Millions across the globe on lockdown over coronavirus

Millions across the globe on lockdown over coronavirus

As millions around the world quarantine, some find creative ways to keep busy amid the pandemic.


49 thoughts on “Millions across the globe on lockdown over coronavirus

  1. China negligently allowed this virus to come from their wet markets and covered it up. Insisted on no travel bans and are now trying to shift narratives. Shame indeed

  2. Korean Daddies 😍

  3. Znowu zwiększyli duszenie mnie gdyż piszę prawdę .Zwolnili mnie z pracy i grożą wyrzuceniem z mieszkania .Nic innego poza terroryzmem nie potrafią ( trudno mnie pisać gdyż mnie torturują ) Potrzebna mnie jest ICH pomoc ,zanim ci szaleńcy zrobią wszystkim krzywdę .

  4. United States quarantine will be exaggerated watch😂

  5. But this is all media drivin. It's not that bad 🤔😒

  6. My uncle actually died because of boris Johnsons ignorance he passed away on the 11th of march 😥

  7. I’m fine with a confined gaming vacation

  8. We are all concerned about this new virus and I want to share some info. I have no interest in this product beyond its benefits
    Coronavirus and norovirus are similar, and according to info online, norovirus, colds and flu can be killed by Oregano oil. — It may be a deterrent to all viruses. — Check out the uses and benefits of Oregano Oil online, there is a lot that can be studied.

    Quote: Carvacrol, the primary active component in oregano oil, effectively kills norovirus, a common cause of food-borne illness in hospitals, schools, and cruise ships. The compound works by breaking down the tough outer coat of the virus, which is the leading cause of vomiting and diarrhea around the world.

    The oil of oregano is taken by mouth for intestinal parasites, allergies, sinus pain, arthritis, cold and flu, swine flu, earaches, and fatigue. (And one list included e-coli.)

    Place 1–3 drops of this dilution under the tongue, hold it there for a few minutes, then flush with water. — Swallowed: If you're taking the oregano oil orally, you can put a few drops of it into a cup (237 ml) of water, gargle and then swallow.

    — On my bottle of Oregano Oil, which comes with a dropper, it says ‘take five drops a day,’ which can be taken in a cup of water. It may not taste the best but it doesn’t linger. I have started to take it early in the morning in my usual cup of hot (boiled) water, before I take other medications.
    The Scripture says that “In the last days perilous times will come,” — There will be “Famines, earthquakes, pestilences,” — and ‘pestilences’ can mean ‘infectious diseases.’ — If we can use a home remedy to perhaps build up resistance, — as well as wash our hands frequently, so that they are clean when we touch our face, or food, we will be doing what we can to help ourselves, and hopefully others. Blessings

  9. Patients Can Be Treated With Oxygen Breathing Treatments and Hydration Before They Need A VENTILATOR….Send In The Military Doctors To Determine How To Triage & Contain The Spread!!!!!!…Set Up Military Treatment Centers….!!!..STOP Talking Start Doing!!!!!….

  10. He’s self quarantined but found a way to put on make-up. SMH…

  11. In Japan, people are start taking about the problem of active retired elderly are spreading Coronavirus in many cases. For us, and their sake, they should stay home not travel around because their immunity is far weaker than youngers.

  12. I have cousins in Italy and they said that there was 60 funerals yesterday in their village. It is really bad for Italians right now. Let’s pray for them and remember that people are having it a lot worse than you.

  13. I work in a hospital. You know what has changed for me? I now have to come in a specific entrance to the hospital. I had to change one little thing in my routine … but oh what a misery the media says it is. Mr and Ms Reporter, your mouths are a bigger problem than the virus.

  14. How do we know this footage isn't from Kentucky?😅😅😅😅😱

  15. 加油吧,伙计们,来自中国🇨🇳福建的祝福、

  16. Just once thank our lord jesus christ and God the highest for giving us the will and knowledge to take care of ourselves. We really need to give just 30 seconds or more each day to give the thanks. For everything hes blessed us with. Ask for his forgiveness and mercy. It won't kill you to try. He's always listening. 24/7 our entire lives. God bless us and please have mercy on us. Amen

  17. ABC won’t tell you the count is 48,650 people recovered so far from corona virus.

  18. My deepest appreciation for all the grocery store clerks restocking the toilet paper so American asshats can prepare for the shitstorm they're creating with their manic shopping.

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