if I listened to that Doctor.

  2. This happened to me and a few other women including my daughter at the Christmas Valley clinic in Oregon. The provider there told me I would never have a heart attack. She wouldn't listen to what I was going through. Just told me I needed to see a behavioral health specialist. I ended up having a massive heart attack with a 99% blockage. She does this to almost all the women out here. She won't send them for testing or to other specialist. She just tells them to talk to the behavioral health counselor. Now I'm fighting cancer and no longer going to that clinic.

  3. Even psychiatric/psychological symptoms are real. Suicidal thoughts, depression, panic attacks, and debilitating anxiety are still really serious. Diseases of the brain should be taken seriously too.

  4. It's been happening for a long time, I kept telling my obgyn that I felt so sick and I thought I was pregnant she said there tests showed up negative and she thought I should get on hormone therapy, 2 blood tests later that I took on my own at a clinic they determined I was past 5 months pregnant! Thank God I got a 4th opinion on my own and refused to accept that it want just in my head. But it's not just happening to people of color it's everyone! My mom in law was misdiagnosed so many times cause Dr's would not listen and by the time they did she had cancer that was so far gone that she died in 3 months of being properly diagnosed by a Dr. That would finally listen! Enough is enough! This absolutely needs to change!

  5. It’s like learning Python. Patients are noob programmers who go see python engineers try I get to convince them their scripts are slow because they are still on Python2 😉

  6. From the *whiny* comments here about American patients complaining about American doctors one can imagine why the doctors take turns to *kick them around* 😂

    Advice: DO NOT use medical jargon when describing your symptoms, it’s a red flag for *hacker patients*

  7. This happened to me more than once, and led to severe health consequences. Thank you for bringing awareness. However, I don’t believe that the Dr’s who do this will ever change.

  8. Happens all the time since I crossed 40. Everything is dismissed as age related without much investigation

  9. It's hard to run into great doctors that pay attention to their patients rather than brush them away like our voice doesn't matter because they practice medicine and we're just the patient!! I've been through this quite a few times and left an appointment crying in disbelief. Meanwhile, it makes you think you're going nuts!! It's definitely a form of narcissistic behavior on their part. Thanks God for all the wonderful doctors that pay attention and save lives..❤️

  10. When I was 17 I started having pain in my lower stomach on the left side. I went to my doctor and he told me I was fine. The pain got worse over the months, every time I went to see my doctor he would tell me it was all "In my head" or I was "Seriously exaggerating". Eventually the pain was so bad I would vomit through out the day. One day shopping with friends I pass out and get taken to the ER. The ER did an ultrasound and found a cyst the size of a "toddlers head". I had to have emergency surgery and my ovary removed. Apparently, it wasn't "in my head" at all

  11. I was Gaslighted by many dr's even ER dr.s. Shame it wasn't till I lost 60lbs, collapsed, n uncontrollably shaking. One ER Dr finally picked up on I had a major stomach problem. Put me in ICU. Got better. But have shaking still due to side affect.

  12. You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault losers! Russian Operative. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. You didn't give the man a chance and said horrific and TRAITORIST lies. We won't just blow this off. Now Hunters Laptop$$$$$

  13. ❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/Elizeid de mejor

    1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos

    , no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos

    desde pantalla,, se que estuvo

    Sorprendente .

  14. i lost all faith in the medical community when they repeatedly failed to diagnose my condition. they just want to keep logging the office visits 300 bucks a visit and give no real answers. just a business like any other. ps i’m a white dude so it happens to everyone

  15. It’s your Karma.😇
    Military Industrial complex is a successful business model, if you work for them. So is Medical Industrial complex.
    Now there will be patients are crying in every type of “collateral damage”.

  16. Karen: I think my package got cancer.
    Operator #10: Now whose fault is that, you shoulda come earlier.
    Jim Bob: Why don’t you go and put some goat fat on yo face 😂
    Karen’s Husband: Ma daddy is with the police and we are going to “tag you you “ in the FBI wanted list, and wee gonna finish you wheeen yew travel 🤬

  17. Stop it! It's not a color thing. It's not gas lighting either. It's called having a "BAD" Doctor! Our Healthcare system is worse than our Court System. That's pretty bad.🙄

  18. What’s happening is to patients is like American Foreign Policy.
    Guess self righteous Brand.on people got no clue, its going to make their people look more *desperate* , If they start to impose punitive sanctions on the family members of the Vaccination Czars (Russians) and bully their kids at school.

  19. Operator #10: Pay yo dang bills. 
    Operator #10: Save the Drama for yo Momma 😎
    Karen: Excuse Me ? 😱
    Karen: “You people” cant be working for the Health Care “Company” 😢🤬

  20. I feel like if Dr. can’t diagnose you then why should I get paid true facts wasting people money and time health care cost to much to getting the wrong Answer. Why the doctor may be getting paid good and some poor person comes for help but can’t afford the cost to keep going around and around with doctors intell the get right. Racking up the bill is not cool Especially for the poor. But I can say this most doctor have a lot of of patients meaning the don’t have time the got to get to next patient this could be the Reason why they’re pushing you out the door get bad Results.

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