Millions at risk of eviction as rent comes due

Millions at risk of eviction as rent comes due

Protests are underway across the nation as federal and state protections against evictions have begun to expire.


33 thoughts on “Millions at risk of eviction as rent comes due


    It's not about "The Year 2012 and The Mayan Calendar" and it's not about "Cern" neither is it about "Planet X Nibiru" nor is it about "Climate Change", but rather it's about THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST!

    The world "as we know it" is coming to an end, Jesus Christ is about to return  (Matthew 24:1-8). The Rapture is very near (Luke 21:28, 36).

    Now would be the time to give your life to Jesus Christ so that you can escape the coming cataclysm which The Bible describes as The Tribulation by being taken in The Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 3:10), you might pray the following prayer:

    Heavenly Father I confess that I am a sinner and need Jesus as my Savior. I repent of my sins and ask Jesus into my heart.

    Father your word says if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

    Father I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I believe in my heart that you raised him from the dead.

    Father I receive your salvation by faith and I pray you baptize me with your Holy Spirit in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen.

    If you sincerely prayed this prayer of Salvation then you are Saved (Romans 10:9) and have been baptized with The Holy Spirit (Luke 11: 9-13) and you are now Rapture-Ready. Welcome to the family of God!
    Surviving Things To Come – Parts 1, 2 and 3 on YouTube.

    Part 1 (15min):

    Part 2 (15 min):

    Part 3 (11 min):


    You might want to look into:

    1) Essiac

    2) Vitamin B-17

    3) Hydrazine Sulphate

    4) MMS + Bill Humble
    5) Royal Rife

    6) Wilhelm Reich

    7) Turmeric

    8) Pumpkin Seeds

    9) Apricot Seeds

    10) Colloidal Silver

    11) Black Seed Oil

    12) Baking Soda: Dr. Simoncini Sodium Bicarbonate Video (10 min). (

    13) Prayer in the name of Jesus Christ

    Enter all these items into your favorite search box and add + CANCER and then do your search. e.g.  Essiac + CANCER, or Hydrazine Sulphate + CANCER etc.

    You also should look at the following YouTube videos:

    1) Watch "Dr Ted Broer talks about toxic foods we eat –" on YouTube (16 min).

    2) Watch "Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell" on YouTube (7 min).

    3) Watch "We've Found The Magic Frequency (This Will Revolutionize Our Future)" on YouTube (6 min).

    4) Watch "Using sound waves to destroy cancer | Christine Gibbons | TEDxDetroit" on YouTube (8 min).

    5) Watch "Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege" on YouTube (17 min).

    6) Watch "How Joe Tippens Beat Terminal Cancer with $7 Dog Medicine – Interviewed by James Templeton" on YouTube (38 min).


    7) Dr. Lorraine Day's Website:



  2. Well, at this point it is clear that the Republican's have NO intention of helping anyone with more unemployment insurance. So, when this useless CDC eviction moratorium ends on December 31st, New Year's Eve, the evictions are going to proceed because landlords (especially Mom and Pops) are going to evict or they will sell their properties to the big corporate landlords who have all the money and lawyers to evict and they don't care. They will rehab the properties, raise the rent and rent them out again for higher rent, and there are plenty of people who will rent them.. That is the reality,

  3. What about those tenants that pay their rent on time in full every month?I am hearing a lot of them are being evicted!And I don't think the ban/moratorium applies to them!But they do nothing wrong & do without just to pay their rent!Landlords seem to have this 'clean them all out' attitude!How can they be helped?

  4. Everyone that I knew that was out of work, was making more money on unemployment than they were working. Somehow this wasn't enough to pay the rent? Or people just took advantage?

  5. If the government was smart instead of stimulus checks for every household , they could have just paid the landlord's mortgages directly to the Banks and taxes. Put a hold on shutting down all utilities for everyone . And just supply tenants and Landlords with EBT food snaps during the past 6 months of the quarantine. I'm sure it would have cost the government a lot less than trying to mail off checks for so many individuals without knowing that they would actually use that money to pay their rent and mortgages. Now we're about to waste more time trying to figure out what to do with all these homeless people and all these empty apartments 🤔🤦🙇‍♂️ Something else to protest about 🤬😒😡😵😷🤕🇺🇸

  6. This is why many Millennial still live with parents. Look at this rent crisis, all because people missed paying a few months because of something out of their control. It's scary to think that the place you live at can be lost by no fault of your own. Say what you will about men/women in their 20s or even 30s living with parents; if they are working, helping pay some bills, and save some money for better security in the future, I say they are the smart ones during these times of crisis.

  7. This seriously saddens me. Ppl have lost everything. U S.A is still facing a public health crisis. I'm angry federal govt. deemed ppl "non-essential" & closed businesses, affecting companies & employees. I've always supported the mindset of self-sufficiency. I've never thought federal govt. is responsible for assisting ppl. However, this is an unforeseen public health crisis that U.S.A govt. mishandled. U.S.A govt. should've better assisted ppl whose jobs were directly impacted. They bailed out corporations that didn't need assistance.

  8. This is so stupid. What was the point of all this social distancing if people are just going to end up homeless? If the government ordered you STAY HOME THEN THEY SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BILLS THAT PILED UP!

  9. The eviction crisis will continue as long as there is not affordable housing. High rents are a major problem when cost of living increases go up and wages stay stagnant.

  10. Listen man I feel for them I do but it's a shame at how many people sit and collect service and they didn't want to work there are jobs just not the ones they want got to provide for your family got to

  11. Like I am feeling the need to do the citizen arrest here soon. I honestly can't get it past my mind why people are thinking like this and being so thoughtless of how it affects the whole USA.

  12. I feel like they should allow people to stay in their places of living. I also feel like they should come up with a card and name it renters crisis card. I also feel like they should issue this card to everyone around the world including overseas. This card will be used in situations like this including Covid-19. That way there will be no excuse for an individual's to be late on rent. I also feel like the landlords around the world and including overseas should be issue money to keep individuals in their place to live, these landlords also should be issue money for there bills as well as keeping up with the maintenance for the apartments and houses etc,

  13. Because they hate me and won’t work. On my farm it’s your fault

  14. They better try working out some payment plan with their current tenant, Not too many people in these days can afford to take over the property. Most want at least one month rent and one month security , the best tenants can do is Appeal in court . The way the courts will be backed up it will probably be quite a while before the sherif comes out to actually put you out.(about 4 months), Hopefully something will be better for you by then. A lot of landlords are very greedy for money, they don’t care what you might be going through, now they can see what it feels like when they can’t pay their bills. Really the tenants have the best hand for a change.

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